Using Multiple EF Core DbContexts in a Single Application

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EF Core is the de facto ORM in the .NET community. To work with EF Core, you create a DbContext, representing your database. However, sometimes, you might need multiple EF Core DbContexts in a single application. In this video, I'll show you when you might need this and how to implement it.
Using Multiple EF Core DbContexts In a Single Application:
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0:00 Adding two EF Core DbContext classes
3:57 Registering the DbContexts with DI
4:52 When do you want to use multiple DbContexts?
6:31 Moving DbContexts into separate schemas and creating migrations
10:10 Fixing the EF migration history table schema
11:38 How to use multiple DbContexts in Minimal APIs
15:35 What you can and CAN'T do with multiple DbContexts
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