Dying with Dignity | House M.D..

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Wilson reveals that he's not going to have any further treatment for his cancer.

From "Holding On" (Season 8, Episode 21): A college student (Skylar Astin) is admitted with dizziness and nosebleeds but the team soon discovers that he hears his dead brother's voice, and they must try to decide which of his symptoms are psychological in nature. Meanwhile, House and Wilson deal with the fact that the cancer treatment failed; Wilson decides to stop further treatment and die with dignity, while House's pranks inadvertently violate his court probation, which leaves him inevitably facing incarceration well past Wilson's final months.

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In spite of how they treated each other, House and Wilson were true friends. Wilson was loving, but could never find anyone who could reciprocate that love. And House was someone who tried to convince everyone, especially himself, that he was better off alone, when he knew he wasn’t. These two were meant for each other. The greatest act of selflessness House ever did was sacrificing his whole life to spend five months with the only person he truly loved.


I love the few rare moments when House actually expresses how he really feels about something. The whole show, he hides behind a facade of witty, sarcastic humor. You can probably count on one hand the amount of times he snaps.

And every time he snaps, it’s a truly iconic moment in the show.


Robert Sean Leonard of the most underrated actors I’ve seen. His performances over all the episodes of house seemed to have gone unnoticed and without reward as I don’t think he got an award for best supporting actor in all the years the show aired. I personally think his portrayal of Wilson is definitely worthy of one.
Thank you you the show wouldn’t have been the same 👍


The acting while he's giving Taub the gears is top notch.


Always thought this episode had incredible acting, especially Robert Leonard's performance at 0:50 -- even years later, it stuck with me the way he says "You're making me go through this ALONE!?"


"You're making me go through this alone" stabs me right in my soul...


At long last we finally realize that House really was the strongest person in the entire hospital.

And why he hated patients so much. They either get to die and escape the pain, or they are cured and free from pain.


As someone who suffers from chronic pain, I relate to House' outburst there.


I know that house was absolutely wrong for not letting Wilson make this decision. But I understand why house did it, having lost my only father (my only parent) to pancreatic cancer before I was even out of school. The idea of living without him shattered me. When he told the doctors he didn’t want treatment any more, I broke down and couldn’t hold it together. I didn’t violate his DNR, but… seeing him take his last gasps of air, struggling to breathe… every instinct was fighting against not saving him the same way he saved me countless times growing up.


Hugh Laurie was incredible as House, can't imagine another actor playing the role as good


Episode was definitely the true test of House and Wilson's friendship


The ultimate quote from house, that describes the life in a few words: " Life is pain".


I love this scene, at first you see House as a selfish jerk throughout but this outburst put into perspective why he was acting that way.

He couldn't understand why his best friend would just give up due to the fear of pain when he has lived his life in pain but continues to fight.


Really hate how the people around House keeps bringing up pain like they understood it. In this scene, Wilson gave up because he didn’t want to be in anymore pain and this triggers House because he is always in pain but never gave up. It’s like Wilson can finally understand Houses pain but he never made the connection.


This end line, gets me every effing time. Such a well made show, everything is awesome.


I like to think in wilsons final moments he actually told wilson what he wanted to hear.


I’m gonna say it- Taub is an underrated character. Obviously, Laurie and Leonard are the scene stealers here but Taub’s acting and character was pretty great here too.


.... everyone who says differently is selling something.


This works on so many levels...
Somehow "life is pain" moment is both out of character and perfectly in character for him. This is propably the most direct House he was in show. Also, when you think about is sad how he was so fixated on Wilson dying, that he couldn't notice that he isn't his only friend. He pushed aside Taub and Forman simply because he couldn't move on.
Also it's hard to believe that they pulled this off -- almost all this lines could have been cheesy and not outside of high school drama, yet thanks to the brilliant acting they sound natural and believable.


House knows a diagnosis and the outcome when he sees it. He wanted Wilson to fight because he's his friend despite knowing the outcome.
