How Pro Players Are Abusing 'Fast 9' Strategy to Climb | TFT Guide

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Fast 9, 5 Cost Comp - SET 11 TFT Guide.
Fast 9, 5 Cost Comp is too broken! - SET 11 TFT Guide.

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Was recorded with a crack in my jaw so sorry for mumble.
Hwei will always hit the most units no matter where he stand, my bad! ***

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Played a couple of games, one with Hedge fund and Late game specialist, the other with Prizefighter. Both games I pivoted from Invokers towards fast 9 and I landed 1st place on both games. Just got to Emerald which is not that high, I know, but it might help you gauge where this comp might work.

Early game, if you find good mana and ap items you're good, especially if you find an Alune and Umbra units. Slam Morello, Nashor and Shojin, with the rest of the Azir/Hwei items going to Janna (Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet and Rabadon). Both will carry you up to level 7, more if you got a XP or econ augment, I reckon.

Put a bunch of Behemoths on the front, especially Yorick so that Alune can get the shield and execute. If you can reliably field 4 umbra then you get a meaty shield and a bigger threshold for the execute. Once you get to lvl 9 then start looking for your units, thank Janna and Alune for their service and get their items. Now this might be a bit tricky if you're low health, because you might hit Azir but not Hwei yet, slam what you can and consider fielding an Annie so that you can hold a bit more and get invokers. Once you get Hwei, thank Annie and put the items on Hwei.


First time I tried this, in a normal to be fair, I got Slammin' into Late Game Specialist into Radiant Refractor, I was able to get to level 9 extremely early and roll above 50 (played Storyweaver and Exalted for even more econ, basically until level 9), then got to slow roll above 50 and hit Udyr 3*.
Now I just need to get a bit better at this comp :D


Played it 7 games in a row now. Easy bot4 every game. Thanks for the comp my friend. 🙏


The lobby is full of either fast9 or bard no between


Only played a handful of games with this comp, but it's fun. I just play Shen Ghostly early. Shen 2 Senna 2 will kill units. I also have the comp in my team planner but don't hold any of them until at least lvl8 😅 if healthy, slow roll at lvl9 above 30 gold, preferably above 50 gold. If you're 1 from losing, all in. Also, slam items. I'm awful with items, but Ornn and Udyr will take about any tank item and go BiS Hwei and you'll be fine. Also, I'm on mobile and get dizzy easily, so if you have enough health (20+), you could sell your whole board and replace with your comp on 5-7 neutrals so you have time to transition and put items on. Plus, you'll have extra gold from selling, so you'll still get interest.


This comp does not work in em+ rn (or technically where higher elo players from last season are whilst the season is ramping up)
The problem is that starting from 3-2 everyone rolls down and if you don’t you’re going to be 60 hp by stage 4 and thats just not enough to get through stage 4 and potentially sack 5-1.
Also if you do roll down and try to hit some 2star 3costs and what not you’re most likely still not winstreaking because you’re basically on the same power level as everyone else.
Also the full legendary board is not even as strong without good a lot of items.
Tristanas yones and fated comps (ahri or varus(aphelios) or syndra) and also trickshots can beat the legendary boards quite easily until you get everything upgraded.
And btw the amount of times you DONT hit hwei is just insane and azir isn’t a good cary at 1star


As a new player, this is one of the best guides ive watched! Thanks


i tried it a few games, and I somehow always end up in a spot where I hit level 9 and the gap between losing or going top 4 is so small, I think if I figure out how to make the transition smoother it can work out great


Just hit plat with this build, thanks man! Great explanation


I feel like the explanation is really shallow. Like its easy to say just play strong board to preserve hp but also have really good econ, as if that's not something you should try to do every game by default regardless of the comp you play. The only takeaway is just spend your gold on levelling vs rerolling and hope you live to 9 idk


I died a little inside when you passed up the fine vintage opportunity lol but this was a great video! learned a ton of stuff


Subscribed cuz i play TFT, i like the video and you also got Kakashi as a profil picture🤣


Nice video guide, first time i play after watching this and trying the build and i win the game lol


I hate this. Reroll is literally unplayable now when the pool is basically completely untouched, you'll hit your stuff super late then get immediately outscaled in 2 rounds when they hit 2 star 5 costs.


For this state of TFT, honestly, I don`t know any usage to blue buff item. Even in best case scenario, when used on 30 mana champion, it reduces his mana to 20 and now he`s able to cast a spell each 2 hits, but with Shojin, he`s able to cast in 2 hits aswell, so what is the purpose of blue buff, if Shojin is equal to it even in best scenario?


One question, how to stable the board without rolling before going 9, hard to do this consistently with natural rolls


Ok, I am on board. Greetings from Germany


Awesome guide, thanks. Also god this meta sucks.


For me it's not working tried a lot to reach lv 9 and not die before drake and get the characters but then i don't have enough time for the transition and also hard to measure if it can be stronger.
I think it is still better to get some 3 star character with this economy management and you will win more and faster.


I dropped 300 LP playing fortune trying to fast 9. Just don’t do it if you want your sanity 🤩🤩🤩
