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Why have so many who have received promises from the Lord had to wait and suffer for months and even years before they see their promises from the Lord manifest? During the times of waiting the Lord works on changing us to become more like Him. Removing pride, unforgiveness and being delivered from our fleshly sin and strengthening our integrity, endurance and steadfastness to not waiver and walking in the fruit of the spirit which ultimately prepares us to walk in our full calling and destiny in Him. Many are waiting on financial situations changing, healing manifesting in your body, relationships changing, and suffering and attacks being removed.
Abraham had to wait 25 years after God told him that He would make a great nation come from him and that his descendants would be like the stars (Genesis 15). Sadly Sarah his wife got tired of waiting to get pregnant from Abraham so told him to get her maidservant Hagar pregnant, which he did and had Ishmael but then she was jealous and hated Hagar and Ishmael. Eventually 13 years later Sarah finally got pregnant by Abraham when he was 100 and she was 90. The Bible says that God considered Abraham a friend. Why? Because he had to wait 25 years until his promise from God was fulfilled. He was even asked by the Lord to offer his promised son Isaac as a sacrifice to God which he obeyed and at the last second God stopped him and provided a ram.
Joseph had to wait in jail for over three years for wrongfully being accused of trying to have sex with Potiphar’s wife. The Lord tested Joseph by causing him to wait to see if he could still have faith to see his promises of his dreams of having his brothers bow to him fulfilled as his circumstances were the total opposite of what his dreams were and had his faith stretched to ultimately strengthen him to become number two in command in all of Egypt and see his brothers bow to him and actually forgive them for selling him into slavery and saving their lives during a 7 year drought.
Moses was considered the meekest man on earth. How did this happen? By having to escape from his luxurious life with the Pharaoh in Egypt and go into the wilderness for 40 years. Sometimes it takes years for us to be humbled from our pride and arrogance, to forgive everyone who hurt us, to repent and turn from sin and to change. Moses was raised in the wealthiest family in Egypt so it takes time to get delivered from all our pride and love of money to walk in humility and trust in God and listen to His voice to direct us in obedience. God cannot trust people who walk in pride to walk in a strong and effective ministry for Him.
David was promised to become King of Israel but had to wait about 15 years running for his life from King Saul who was jealous and wanted to kill him.
Long suffering without complaining is one of the fruits of the spirit that few walk in. Waiting, patience and long suffering changes you to walk in the same fruit that Jesus walked in and prepares you for some of the strongest most anointed ministry to help others. Sadly many change or even forfeit God’s promises and favor for not waiting and altering their destiny by taking things in their own hands.
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up as wings as eagles; they will run, and not be weary; and they will walk, and not faint".
James 1:2-4 NKJV
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
Waiting causes us to depend and trust in the Lord because many times we cannot change our circumstances. If you could get yourself out of the trial or negative circumstances you are in then what would you need God for? Wait patiently and allow the process to change you to becoming more like Christ.
You can order my book Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons or request a personal session by clicking on my LinkTree on my profile or below
Register for the September Online School of Deliverance by September 9 by clicking:
Why have so many who have received promises from the Lord had to wait and suffer for months and even years before they see their promises from the Lord manifest? During the times of waiting the Lord works on changing us to become more like Him. Removing pride, unforgiveness and being delivered from our fleshly sin and strengthening our integrity, endurance and steadfastness to not waiver and walking in the fruit of the spirit which ultimately prepares us to walk in our full calling and destiny in Him. Many are waiting on financial situations changing, healing manifesting in your body, relationships changing, and suffering and attacks being removed.
Abraham had to wait 25 years after God told him that He would make a great nation come from him and that his descendants would be like the stars (Genesis 15). Sadly Sarah his wife got tired of waiting to get pregnant from Abraham so told him to get her maidservant Hagar pregnant, which he did and had Ishmael but then she was jealous and hated Hagar and Ishmael. Eventually 13 years later Sarah finally got pregnant by Abraham when he was 100 and she was 90. The Bible says that God considered Abraham a friend. Why? Because he had to wait 25 years until his promise from God was fulfilled. He was even asked by the Lord to offer his promised son Isaac as a sacrifice to God which he obeyed and at the last second God stopped him and provided a ram.
Joseph had to wait in jail for over three years for wrongfully being accused of trying to have sex with Potiphar’s wife. The Lord tested Joseph by causing him to wait to see if he could still have faith to see his promises of his dreams of having his brothers bow to him fulfilled as his circumstances were the total opposite of what his dreams were and had his faith stretched to ultimately strengthen him to become number two in command in all of Egypt and see his brothers bow to him and actually forgive them for selling him into slavery and saving their lives during a 7 year drought.
Moses was considered the meekest man on earth. How did this happen? By having to escape from his luxurious life with the Pharaoh in Egypt and go into the wilderness for 40 years. Sometimes it takes years for us to be humbled from our pride and arrogance, to forgive everyone who hurt us, to repent and turn from sin and to change. Moses was raised in the wealthiest family in Egypt so it takes time to get delivered from all our pride and love of money to walk in humility and trust in God and listen to His voice to direct us in obedience. God cannot trust people who walk in pride to walk in a strong and effective ministry for Him.
David was promised to become King of Israel but had to wait about 15 years running for his life from King Saul who was jealous and wanted to kill him.
Long suffering without complaining is one of the fruits of the spirit that few walk in. Waiting, patience and long suffering changes you to walk in the same fruit that Jesus walked in and prepares you for some of the strongest most anointed ministry to help others. Sadly many change or even forfeit God’s promises and favor for not waiting and altering their destiny by taking things in their own hands.
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up as wings as eagles; they will run, and not be weary; and they will walk, and not faint".
James 1:2-4 NKJV
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
Waiting causes us to depend and trust in the Lord because many times we cannot change our circumstances. If you could get yourself out of the trial or negative circumstances you are in then what would you need God for? Wait patiently and allow the process to change you to becoming more like Christ.
You can order my book Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons or request a personal session by clicking on my LinkTree on my profile or below
Register for the September Online School of Deliverance by September 9 by clicking: