The Brutal French Conquest of Algeria

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We are in 1830. The Bourbon Dynasty has been restored and France is on the brink of yet another revolution. The King of France knows his people are angry but in no way quells his efforts to increase absolutism. Instead, he has a plan to distract them. This is the story of the French Conquest of Algeria. #ProjectAfrica

Hi there! This is Barris, a French – American that lived most of his life in France and is passionate about learning, exploring, hiking and cooking. It’s a vast and beautiful world out there so join me as we discover the historical, cultural and culinary heritage of France, Europe and the rest of the World.

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Thank you for watching everyone. Please make sure to check out the rest of the #ProjectAfrica playlist and to share it with friends and family because Africa's history is fascinating and seriously underrated. Also, my YouTube Historian friends put a lot of effort into these videos so they truly deserve it. Merde to all of you!

EDIT: While the use of the term "Barbary Pirates" is not necessarily accurate, since they were mostly corsairs, I still used that term because it's what they are most commonly known and mostly, it's how they were perceived by French people back then - foreign pirates that were enslaving Christians. The point of that segment wasn't so much to talk about the history of Barbary Corsairs but explain the justifications France used to invade Algeria.


I think a lot of folks forget how big Algeria is. It's 1/4 the size of the United States. Sure, it's mostly desert, but still.


I really like how European colonial think, there excuse for colonialism is to end the slave trade, by basically enslaving the whole nation. So much logic in that.


"The skin of one of my drums has more value than these 760 people." That's probably the most monsterous quote I've ever heard, absolutely disgusting.


I like the Europeans when they tell history according to what suits their mood. The main reason for France's attack on Algeria was Britain's destruction of the Algerian flotilla in the Battle of Navarre. Algeria remained without protection. The second thing is that Barbary piracy ended after Dey Hussein came to power, the same person who helped France financially. Barbary pirates were a reaction to 47 campaigns Crusade carried out by the Europeans against Algeria


Charles X: Everybody hates me because im super autocratic and catholic
Advisors: Well you could invade a country to get people patriotic...
Charles X: What a great idea! Way better than addressing my own failings!
*Charles gets overthrown* **surprised pikachu face**


now you know what the phrase “Smoke them out” means in real life. Whole tribe in Algeria was brutally massacred and very few people know or talk about it


New drinking game where you take a shot every time France is on the brink of revolution.


Gotta love the Algerians, they are very creative in naming their capital city


This could make a good Assassin's creed game tho. But we can't get it because Ubisoft is french xD


What is it with the French and their revolutions, can't you just have one and be happy?!


My family has a alot of military and historical background but I will talk about the independence:
My grandfather was freedome fighter, his job was to find strategic information about the French in Oran. In one of his missions he was shot in his neck but actually recovered and still fought for freedom.
At the time that Algeria took independence, my grandfather thought it was a trick from the French to find the freedom fighters and kill them, so he burned all his documents.
He sadly passed in 2014 away but will be remembered.
( I will re-edit this comment when I get more information)


The Algerians have suffered greatly to liberate their country. Children, women and men have been killed


I am sad for the Algerians because of French terrorism. I cannot imagine the feeling of fear there among Algerians and the killing of their relatives. This terrorist act is unforgivable.😢😣


my late grandfather was a famous revolutionist in our city during the occupation my grandma said he used to hide guns and utility for his companions when the french found him they took him prisoner and he got tortured and abused they called him a terrorist like his comrades his dream was the freedom of the country and the algerian people but he died before witnessing it .


The Berbers sent out a negotiating party asking why the French would attack them, they had only troubled the Genoese, a natural affair among neighbors. In answer they were told that they were unbelievers who had "crucified and put to death the son of God called Jesus Christ." The Berbers laughed saying it was the Jews not they who had done that. Negotiations broke off.


Merci, I lived in France for 15 years and met great people of Algerian descent, Kabyle, Arab and Pied noir. It is a pity that this savage story of French colonisation is not more widely known about in modern French society


I'd never known anything in regards to how Algeria came under French rule! Very interesting and the production quality is simplement fantastique. Merci Barris!


It would be good if you did part 2 for this video and explain the rest of the story. That would be nice.


Algerians put up heroic resisistance and endured much suffering to remove the brutal french colonialism.. yet even today the hypocrisy of french government and many french people in not admitting the evil things that france did there is quite amazing
