The Book Of Revelation Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes 2024

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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Only the Holy Spirit can protect us from the things to come. The Holy Spirit is the seal of God.


I am sorry for my sins. Please God forgive me for my sins that make this world so evil. I love you Jesus Christ, please take us home to be with you.


1978, I received a letter from a ministry explaining bar codes and a transaction card all pertaining to the number 666. I was 11 yrs old at the time and showed my mom, but she didn't pay attention to the letter even when I pulled out every package & canned food from our pantry showing her that some already had a bar code & explaining to her which ones had the number 666 on them! I am certain God trusted me with this knowledge decades ago that I would somehow be involved when the end times come. We're here. And though we are told not to fear, we should be prepared to stand in Jesus name and to keep our faith knowing God is always protecting us from the enemy and God wins and we will be rewarded for wearing His armor & spending eternity with Him in heaven ❤️ 🙏 ✨️🙌


The greatest test for Christianity is coming - the wheat will be separated from the chaff - remain in faith in Jesus Christ come what may 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Now is the time to awake from spiritual sleep and watch for Jesus'return.


Why is everyone so scared, don't you have a relationship with Jesus!


I did not think I would live long enough to see the world changed so drastically or see the end of this age. God we know you were in control and we have faith to believe that you are taking care of everything. Help us to hold on stay true and to love you with our whole heart.


The signs are everywhere brothers and sisters ⚠️


Please call on my Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him and that He was crucified for all sins and believe that He arose on the 3rd day. Believe in Him and call upon His name and ask for Him to save your soul and go to Heaven and not hell.


Thank you King Jesus for loving humanity enough to offer yourself as a sacrifice to cover our sins!!!! You are my everything!!!!


Many choose not to believe and live the way they want without accountability! We have to be aware and pay attention ! I trust God will provide and get us through what is ahead of us. We walk by Faith not by sight!


Omnipotent God, you owe and rule the world. Let your will be done. Amen.


We should also remember that the devil, the antichrist and all their followers are already FINISHED

We should ALL remember and read God's Book of Revelation, Chapter 20 Verses 9, 10 and 14

There is NOTHING they can do to change it or stop it, NOTHING, and they know it too

Jesus has told us to take courage and not to fear because these things must come to pass

Jesus has also told us that he has already conquered the Earth and he has already conquered death too


May God Bless all of his children and Keep us all from harm against the evil within this world. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen 🙏 This is true and I very much believe this and see this as such before my eyes 🙏


❤✝️Signs Are Happening right before our eyes Wake Up And Pay Attention ❤✝️ Jesus Christ Will Return ❤✝️The Rapture Will Happen ❤Don’t Say you will Get Right with God later Do It Now ❤Confess ❤Repent ❤Jesus is Lord ❤Amen ❤Remember God Records Every Thing ❤


Seek the kingdom of god now anyone reading this have a blessed day 🙏


The great and Terrible day of the Lord Terrible for unbelievers Glory and Joy unspeakable for those who are sealed with The Holy spirit of promise


If we study and understand the 5 visions experienced by Daniel about the “time at the end”, we can identify, not by name, but by a sequence of events, when the antichrist rises to power, in what nation he rises to power and what he does while rising to power and afterwards. Daniel did not use the term antichrist. Instead, in Daniel’s visions he is called the “vile person”, the “little horn” and the final “king of the north”.

God foresaw that the religious leaders and Bible scholars of this day would not understand what would be actually unfolding during the “time at the end”. As such, it is stated in Daniel that “men of understand who would teach many” would be present during this time.

Why would God foresee the need for “men of understanding” to be present and to teach many IF the mainstream religious conclusions were correct? But these religious leaders are in good company as they are like such religious leaders and Bible scholars of Jesus’ day. They got it wrong too, however unintentional.

Mainstream religious conclusions ignore the details about the sequence of the 6 great wars between the successive kings of the north and the kings of the south that are plainly outlined in Daniel’s final vision. Even further, Daniel is told in this final vision that the vile person rises to power following a leader known “as a raiser of taxes” who loses power prematurely (“after a few days”), “but not in battle nor anger”. Therefore, it is by strategy and intrigue that he loses power.

The 3rd war of the 6 wars outlined in sequence in Daniel’s final vision is occurring now. It is during this third war that the vile person rises to power.

Once in power, among many things he will do as outlined in the visions, the vile person will negotiate a 7-year peace treaty to end this 3rd war with its two fronts. It is stated that "the two leaders negotiate deceitfully at these negotiations". At the 3.5 years into this treaty, the vile person violates this treaty.

Daniel is also told that during this time period that “truth will be thrown to the ground”. Have we seem greater deception than what we are witnessing now on the political stage?

May God open your eyes so that you will not be a part of “the wicked who are incapable of understanding the truth” during this time as Daniel is told in his final vision.

For some basic context, these two facts must be remembered throughout:

1. Christians are grafted into the faith and are “His people” too. People do forget this.

2. The USA was initially settled primarily by the European nations whose ancestors were once a part of the old Roman Empire. When first settled, the colonies were an extension of these countries. The colonies were a part of these nations. They were not independent.

Therefore, the colonies were a part of the remnants and ancestors of the Old Roman Empire.

The independence of these colonies and their subsequent formation of a new nation occurred later, of course. Our independence came later in order to form “a more perfect union’. We even use Roman terms like “The Senate” in a significant part of our government. Look at some of the most significant Washington DC architecture in buildings like the Lincoln Memorial and others. These “temples” were lastly significant in the old Roman Empire and its politics, but are present today and kept in good form. Washington DC is full of symbolism.

Now, let’s also look at the one-world government concept so many believe will happen. Let me tell you why it won’t happen based on Daniel’s visions AND what will actually be present at the “time at the end”:

1. How can there be a one-world government if there is another great power on earth, led by successive kings of the south, who can challenge the successive kings of the north (the final of which is the vile person and little horn)?

2. The successive kings of the south lead a federation of other countries against the kings of the north. How can there be in a one-world government if a federation of nations oppose the successive kings of the north?

3. This federation eventually “fall away” from the king of the south.

4. Further, if there were a one-world government, why would the final king of the north (aka the little horn and the vile person) need to negotiate a peace treaty with the king of the south? It wouldn’t be necessary.

5. In Matthew 24 Jesus never said there would be a one-world government. He said the opposite: “…For nation shall arise against nations and kingdom against kingdom”.

What nation does the king of the north lead:

6. The US is by far the most powerful nation on the planet where the king of the north “does whatever he pleases militarily”. It is the only superpower on the planet today. While China is rising, it is no match to the US today. Again, found in the visions, the nation of the final king of the north is the dominant nation with vast military superiority present at the “time at the end”. China is a player in the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation when the vile person hears “tidings from the East” and the vile person engages it. But that is all that is said about the “East”.

7. There is no superpower nation in the Middle East or Western Europe, but there is Russia which is backing opponents of Israel.

8. The final king of the north gains control of the monetary system in his nation and somewhat beyond.

9. Just a note that the final king of the north wins future wars by “casting devices” on whole armies of the king of the south rendering them useless. I add this to emphasize the superior lead in technology that the US has.

The USA is the 4th beast, this final great kingdom – the feet and toes of iron and clay which is led by successive kings of the north. There has never been a nation on earth like the US until the US became a nation. A totally radical and unique new type of government – a new nation “diverse from all others”. It established a New World Order as proclaimed on the dollar bill. The US is by far the most powerful nation on the planet where the king of the north “does whatever he pleases militarily”. Again, found in the visions.

The Founding Fathers of the USA even call the nation a New World Order as proclaimed on the current dollar bill. This is stated on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase novus ordo seclorum, appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to "New Order of the Ages".

I would say that is pretty much the same thing as New World Order.

I also find it interesting that this is Wik’s statement on the topic:

“The New World Order (NWO) is a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.[3][4][5][6][7] The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually achieve world domination and rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress.

So, the powers that be (the ten horns of the final Beast) either want to mislead us OR they don’t know themselves as they are also being deceived. We will know very shortly.

It is also clearly stated in Daniel that the ten horns (king or what we call super-elites who have gained the financial/political control of the king of the north’s nation) arise WITHIN the nation of the fourth Beast. Not once it is stated in Daniel that these are kings of separate nations coming together. The only confederation of nations stated in Daniel is led by the king of the south and not the king of the north.

Further, it is made abundantly clear in the interpretation of the visions stated in Daniel that the feet of iron and clay are representative of a “divided nation, as iron does not mix with clay” and the ten toes of iron and clay that represent a nation that is “partly strong and partly broken”. The USA is a very divided nation, but it possesses the strongest military on the planet.

There are currently two wars occurring now – but it is actually one larger war. The same two leaders – the present king of the north and the king of the south are behind both parties, just different locations –. Daniel does state that a king of the south far outlasts the kings of the north. Putin has been in power since Yeltsin left with various titles holding the highest offices in the political ranks.

In his rise to power the vile person speaks “peace” and “flatteries” The little horn also “pulls up by their roots” 3 of the 10 super-elites. We are about to witness this as this is likely in play now. I believe we care meant to see this. Otherwise, why would Daniel be told about this?

In conclusion, we are currently witnessing the rise to power of the vile person (aka the final king of the north and the little horn). Once in office, he will soon begin to address the war(s) with a peace treaty. Per Revelations, the signing of this peace treaty starts the last 7 years on earth as we know it.


The book of Revelation is my favorite book of the Bible?! 😇❤️‍🔥


Those of us that are preparing for Jesus return are going Home sooner than we think or imagine
