AI & Equation of Life

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Center for Indic Studies seminar
AI, Equation of Life and Who Am I?

Abstract: Technology has made it possible to have any information available to us on our fingertips. Siri, Alexa and Ok Google can help provide quick answers to questions that we may have. However, from time to time all of us ponder about some basic questions that have not been answered for ages. In this presentation we explore one such fundamental question - who am I? This is an extension of my short talk given to high school students with an aim to motivate them and do better in their class. A fundamental understanding of the equation of life is critical for everyone to achieve success in their individual pursuit and at the same time find joy in the meaning of life.

Bio: Dr. Rai is Professor of Business Analytics in the Charlton College of Business at UMass Dartmouth. He received Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Wayne State University, Detroit. His two master's degrees include specializations in quality, reliability, and OR from Indian Statistical Institute, India. His current research interests include machine learning & deep learning applications. His YouTube channel is watched in over 225 countries.
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Dear Sir,
Please upload videos related to R Programming and SQL. 🙏🙏🙏


Very nice discussion Dr Rai. Its interesting to hear but would you not think that before we answer question this complex, we have simpler questions still unanswered. Such as what is reality ? is it deterministic, probabilistic or stochastic in nature ? does my reality differ from your reality as in the observer effect ? does my reality change your reality as in entanglement.

Its all 'Maya' yet 🙂. Prabhu ki Maya Prabhu hi Jane.
