How To Carry Like A Smurf Evelynn Jungle In 21 Minutes

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How to play and carry as Evelynn Jungle on euw soloq. Gameplay guide in master elo on patch 14.13.

Hey guys it's me Embrace Agony EUW Grandmaster OTP Evelynn.
Started playing league of legends around the middle of season 3. Years later in season 8 inspired by someone I got into Evelynn and decided to master her. Here you will see mainly league of legends jungle gameplay, highlights and montages.

#leagueoflegends #evelynn #embraceagony
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As always you are amazing, coming from top 3 eve on wild rift, however the spotligh goes to that wild purple 🎉❤❤❤❤


good video, I feel like it was more chaotic than master, it's like a roller coaster, I learned that I have to sell my team to not die hahaha

I thank you very much for responding to my request, prioritize invading before objectives, load the mejai I see that it is extremely important, it would be impossible to carry


By the way can you try phase rush evelynn. Its actually broken with meji and lich bane ( plus more survivability ) :)


Heyy i wanted to ask you, do you Think Evelynn mid is viable? I rlly love her but im so bad at jungle, i was wondering if she can go mid


what do you think about dark harvest on eve?


Hey buddy! Can I apply this playstyle to wild rift evelynn too or is it a different strat over there? Coven is my absolute favourite Eve skin too so thank you for all the sick footage with it, appreciate what you do!


I noticed you almost always build mejais, but sometimes you only get dark seal, and rarely, you seem to sell your dark seal. In what situations are you not upgrading to mejais or selling dark seal? I'm assuming it's if you die early and get behind you don't upgrade, and if your dark seal has little to no stacks you sell it if you need the gold for an item?


Could you please do a macro video? I want to fully understand your playstyle, what you do pre 6 (if you do plays or do them only if 100% free or not until 6, when to invade, objs, pathing, when to ignore cs, etc) i would really love to fully understand the playstyle of your amazing evelynn skills... and i feel videos are not enough, like if i lack something, like when to full clear on late, what to do when allies group and die mid... that sorta things


Hi bro how are you im hard stack in bronz and im main evelynn what i can do to go out fram bronz and go back to gold😢😢


3:40 how do the minions saw you? Grate game as always tho


Hi, I had stopped following the channel frequently due to work and I wasn't taking the time but I'm off work now and I'll try to watch it
