Creating A Powerful Finance Tracker with Formula 2.0 (Full Step by Step Tutorial)

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Finance Tracker 2.0 Full step by step tutorial

🕒 Timestamps:
0:00 - Introduction
0:15 - Overview
0:51 - Create Database
22:12 - Add relations between Database
39:01 - Configure dashboard page
1:07:54 - Testing and Troubleshooting
1:12:08 - Sneak Peek into Advanced Features

Transform your financial tracking with our comprehensive Finance Tracker template in Notion! Dive into the tutorial to learn how to create and customize your tracker, manage expenses, set up seamless transfers, and configure an insightful dashboard. Download the template now and take control of your finances effortlessly.

#FinanceTracker #NotionTemplate #FinancialManagement #Budgeting #NotionTutorial #MoneyManagement #WealthOS #PersonalFinance
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Hi Rosidssoy... This is tremendous and very useful. I wanted to share that under the Database/Subscriptions Monthly Cost Formula, you made an error with the "Quarterly" math; it should be /3 not /4 (i.e., 3 months in a quarter). Here's the formula I used (and added Daily and Semi Yearly): if(prop("Status") == "Inactive", 0, if(prop("Billing") == "Yearly", prop("Amount")/12, if(prop("Billing") == "Semi Yearly", prop("Amount")/6, if(prop("Billing") == "Quarterly", prop("Amount")/3, if(prop("Billing") ==


Yet another fantastic template; I will not stop repeating that you are creating such wonderful templates for free. This is unfair that you don't have tons of subscribers by now. Thank you so much for this one; thanks to your tutorials, I started understanding Notion much better. You're my favorite YouTuber on Notion - keep it up! :)


currently sitting at 23:36, and i just had to stop and say you are a LEGEND for making this video, this was exactly what i was looking for in a finance tracker. sure i had to pause and rewind many times going through the video, but even then you still took the time to add in a short pause to make my life just a little easier. you sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar. the attention to detail in this video is spectacular. keep it up! SUBBED


Here is the long formula: if(prop("Expense this Month") /prop("Monthly Budget")<=1, style("Used " + format(round((prop("Expense this Month") /prop("Monthly Budget"))*10000)/100), "b", "i") + "%, "+ style(" On budget", "b", "i", "green"), if(prop("Expense this Month") /prop("Monthly Budget")>1, "Used " + format(round((prop("Expense this Month") /prop("Monthly Budget"))*10000)/100) + "%, "+ style(" Overbudget ⚠", "b", "i", "red"), style("Not Budgeted", "b", "i")))


Hey Man!! Thanks for the video, I was very lost for half of the time 😅, but as the video went on I started kind of getting it, I haven’t finished yet, but I’m loving the results 🤩🤩🤩. And if any of you have trouble with the formula for the target status mention on minute 31:09, well then, here is a slightly changed of that formula that also bolds and colors the percentages: if(prop("Income this Month")/prop("Monthly Target")<1, this Month")/prop("Monthly Target")*10000/100) + "% Below Target"), "b", "red"), if(prop("Income this Month")/prop("Monthly Target")>=1, this Month")/prop("Monthly Target")*10000/100) + "% On Target"), "b", "green"), style("Not Targetted", "b")))


Great tutorial, especially for beginners to learn concepts and databases. I would also like to point out an issue that is luckily easy to fix. Let say for example at this timestamp 31:25 you have formula for "Mo. Target Status" where you divide "Income This Month" / "Monthly Target"... In Monthly target you have Bonus that is equal to 0, and some really basic math says that dividing by zero is impossible, therefore, the formula won't work as expected...

What should be done is correcting formula with another "if" as error handling, to check if Monthly Target is equal to 0. If it is, check if Income this month is larger than 0 or not, and print the right text for both cases, and if Monthly Target is not equal to 0, only then, apply the formula you already provided.

This is some basic error handling, hope it helps...
(EDIT: Provided formulas in reply to this comment)


this was great. sometimes it was a bit too quick but I just paused the video. I'll use it and see if it suits me, but it's already a huge improvement ot what it was before


Hello guys

For the formula on 29:12
Its better if you follow the formula on the notion page and not the one that is provided on the screen.

That worked for me


How would you manage accounts and expenses in different currencies? Thanks for the amazing video and template!


Very detailed and informative tutorial. Thank you very much for your contribution here. I have so much fun doing along your video.


It would be very generous of you if you could paste all the formulas to this youtube description 😅


Excellent, I must say... Just a suggestion that there should be a mechanism to manage Receivable and Payable as Well


Great video. How can i change currency?


For those who having problem with bills and subscription. first just change the source to bills and subscription. and watch the video to change some property and layout in it. just a simple step


I'm at 18:37 and have been loving it so far. I am new so formulas are foreign to me. I copied the formula but nothing. I'll have to check and see if you have a formula tutorial. Thanks for the awesome video. It's explained so much so far.


Wow! I'm so glad that I find this video. That 's amazing and very helpful. Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for the video and for the template! I tried doing it from scratch to see if I can learn something and it was extremely easy to follow.
I have a question tho, if I wanted to have a section that shows a summary of each month and year, how would I achieve that?


Hi thank you for that amazing template, I have only one question. How can I make te expense return every month so I don't have to write it every month again.


Thank you for teaching us in such detail! Now, would it be possible to see the total spent in each month? Not just the total, but by category too. For example, in January, X amount was spent on doctors, in February Y amount, etc. Thank you in advance.
