Introductory Stata 9: Extended generate (egen)

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In this video, we will look at the "extended generate" command in Stata. The "egen" command is a more powerful version of the generate command, making some complicated jobs easier to accomplish.

*9. Extensions to generate *

cd "/Users/bobwen/Documents/2022 Youtube Teaching/Introductory Stata/9. Extensions to generate/"

capture log close

help egen


*Generate standard deviation of birth weights
egen bw_sd=sd(bwghtlbs)
summarize bwghtlbs bw_sd

*Compute the rowmean and rowmax for parents' education
egen pareduc=rowmean(fatheduc motheduc)
browse fatheduc motheduc pareduc

egen pareduc2=rowmax(fatheduc motheduc)
browse fatheduc motheduc pareduc2

*Cut birth weights into 10 equal deciles
egen bw_decile=cut(bwghtlbs), group(10)
tabulate bw_decile

log close

#egen #Stata
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What about the xtile function? Do you does not like it?
