manifest anyone you desire ★ crush, sp, ex, and more! (1X LISTEN MAX)

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๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑ benefits ๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑
๑ these are just a summary of the what the affirmations include
๑ the actual affirmations are way more detailed
๑ yes, this is unisex
♡ effortlessly manifest anyone and everyone you desire
♡ anyone you love and like immediately loves you and likes you back
♡ anyone you desire and wants automatically desires you and wants you back
♡ you have successfully manifested anyone you desire
♡ you're an absolute love magnet
♡ you can have anything you want in your love life
♡ you have your desired love life with your desired love story
♡ manifesting love related things is extremely easy for you
♡ manifesting love related things is second nature to you
♡ you have manifested all your desired people
♡ have your desired relationship and connected with your desired person
♡ you have always been lucky in love
♡ nothing you do, think or say can change the fact your desired person is already yours
♡ your desired person and you are meant to be together
♡ you are worthy of your desired person's love and affection
♡ you're worthy of all love and affection there is in this world
♡ everyday your dp is more and more attracted to you
♡ the love between you and your dp grows stronger every second
♡ you and your dp become more passionate towards each other every second
♡ connection between you and dp is deepening constantly
♡ dp falls more and more in love with you every moment
♡ you're confident in your ability to manifest your dp
♡ you're extremely skilled in manifesting your desired relationships
♡ your charm and energy draws in everyone you desire
♡ love flows to you abundantly and deeply
♡ radiate love from within and realize love is your very essence
♡ open your heart and be ready to receive love
♡ release any past relationship hurts
♡ trust love and all its processes
♡ manifest loving, genuine, deep connections and relationships
♡ experience the bliss and happiness of true love
♡ always make choices that align with your manifestations
♡ always pull everyone you desire
♡ communicate your needs and boundaries clearly
♡ you're whole and complete on your own
♡ bring your best version of self to relationships
♡ your dp loves you and fulfills your desires
♡ immune to doubts and fears about manifesting love
♡ you're loved, wanted, cherished, desired and chosen
♡ you're valued, chased after, appreciated and pursued
♡ appear in your dp's dreams and leave a lasting impression of love
♡ be constantly on your dp's mind
♡ the most attractive in your dp's eyes
♡ your dp constantly reaches out to you
♡ your relationship w dp is passionate and fulfilling
♡ deeply love and value yourself
♡ your dp is perfect for you
♡ receive the most loving heartfelt texts from your sp
♡ you're magnetic and irresistible to your sp
♡ manifest only the best from everything and everyone
♡ you were born to love and be loved
♡ your sp reflects your deep love for them back to you
♡ the two of you are pulled together like magnets
♡ a strong cord of physical, spiritual and emotional attraction ties together you and sp
♡ you and your sp feel understood, supported and loved by each other
♡ your relationship with your sp is exactly how you desire
♡ you're in the state of wish fulfillment effortlessly


I post results and tips, as well as channel updates. Send me your results there.

There are no guarantees or promises, implied or explicit this will work for you. This does not subtitute any type of professional health care and I am not reliable for any decisions made because of this or any other subliminal in my channel.
Subliminals are a belief and all I ask is for it to be respected. This is not meant to be misleading, just something I deeply believe to work, just like anyone who has any type of spiritual belief and believes that is the true. I recommend you to do your research and study subliminals and law of attraction. Side effects are possible, use at your own discretion.

love subliminal
attract love subliminal
attract a relationship subliminal
attract specific person subliminal
attract sp subliminal
attract ex subliminal
attract crush subliminal
attract desired person subliminal
attract dp subliminal
attract a boyfriend subliminal
attract a girlfriend subliminal
attract a partner subliminal
attract soulmate
manifest love
manifest relationship
manifest specific person subliminal
manifest sp subliminal
manifest ex subliminal
manifest crush subliminal
manifest desired person subliminal
manifest dp subliminal
manifest a boyfriend subliminal
manifest a girlfriend
manifest a partner
manifest soulmate subliminal
listen once subliminal
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IT WORKED. i listened 1 times. He blocked me from everywhere and the next day he unblocked and sent me a text apologizing. Now he's even more sweeter than before.


Worked! Overnight. Haven't seen my crush in 5 months and ran into him on a random walk haha. It was awesome


It works. I listened three times before bed and everything was perfect. But be careful don't be too dependent on it because remember he should treat you well whether you listen or not.


First, I have to tell you that I have been trying to manifest a man for years. And it's all somehow impossible. Ever since I've been listening to your subliminals, a great girl from you tube recommended you, I've been blown away by the results. I have to say this to everyone, I listened to subliminals for money and the next day I found money on the street. I listened to the subliminal miracle glow up and I have unprecedented results from the lips to the entire skin condition. I am begging you and I am begging you to recommend me some of your subliminals for this love of mine that I cannot realize properly, and it is there on both sides, but it cannot break through into 3D properly. Tell me which one to listen to, the most wonderful person in the world. I love you 😘❤😘


as soon as the video reached 1:11 he texted me ong😭💌


This is so powerful... gonna have to be careful not to overuse it because it works like magic.


Holyyyy I'm now listening some of desired person sub, , , and now I'm listening this. It hasn’t finished yet. My desired person texted me!!! Ohhhh myyyy I'm really really And happy. My heart beats sooo fast....💞💞💞💞💞


BRO LET ME TELL U WHAT HAPPENED. i usually sit w her at lunch but today and yesterday i promised i would sit w my other friends and when i looked over at her she looked so sad and confused, i almost folded 😞😞 AND THEN today she wanted to kill some time after school before her practice started so we walked around together for like 30 minutes and usually when im with her its a little awkward but she actually seemed really comfortable, we were joking and lauging and starting fake arguments the entire time it was super cool 😍😍 thank you so much cee 🙏🙏
UPDATE: today i sat w her at lunch it was pretty cool, there was alot of laughter. we were walking around again today and she offered to buy me food from Walmart but i got nervous and said no so then she offered some of hers but i said no again bc im really stupid. then on the wau back i started complaining abt how shes always so “mean” to me bc this girl is probably the NICEST person youll ever meet. shes even nice to ppl she doesnt like or know very well and i never see her being mean to any of her other friends so i asked why she was being like that towards me and she couldnt give me an answer?? not sure if thats a good sign or im jusy being delusional. and also SHE CAME TO MY SOCCER GAME AND WE WON 4-0 !!! idk what u put in this sub but keep doing what youre doing bro 😍😍 thank you 🙏🙏


A genuine gratitude. So i started listening to this in late November last year and continued throughout December. Got to meet someone whom i was trying to manifest at the time with zero hopes because there was no way that it could happen. Still, it did. In an unbelievable way, I can't even begin to say how my life has changed so so drastically since i started listening to your subliminals. Got everything i wanted and now I'm on way to Japan for work which starts in July. Thank you for everything you're doing for us.❤


I started listening to this about a month ago to manifest getting back in contact with a guy I hadnt spoken to in months.
I listened once a night while writing down affirmations about us being together and would sleep with it under my pillow with a rose quartz Crystal.
I stopped after a couple weeks though.
Fast forward to yesterday night, I casually posted a picture of a forest I was walking through on my story and to my complete shock… he replied!!!
It was only a short message saying it was pretty but I think it’s a good start, we hadn’t texted at all for almost 20 weeks, thank you cee :)
UPDATE: He messaged again today and we had a full conversation!!!


Hi! I just wanted to say that you are my top subliminal maker ❤ your mindset subliminals helped me A LOT - noe i am able to manifest everything effortesly, i see movements in 3D almost everyday! I love how i am becoming better person every day 💋

we stan stan cee


this honestly worked so well, always end up seeing him unexpectedly


It worked within 2 hours ❤great subliminal


commenting bc this sub works so well 😭😭 every time i have listened to it i have ALWAYS seen the person i had in mind the very next DAY. like it’s actually incredible, thank u sm <33 you’re helping my slowburn move a little faster 😫🤞🏻


Listened to it last night without anyone in my mind and in morning I had texts from both of my exes💀💀💀💀


You are the most perfect and trustworthy subliminal maker. I tried many desired face subliminals from different subliminal channels since 1 year. But I never got visible results. I used your desired face subliminal & ultimate crush subliminal since past 3 weeks. I already have visible results. TYSM❤❤❤
I saw some comments some people say miss synergy is bad subliminal maker & they got nightmare after listening your subliminal and many bad comments in another subliminal channel. I can't imagine why they spread bad imagine about you. Your content are best always. ( sorry If I have grammar mistakes)


Listend to it like twice or something and then stopped cause i was like fuck him idc and now he just called me ( he has never called me first and there were absolute no chance of him calling or texting me but he did and asked me to meet him)


I have been using subliminals for over 5 years now, and it really changed my life. But one thing i seem to not manifest is my other half. I go to extreme details on what they would look like, sound like, be like, and overall just how fun it is to be with them. I used a lot of other subs from all my trusted sub makers but none of it actually help me attract the person i want. But I won't give up, I'll give this sub a try and I'll update when there's movement in my reality.


I really needed this badly!
Actually my bestfrnd n I broke up so we don't talk anymore, , and I don't have any group to be with! I feel so alone sometimes literally, so I'm manifesting a person in my life who could be with me all the time ❤
Thankyou for uploading this! ❤


He will give me a second chance, but before I even start talking to him I need to love myself.
