14 Ways You Are Hurting Your Hamster Without Realizing

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If you are a hamster owner, you surely want your pet to be happy, healthy, and live a long fulfilling life. But sometimes we do things that can potentially harm our hammies.
In this video, we will talk about 14 common mistakes that hamster owners unknowingly make when they are caring for their little friends.

The wrong diet
Hamsters are omnivores, meaning they eat both animal-based and plant-based foods. Hamsters are not herbivores so if they're just fed an herbivore diet they will slowly die from malnutrition.
Adult hamsters’ diet should consist of a minimum of 16% protein, 4% to 7% fat, and 6% to 15% fiber.
Dangerous Products
Many hamster owners just buy any product that has a photo of hamster on it, however, most of the products that are marketed towards hamsters, are actually not good for them.
Things such as wired and mesh wheels can cause injuries to limbs and the pressure they put on your hamster’s paw pads may cause bumble foot.
Small wheels can also lead to health issues. Your hamster will end up arching their back while running which will result in massive spine problems. For larger hamsters such as Syrians, wheels should be between 8-12 inches. Hamster balls could also cause injuries in part due to lack of ventilation.
Another common product that is harmful to hamsters is Cotton fluff. Cotton is not digestible.
Pine and cedar beddings shavings are also dangerous because they can cause upper respiratory issues.
Temperature changes
Hamsters do well in temperatures of between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below 65 degrees Fahrenheit can cause your pet to go into torpor.
Temperatures below 50 degrees can cause your pet go into hibernation. If temperatures get nearer to freezing, your pet may die.
Heat is equally dangerous, especially if the cage is placed under direct sunlight.
Feeding them too many treats
We love treating our pets, and they love it when we do. But too many treats can lead to obesity and a slew of health problems.
Remember that treats should never make up more than 10% of your pet's overall diet.
Having nothing to chew on
Hamsters’ teeth grow continuously all their lives. They’re designed to be worn down to the right length by grinding away at hard objects. Make sure to provide your pet with a variety of hard objects such as wooden chew toys, walnut, coconut shells or even cardboard to chew on.
Taking them outside
The outdoors is full of dangers for hamsters.
No matter where you live, there are predators like stray cats, dogs or hawks who want to eat your hammy.
Secondly, hamsters are tiny and they can be very quick, this means they can escape and be lost outside, which is a death sentence to them.
Not enough space to exercise
Although hamsters are small, they need plenty of room to exercise, burrow and explore tunnels. So be sure to provide your hammy with an environment as large as possible with the enrichment they need to stay happy.
Hamsters are prey animals, so they instinctively hide signs of pain and illness to avoid attracting predators’ attention.
This means that it’s very difficult for hamster owners to tell if their pet is sick. Common signs that indicate your pet is sick include loss of appetite, lack of energy, a dirty or matted coat, hunched posture, excessive itchiness, diarrhea, or any sudden change in behavior.
Bathing them
Hamsters are known to be very clean animals who groom themselves often. Therefore, they don’t need to a bath. These animals also have sensitive skin, and baths may result in dry fur coats and skin problems.
Hamsters are also sensitive to temperature changes, which is another reason why bathing them isn't recommended. Damp fur can keep their little bodies too cold.
If your hamster has dirt in a certain area of its body, you can spot-clean them using a damp washcloth.
Yelling at them
Yelling is another thing you should never do to your hamster. When you yell at your pet, you're just frightening them. Keep in mind that hamsters are highly sensitive to loud noises, finding them scary, causing stress. making these noises as a threat and start to stay away from them.
Keeping their enclosure in a high traffic environment
As prey animals, hamsters can be prone to stress, so their enclosure should be placed in an area where there isn't a lot of noise or traffic.
Stress can affect your pet’s physical well-being in addition to their mental well-being.
A little hide box in their enclosure will also help control stress.
A dirty living space
Hamsters are very clean animals and they appreciate a clean, nice environment.
Make sure to clean your hamster’s cage regularly. But remember not to use harsh chemicals in the cleaning process. Any product that contains bleach or ammonia is hazardous to animals.
Living with another hamster
Hamsters should not be kept together in the same enclosure.
These animals don't get along well when placed in the same enclosure, in part because hamsters are solitary animals.
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My little guy passed a few days ago. He was 2 1/2 years old and was the happiest guy ever ! Filled with treats, space, lots of love and everything he could ever need. He passed away peacefully in his sleep as he was older and slowly his big energy went down overtime . This video is excellent to ensure new owners are educated properly, not one of these points should be missed as they are all extremely important ! I disagree always that hamsters are just good first pets for a child. As they need to be taken care of extremely well to have a happy life. I always wanted a hamster as a child but being an adult now makes me grateful I did not get one when I was younger, I would have been incapable of taking care of them properly. Excellent video ! My guy got a treat or tiny piece of a fruit /vegetable / whole wheat snack etc every other day. One week may be a tad too long, let them enjoy different things in moderation. He always was always happy for this. ❤ love you always Jojo.


When I clicked on this video I expected it to be tons of inaccurate information, but I am so happily surprised! Whoever made this video obviously did their research :)


This is great for new owners! I always leave pet stores feeling irritated when the shop assistants start introducing unsafe food and items to the hammies and yet I couldn’t stop them! 😢


Wow! This video is incredible! It’s really nice to watch an educational video without “shaming” other hamster owners. I’ve watched so many hamster videos and it just feels like a competition to be the best hamster owner. This video shows it is possible to educate without shaming others! Well done!


I’m so happy this information is being pushed more mainstream through this video. Usually accurate hamster care info Is only found in niche hamster communities on YouTube and other social media. But this video will definitely cause people outside of the hamster care community to be more educated on how to properly take care of these little guys! It’s so sad how much small pet care misinformation is commonly known and accepted ):


Concerning #3, I heard that you're not suppose to do a 100% clean on your hamster living environment. Hamster have poor vision, so they often leave scent markers around their enclosure to identify their location. Doing a 100% clean on your hamster's home will remove the hamster's scent markers, confusing the rodent, making him believe he is lost in unfamiliar territory.


Yoooo this information is fantastic! Since hamsters are quite a “staple” pet, lots of people don’t even think to research their care or question the advice given to them. It’s great to see more and more people giving out proper care instructions. Props to y’all for doing all this research, keep at it!


Nice video! Just some corrections:
- For Syrian hamsters, the wheel needs to be at least 11inch in diameter, not 8inch, that's for dwarves
- For the diet, hamsters require at least 18% protein. if they're babies, more is preferred so you can give your hamster add-ons of: meal worms, boiled egg, scrambled egg, cooked plain chicken
- For feeding, 2 table spoons every 2/3 days is correct. Ideally you wouldn't want to put the food in a bowl but rather scatter it around the cage. Finding food is an enriching activity for hamsters, taking food from a bowl is not very enriching. Use the bowl for providing fresh fruit, veg and the occasional extra protein mentioned above
- For burrowing, 6 inches is not a lot. The recommended is 10/12 inches, if you can give more than that, even better. Some hamsters won't burrow unless they have a lot of bedding depth to do so.
- As for cleaning, the advice was vague. Hamster's poop is tiny and odourless, as for pee, if your hamster pees in its bedding, you should remove soiled bedding every 2 weeks (placing your hamster in a playpen or carrier during this process) and replace that soiled bedding with new bedding plus removing the poo. You never clean the whole cage as that would be very stressful and unnecessary since hamsters usually choose a spot in the cage to pee. If your hamster pees exclusively in a sand bath, you can remove the soiled pieces of sand daily and pretty much never touch the bedding unless it smells bad or the hamster peed on it


My hamster was a Russian dwarf hamster and she lived 4 years. She was violent and paralysed but she clearly wanted to live
Loved her SO MUCH


Thankyou for this 🥺 Lot of people can have an awareness for giving our hamsters a quality life that they deserve 💙


My hamster hurt himself because he fell off something in his cage in such a way, that his teeth hurt his food pouch on the inside. Now he's on meds. They are probably sweet because he's very cooperative and doesn't wiggle around when taking them ( it's a bunch of goo that you have to put on the wound ). Also, I think he likes me. When he hears me, he runs up to my hand and sits in it, waiting for pets. He sometimes falls asleep in my hands when I pet him, too :)
Hamsters are amazing pets. Many people think they are good to give to children to teach them about caretaking and death. It's...not nice, to say the least. Of course, it's okay if done properly, but hamsters require proper care and love, and not be treated like a kids' toy


Wonderful video with thoughtful research 👏 You’re doing hamsters everywhere a service.


Loved!! Simple graphics, illustrations all at one go. Thank you


My hammy passed away 2 days ago with 2 years and 7 months age and she was the happiest baby because I made sure everything was right for her. I did a 2 weeks research before getting her from the shelter. This video would help a lot for the beginner hamster owner. Please be kind to your animals, the rely only on you!


My hamsters passed out today 😢 he was 2 years old he never bite my hand he was a good friend


I hope more people see this video! It's so nice to see more people promoting proper hamster care! <3


All great info! just make sure not to clean your whole cage too often, it's very very stressful for them. It's highly suggested to spot clean and only fully clean their cage once every 2-3 weeks.


Thank you for these useful information, especially for hamster owners.
I'm a new hamster owner, i got him just today and i was kind of worried about his appetite. He was energetic, but he does not eat well, so i searched facts about hamsters 'cause i thought that he might be sick or maybe it's just his personality. I wanted to ensure his health was stable and that he lives comfortably with me. Also, i actually wanted for him to have a hamster friend with him so that he will not get bored or be depressed in anyways about living alone with just me, since i too have work to do. I'm gonna try my best to be a good hamster owner and ensure their safety if i somehow get another one. Thank you again for this video and for the commenters here who shared their experience about their hamsters.


Not a hamster fan, but may her surrounding keep her pampering and safe forever. Saddy hamster.


This guide will be very useful when I get another hamster next year!

I had three hamsters when I was a kid and I named all three Lester.

My parents bought a small purple cage for him. I didn’t realize how depressed he was. We gave him all his necessities like food and water. Sadly they all passed.

Going to name him Lester again and I’m going to own up my mistakes and break the curse!
