Migrant Detention Camp

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It’s amazing that I’ve learned more about this situation from your videos than anything else in the media. Partly because you do a terrific job, ask great questions, and put a ton of effort to get to the right locations… But also partly because the media does such a terrible job. I’m going to become a Patron to support these videos. Thanks.


A fake LV purse with a usbc, cologne and a neck pillow. The purse of a sultan


When millions of people watch your videos for current news situations more than the mainstream news media you know you’re doing it right.


there's so many comments (rightfully) complimenting your excellent journalism, but can I just add... thank you so much for giving that man from Guatemala some food? and for highlighting humane borders? It was such an simple human kindness that I think is lacking so much these days. Thank you for feeding that man, and thank you for what you do. I hope I can afford to support your work someday, but appreciate what you offer on YouTube for everyone


Andrew’s Spanish is on point, respect to him for covering this issue on the ground. Channel 5 all day!


"I don't have the answers, but I do have a lot of questions" is such a relatable statement to an issue like this. Good work Andrew, really informative and eye opening video.


I worked with a guy who came across the border when he was 15 years old. No family, nothing. His story of the journey he went on to get here is insane. He works so fucking hard and misses his family so much. I can’t even imagine what that feels like.


What Andrew is doing here is nothing short of remarkable. His ability to connect with people is unbelievable- we need more journalism like this.


Holy shit, USB-C They're sending their rich!


How the hell one small team can output this level of journalism every single time. It's insane how informative and interesting his videos/topics are. Plus, no artificial political bias. It's refreshing to see how things run in reality and let the new information flow the narrative.


Thank you for doing on-the-ground, real reporting. We need more of this, and less talking heads on FOX/CNN


Man....its wild watching you go down the rabbit hole. Seeing how far you're chasing the story.


Just a heads up, when the Senegalese man is talking about the difficulty “to manifest our problem”, I’d wager his meaning here isn’t “manifesting change” but rather the inability to protest, in French known as a “manifestation”.


It's amazing Andrew was able to meet his personal CIA agent in person, not once but twice!


I have mixed feelings about this situation. On one hand Andrew did a great job highlighting the human side of the crises. These people have travelled through hell just for a better life whether it be economical or safety wise. But on the other hand the legal routes are broken, meaning there is a good chance I won’t get a chance at American citizenship in my life. I am Indian born Canadian citizen (moved here as a child). The wait time for employment based green card is 20 years for me plus 5 years for citizenship after. I don’t know what to make of the envy I feel knowing that they have a chance at the dream that I won’t get until my 50s, a opportunity to work in America and be at the frontiers of science, an opportunity to experience the American dream (as unrealistic as that may be given the statistics). However, they are able to get the opportunity through crossing the border. I am not sure if that makes me a bad person for feeling envious or not, but that’s the feeling I kept getting in between realizing their dire humanitarian situation that Andrew presented here.


Wow Miguel's story hits so hard. I'm glad you were there so he could tell it to the world.


Doing interviews even when you couldn't understand what he was saying but still giving him a voice. Incredible stuff Andrew you''re doing something important.


When you talked with the 34 year old guatemalan he told you that the trip costed him 100k. You assumed it was Mexican Pesos, but he was talking about Quetzales, which would be almost 13, 000 USD. In Guatemala such amount is VERY difficult to stack up when the minimum salary is 450 USD…


I love how the coyote was like “O well, you have no one guarding the border? Okay I’m off to get the next group 🤷🏽‍♂️”


Andrew is the best storyteller of the millennial generation. Hitting the hard issues with empathy. Leading off this story instantly humanizing the migrants showing laughter, smiling children, shyness of the camera; just next level. I appreciate this team being out here capturing these important moments in history.
