I turn car dynamo into a eternal generator

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Electricity, water, no isolations, bare feet -> a wonderful demonstration!


a classic demonstration of troll physics


Une dynamo de voiture, également connue sous le nom d'alternateur, est conçue pour convertir l'énergie mécanique fournie par le moteur en énergie électrique.( 12v voir 24v continu ). Elle est principalement utilisée pour recharger la batterie de la voiture et alimenter les systèmes électriques du véhicule pendant son fonctionnement. Il est possible de faire tourner un alternateur manuellement pour générer de l'électricité. Cela nécessite une force mécanique constante pour maintenir l'alternateur en rotation et produire de l'électricité. Cependant, cette méthode est inefficace et nécessite une quantité considérable d'énergie pour générer une petite quantité d'électricité. Il est peu probable qu'elle puisse fournir une source d'énergie durable et suffisante pour alimenter des appareils électriques de manière significative, qui plus est en 220v alternatif. Il faudrait arrêter de croire tous ses charlatans avec leurs conneries à deux balles.


Where do I start?
Car alternators put out 12 volts dc. They need a starting current from the battery to really do anything.
So, he pulled it apart and put permanent magnets in it. Ok, IF the magnets were oriented correctly it would produce a current. If not the flux produced by the magnets would cancel out the magnets already in the alternator. And if the alternator magnetic field was strong enough it would destroy the permanent magnets.
Now, IF he oriented the magnets correctly the current ultimately coming out would be dc because there’s a rectifier in a car alternator.
That motor with it’s big ass starter capacitor is definitely ac.
Even if he disabled or removed the rectifier it would be 3 phase alternating current and the motor wouldn’t work. Now, even IF it was single phase, at the speed the alternator was turning it wouldn’t be putting out enough volts and power to run that motor. Even IF the alternator we’re putting out ac at the right voltage and enough power to run the motor the motor would not spin the alternator fast enough to power itself and even IF it did it would be barely and it would only go for a few seconds or almost a minute because of the resistance in the wires motor and alternator. And even IF it could sustain its own motion it ABSOLUTELY would not put out enough current to run that high-current-draw pump motor.
I will give him credit for one thing, he hid his real power source pretty well.
Look I’m all for finding new and/or different ways to make electricity. But do actual research and experimentation don’t fake it and lie to people.


Add high voltage capasitors to pre-store some energy from alternator and it will run the whole country. The capasitance needs to be more than the alternator output so that the capasitors won't start to slow down the alternator.


bít đâu 1 ngày nào đó định lý " bảo tồn năng lượng " là sai hoàn toàn " năng lượng " chỉ chuyển từ dạng này sang dang khác thôi 😂


Поставь себе на машину и езди без бензина=)


There is a small inverter and a small battery inside the red motor, This is how this trick is done all over the internet


😢 perfeito gerando sua própria energia, e ainda sobra pra ventilador e luz.


Excelente gracias por compartir, m3 podría decir más acerca de los imanes, para saber cuales comprar, gracias, espero me responda 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽, saludos desde Panamá. Atte Jorge Díaz


Going to have to try this as a way to charge my E-Bike off grid. and possibly as a source of power being towed behind on a small trailer.


😂😂 by by Steve Jobs, lol. I joke but thanks you for thé vidéo and how transmit generator car. Good job


It's fun to try to work out how you completed the illusion!


Super work bro congratulation I am Sri Lanka


The arrangement he has there will produce 3 phase ac 220. The motor if a brush motor will work on DC or AC . With the magnets under the armature the generator functions with less field resistance, .... this could have been done by connecting the winding after removing reg and diod . And pulled voltage from the brushes. . This can be done with nothing being faked. Small amount of voltage to excite the field


Господи! Да я так сам в деревне своих соседей дурю. Для этого, просто, провожу сетьевой провод под землей и скрыааю в основании стола, с незаметным выходом... А дальше - дело техники.


To be fair, if I found out how to make free energy I wouldn’t be sharing it I’d be getting rich


Bro ur a genius, using scrap to make something so important hats off - RESPECT


Кулибин нечего сказать просто молодец чувак❤❤❤😂


Great video. Thanks. nothing left to do but put it together myself. Have you thought of using the remaining one/ two windings as a motor?
