Pool Lesson: Center-To-Edge (CTE) Aiming System (My Interpretation)

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Hey everyone! After receiving numerous request to do a video on the Center-To-Edge (CTE) aiming system, I studied it for about week. After watching multiple videos, multiple times, and reading a few articles on the CTE aiming system I was able to perform the basics of the CTE aiming system using a pure center ball hit.

I hope my interpretation of the CTE aiming system allows you to also be able to perform the basics!

This is just my interpretation of the CTE system. If I'm wrong about it, I'm wrong. If I was able to add another perspective that others may be able to interpret more and add to the system, then great. I am NOT saying this is THE way you're supposed to do it. All I'm saying is this what I've been able to pull from all the stuff I've read and watched. The more I study and learn about it, the more I'll share and amend any mistakes.

See my follow on video where I got more in depth on what I've learned about CTE here:

#PoolLessons #PocketBilliards #CTE
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See my follow on video where I go more in depth on what I've learned about the CTE aiming system here:


It took years upon years for someone to finally explain this system in a non confusing mind fucking way. *You're a legend* Chris!


dude explains this crystal clear in less than 7 minutes, meanwhile I have wasted 2+ hours watching old men fail miserably at the same task. THANK YOU!


If anyone was going to make this method easy to digest for the everyday person it was bound to be Chris. Phenomenal teaching skills. No fiddling around just straight to the point.


I've listened to numerous people try to explain CTE aiming system and they all failed miserably until now. This like all of your videos is outrageously easy to understand which is greatly appreciated. And one instructor who tries to explain this and I'm not going to name is very well respected and what he does is just yap away saying the same thing over and over again that made no sense the first time he said it and he ends up shooting shots while he continues to yap away and we have no effing idea what he's doing. For some strange reason this instructor has comments disabled for his videos. I'm guessing he got tired of reading how bad he is at instructing. This video is fantastic. Thank you Lil' Chris !


watched this video a few days back and decided to try out CTE aiming with your instructions. Potted 65 out of 100 balls on first try, 76 out of 100 on second try. Seems like this one suits me really well, I will try to implement it more often for some harder cut shots. Thanks Chris, everyone should subscribe


Thank you for this, Chris! I must have watched a dozen CTE videos from YouTube; most left me frustrated. Yours provide the clearest explanation of the system BY FAR! It shows that you are more than a great pool player - you are an excellent teacher!


I’m very glad to see this shown. I began playing billiards at the age of 10. I used the 10 ball instead of The Cue Ball to understand what was going on with the ball I was hitting. One day At the age of 15 I was introduced to my brothers best friends grandfather. This man played professionally. He was watching me shoot his table for a brief period of time and he realized that I actually saw the lines on the table to make my shots. Even bank shots were simple. playing on the league pool games people knew do not leave me a bank shot on any ball especially the 8 ball because I will most likely make it.This is without me reading books or educating myself on how to play better. It was just playing with the 10 a lot it and was my body that was creating the angle. Joe saw the deep passion that I had for billiards(ALL) and said as long as I promised to never ever bet anything on this game He would teach me a few little tips and tricks one of which was NEVER ever hit left or right of center. I was using the same the system without even knowing what the name of it was. I kept my promise to Joe and never disrespected him or the sport by betting anything on it. I had old teammates that thought I had no idea what I was doing. However those are not the teammates that I went to the APA tournament in Vegas in 2011. Out of over a thousand teams the team I was fortunate enough to be on came in 147th. So we won a small amount of money however nothing will ever replace the passion I have for billiards and respect and gratitude I’ve held for Joe all these years. A extremely important thing for a new pool or billiards player is to know how to chalk properly and after each and EVERY shot! Our team represented the state of Massachusetts in the year 2011 with the team that I was on and I was not questioning my shooting style/system There are many systems out there to learn however I stick with the basics just like Joe showed me to do. Joe you are missed.


Thank you Chris. A friend introduced me to CTE years ago. I never really grasped the concept to the point it was ingrained. In the never ending effort to improve my stroke, I found myself revisiting CTE for more clarity of how to apply. Your video does a better job illustrating the process. FYI, my starting point before the pivot was incorrect until watching this video. Thanks again!


All the dislikes came from other youtubers trying explain this skill into quantum physics algorithm problem. You just simplified it..Thank You!!!


Thank you. I was completely overwhelmed and lost with Stan's 33 hours of videos. You distilled it to 11 minutes and now I get it. It works amazingly well.


Chris, you are a genius. For me you are the first person to explain a rather complex system in such simple terms for many of us to understand. You are a natural instructor. Thanks a million, tried it yesterday on the tables and won a heap of money!


I have watched multiple videos on CTE and only after watching your video did I finally grasped it.
"You're good."


Now I understand why they explained it in a very complicated way. If not, they couldn't make a book to sell, because actually it's very simple method. I've tried it once, I couldn't pot the ball as I want to do random experiment, but it's very close and I'm amazed, now I just have to get used to it. Still, IMHO before learning how to aim with CTE, we must have a good understanding of ghostball aiming too. Next, I will try to mix them both, because I think, they complemented each other. Salute for your legendary explanation, sir. God bless 🙏


Thank you for that well done and finally straight to the point explanation. I've watched at least five rambling, mumbling inarticulate and snooze inducing videos that made me want to strangle someone. One guy went through all the aiming systems he used over the last twenty years before he got to CTE. It was like watching home movies of a family on a carnival cruise, I nearly opened a vein. Another guy kept calling his index finger his fore finger. WTF is a fore finger? I almost did the unthinkable and considered taking up golf. You saved me.


ITS ABOUT TIME someone explains this system clearly and thorough!! Headed to the table now


Thank you very much. I waded through the CTE videos and reading material, was overwhelmed and gave up. You made it easy to understand and it works very well. I'm a convert!


Wow! This lesson has to be the most practical, straightforward, and logical I’ve ever had - on video or person-to-person . . . thank you for breaking down what can be for some (me) the ever-bewildering concept of aiming, and putting it together with awesome videography to create that visual memory to play in my mind’s eye as I get down on my shots. I’m looking forward to getting to the pool hall early before league play tonight and practicing using my new visual memory of aiming and angles. Thank you for all your videos - they’re very well-done - professional and informative. God bless you!


All I saw prior to your video on this topic was so confusing. You have made it simple and so clear. Thank you very much. I am impressed.


I just love your videos. you explain things in a simple but direct way! you have made my love for the game come back. My life isn't the same since my brain tumor operation. and I'm serious about when I say you have inspired me to pick up my stick and chalk it.
I'll never be as good as I once was do to physical reasons.
but slowly im learning my way around the table.
THX to You thx Chris
