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Find out how to develop real life superpowers by tapping into the incredible power of your subconscious mind.

You won't be able to lift tall buildings or fly, but you'll gain the ability to influence, persuade and convince other people, near-superhuman memory, and you'll be able to unleash the sleeping giant within you to improve all areas of your life and awaken genius-like abilities.

P.S. -- I hope you guys like the first part of this series because I really enjoyed creating it for you!

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Laziness is my biggest enemy.. I try to fight against it everyday.


1. Understand the laws of subconscious mind:

- Our subconscious mind doesn’t know what’s the difference between real & fake.
- Time passes quicker.
- Beliefs are harder to change the longer they’re restored.
- Every thought causes a physical reaction.
- You get what you expect.
- Our subconscious mind is always listening and always watching.
- Subconscious beats conscious
- Any idea ones are planted will stay unless they’re challenged.
- More conscious mind is equal to less subconscious.
- Subconscious can be programmed. (you can distract your conscious mind)


the background music makes me feel like im a character in a movie about to unleash my super powers


Am i the only one feeling I'm on to something mysteriously big while paying attention to the background music 👀😂


'The mind is a powerful servant but a terrible master.' - David Foster Wallace


"Once you master your-SELF, then you can demand the universe's secrets, instead of begging for crumbs on the tablet of knowledge 🍗. " - Myzticseeker


lets hope this doesnt go viral... because then we'd only be more powerful than 60% of the world instead of 99% lol


I have used my subconscious mind many times by keeping my mind focused on a single outcome. Over and over then it manifests into reality. I wanted to own a Hotel and had no money but through the law of Attraction it happened. Yes it is true, just by believing it was manifested before God and Man. The opportunity is endless as well as the results. I have used my subconscious mind many times by keeping my attitude and focus on the prize. You cannot get distracted and believe only part of the equation. You must not believe in your mind what is in front of you but beyond any other reality but the one you picture in your head.

Go get it whatever it is for you. Just Believe in the


Brilliant: Everytime we react with anger we teach our unconscious mind to react with anger in the future. If for no other reason, this point makes these videos important for everybody and now makes meditation seem like the important action everyone says it is, in order to imprint the subconscious mind. Thanks so much for these videos.


The problem with this world is that everyone is looking to have advantages and power over about just mastering ourselves toward the benefit of EVERYONE!


I used to actually have trouble going to sleep, but a while ago I noticed that when I stopped focusing on going to sleep, and just let myself think about whatever, I went to sleep much quicker. Now I know why, I guess.
Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun binging your videos on the subconscious mind. It's so fun to learn about how to master how you think and feel and make others think or feel. So interesting!


The power we have as humans is amazing! We can manifest whatever we want out of this life .. Great Video!


Your subconscious mind is always listening and your brain is hard-wiring itself constantly according to the conditioning you expose it to


Obsessed! It’s so interesting bc as a psychologist, I know... and have always shared with my patients, that that our brain doesn’t know the difference between us vividly imagining something and it actually happening... the reason... as states in this psychological phenomenon is that our brains are what scientists call, “plastic, ” as in...malleable... and when put into a meditative state (suggestible) ...we have complete control... even though, I know this to be the truth, and have for many years, I’m just now discovering the true power that lies within us all! Thanks for your confirmation...and contributing to the expansion of the collectives awareness!! Xx


I swear he just says the same thing over and over again.


This is true and I can attest to it. I’ve been tapping into my subconscious mind over the past 10+ years and have seen vast improvements in my life. Do it!


We have a constant internal dialog(talk to ourselves) all day every day. I found if you analyze what you are saying to yourself. If you are telling yourself negative stuff like im not good enough, why live, life sucks are gonna be depressed cause we are telling ourselves negative stuff 100s/1000s of times per day. If you are telling yourself life isnt worth living, or hurt people its a Huge Red Flag and should talk to someone ASAP. We lie to ourselves the truth is our lives matter. We would totally destroy anyone that cares/loves you the rest of their lives. We maybe depressed now but a year from now you may look back and think wow that was dumb. I worked hard on changing my thinking and can spot if im saying negative things about myself then stop it. I use the model if I have nothing nice to say Im not gonna say it. <3


I found this on lsd. I literally lost myself. Didnt know who I was, but became my higher self. I learned that my emotions where controlled by me, and that I was making a character in this reality. Wasn't really me.. I said if it's like this. Then I can make my own puzzle piece, and make something great with this body I have. The time goes fast for me. I live the moment.. no worries about time. I eat when I'm hungry, and sleep when I'm tired. It's literally the mind set. Make a good mindset and you will start to see a pattern. Life is literally what you make it. Live to the fullest!


This gives me goosebumps...God will resurrect us on judgement day to show us all our worldly deeds. I think its been recorded in the subconscious mind like a camera with a memory card.


This was a great video it made me realized so many things! I suffer from depression a couples of years ago and I still hold so believes about myself that needs to be change! The biggest one is that I can't be success, that stop me to do many things because I used to see myself as a failure! But well I start my YouTube channel for that reason I want to develop myself and develop the life of more people! I'll keep working I hope you too! I needed this video thanks!
