5000 Year Old Ghost Stories

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For as long as humans have walked the earth, ghostly tales of restless spirits and eerie encounters have haunted us. But have you ever wondered where these chilling stories first began? 🌌👻

In this video, we journey through time to uncover The First Ghost Story Ever Told, revealing some of the oldest and most mysterious ghostly encounters from history. From the very first poltergeist of medieval Germany to the supernatural warnings recorded by the Venerable Bede in Anglo-Saxon England, and from ancient Rome’s ghostly visitors to the spectral spirits of Greece and Egypt, each story brings us closer to understanding the origins of humanity’s fear of the unknown.

00:32 The First Poltergeist
02:41 Anglo-Saxon Ghost Stories
04:26 Ghosts of Ancient Rome
06:53 Ancient Greek Ghost Stories
10:47 Ancient Egyptian Spirits
12:49 The First Ghost Story Ever Told

From medieval manuscripts to clay tablets, these stories remind us that the line between the living and the dead has always been thin. So, turn off the lights, settle in, and let’s explore the secrets of the supernatural together....

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Greetings, darklings,

We have strayed, ever so slightly, from the familiar shadows of nursery rhymes and fairy tales to venture into a realm of ghostly tales. This spectral journey into the world’s oldest ghost stories was the very tale you chose in our Halloween poll, and I trust you shall find it both enchanting and chilling. Tell me, have you ever encountered a ghostly spectre of your own?

Yours, in darkness and discovery,

L x


Yes. An elderly man who died in an auto accident near his house, the house that my ex and I just bought. He made his presence known to me by slamming doors shut and immediately opening them again. For some reason he didn't frighten me. I was up a ladder, painting, when this happened, and I quipped: "Do something useful if you plan on sticking around." He did. He protected me by scaring my abusive ex and his interfering cousin by locking them into a bathroom, at different times. In both cases I wasn't home when these incidents happened, and responded to their terrified yells to let them out when I returned. I easily opened the door to find each of them ashen. They were locked in for hours. They said that every time they turned the doorknob to open the door, someone would turn it in the opposite direction. Both thought I was responsible. My grocery shopping bags proved I was not. The cousin stopped "dropping in" to check on me. When I separated from my ex, the old man appeared for a moment, gazing at me through the kitchen window. I thanked him for scaring two people who posed a danger to me.


In 2004, I graduated from college, and our class attended graduation ceremonies in the Tacoma, Washington, Tacoma Dome. We donned our robes behind the stage and prepared to troop out to receive our diplomas. None of my family (I thought) was attending this event. As we walked in a line before the instructors. I happened to look upward to my right to the seats. I saw my mother standing there, in a pose that I had photographed many years ago. What was a shock was the realization that my mother had passed away a few years before, so logically, she could not be standing there! Yet there was not a doubt in my mind that she stood in the balconies above me. Believe in ghosts & spirits? Oh yes, I do.


You have the perfect reading voice for your subject.


When I was young, about 10 or so, my Great grandad died. About 5 or 6 months later, I was in town . It was a Saturday so the street was quite crowded. I was just outside of the cinema when I heard my name being called. I turned around, thinking it might be a friend of mine, but didn't see anyone I recognised; what I did see was an old man on an old pushbike, and, as I turned back to the original direction, I thought, " That was Grandad!". I turned back again, but the cyclist had vanished without a trace.


I worked in a hospital back in the 80's and one day I was taking stock of what was in Operating Room 3 and what it needed in case there was an emergency during the night. As I busied myself with the list, I became aware that I was being watched. So I turned my head and a middle-aged woman with grey and blonde hair and blue gray eyes was standing by the door and where the code blue alarm was located. The woman said, "can you help me?" I turned towards the figure and said, "Excuse me?" No sooner were the words out of my mouth the figure vanished. Some weeks later I was hanging out with the OR Nurses and one of them started telling the tale of the Code Blue light and alarm started going off in OR-3 at 3: am. I shared my encounter, and most didn't believe me, but that changed when I described the woman I saw. The nurses got uneasy and changed the subject. No idea if my description told them who the ghost was, or if they had seen the same spirit. This was the first ghost I've seen. but it wasn't the last. Thanks for reading my Novella.


Did anyone else find it hilarious that Athenadorus basically told the ghost to chill out and that he was on his way but needed to finish what he was doing first and the ghost not having it AT ALL, got impatient and basically said "Now! I won't ask again!"
I love this channel! Always such rich and amazing content!😊


I have a bit of a ghost story myself. It doesn’t involve me but my first wife. One night I was having a really hard time breathing and she had to take me to the emergency room (severe asthma attack), anyway on the way there she said she had a dream about my aunt. This aunt had died two years before I met my wife. She described her perfectly even right down to her physical stature and the apron she always wore. There’s absolutely no way she could’ve known those things unless she actually met her personally.
Another instance was the night my mom died. She popped up out of bed about 1:30 and told me mom‘s dead. She said she got a cold shiver and she knew she was gone. A few minutes later, my sister called me and told me that she had passed. I think she was very sensitive to the world around her and could pick up on things that most people could not.


I was just a kid when this happened. No older than 5. I was upstairs using the bathroom but the bulb was out so I left the door open. While I was finishing up, a deep and eerie male voice called my name. I turned around and found no one there and when I told my mom she told me to stop making up stories.

Jumping ahead to 2010, when I was in college. My class was in the main hall but we weren't alone. We were seeing flashes of light on the stage at the top of the hall and horrifying spectres walk to the centre of the stage and vanish. One student was floored upon entry by a force he couldn't explain. He just felt weak and then collapsed. We used the hall many times before but that day must have been the anniversary of a death to make ghosts haunt us


Many years ago (1950's), our next door neibour had an experience one night. Her son kept waking up and screaming about something at the bottom of his bed. One night, she had got so fed up with this that she went into the bedroom, opened the window, and shouted at whatever it was to leave. She swore that something moved, and from that night on, her son slept alright. The estate, Mincherry Farm, Oxford, was built on an old Priory, and there were other rumours of ghost sightings.
Thank you for another interesting video. Samhein blessings.


I have to say that I love these uploads and the images that accompany them. I am also impressed by the amount of research that must go into each video. The reading is also perfect for the the content.


Jewish culture has some very old ghost stories as well. The Hebrew Bible describes a kind of seance where the spirit of a dead prophet is brought back so the king can ask for his advice (he wasn't pleased at all about being summoned). The Talmud also has ghost stories. The original story that Corpse Bride is based on is an old Yiddish folktale.


My first encounter with a ghost was as a three year old girl. I heard someone call my name, going into the living room I saw a woman I was so scared I ran back to bed and I wouldn’t leave my bedroom until morning. When I told my dad and described what I saw I was told that it was my biological mother I’ve been a believer ever since it happened .


Hello Lady Darkling.
Yes. I have several ghostly encounters. One of them was in the Black Hills of Custer, South Dakota, USA. My roommate and I had a dresser move across her bedroom, while she and I were sitting in the living room. That was over 36 years ago. 😊


I've had many enounters, from shapeless masses to partial apparitions to full color. I spent quite a few years in a very haunted town in Colorado. Some of the apparitions were so lifelike, I thought they were living people, until they did thongs like vanishing or going through a door without opening it. I've been spoken to, and even touched a few times.


I haven't felt any ghostly presence so far. But if ever I am to be graced with this kind of opportunity, I would very much desire to speak with those of my grandparents who passed away, or with a more remote ancestor, or both.

Or even to have a conversation with a fallen soldier, who would guide my to his earthly remains in a quest to have him get a properly, fully marked and named headstone over his bones, with a proper military burial.


Perfect video to accompany a morning coffee on a cold autumn day. 😊


As always, you are the Mary Poppins of Perfect in Everyway. And as always a wonderful video.🖤🖤


A friend of mine had encounter long time ago. Paul was working late at Dairy Queen, and they were closing up for the night. He had just gotten himself a milkshake, when someone at the window got his attentions. He saw a man with busy eyebrows and told the man that they were close. The man beacon Paul to follow him, but Paul refuse. Then the man turn away and start walking upward in the night sky. They found Paul standing with his cup crush in hands.


One nursery rhyme that always makes me think of ghosts is:

As I was going down the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd stay/go away.

If you ever find out where that came from (other than my ghoulish playground friends) I'd love to know!
