Mike Rowe CAN'T FORGIVE This From 2020 + RFK Jr. Asked Him to Be Vice President | The Way I Heard It

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Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker discuss some of the unforgivable sins committed during the 2020 [censored] outbreak and lockdowns. PLUS, a brief story of that time Mike Rowe was asked by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to be his Vice President.

#mikerowe #thewayiheardit #gavindebecker #BobbyKennedy

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To work as a politician?….his dirtiest job yet


They destroyed millions of lives and not one person has been held accountable


My late wife was diagnosed with cancer in 2020. They locked her away in a hospital for 6 days, telling her she was going to die, and refused to let me be with her. I will never forgive this utter loss of humanity.


What the government did during Covid was unforgivable. But what my fellow Americans complied with was TERRIFYING.


I was working in an icu during the first two years of Covid as an RN. I figure I saw about 150 people die during that time. It was horrible. What made it even worse was seeing the family standing outside the building looking in the window at their loved one dying. I couldn’t understand why hospitals were not allowing family to gown up and be with their family member. No one should have to die alone. It broke my heart and I stopped doing patient care as a nurse.


I will NEVER forgive or forget what was done to this country during the Covid hysteria. My father passed away at the age of 90 alone in a nursing home and not from Covid, just old age. My middle daughter and I went to see him just before the lock downs and had to tell him we could no longer come to visit him. This was only the second time in my life I saw my father cry. NEVER AGAIN.


What I can't forgive is the way they left the elderly die in the nursing homes and their loved ones weren't allowed to visit.


It used to be, the media would tell you what happened, and you had to decide what to think about it.
Now the media tells you what to think about it, and you have to decide if it even happened.


I was accused of not caring about the elderly and being selfish for not complying. I removed toxic people from my life as a result of their abusive attitude toward me. I dont need those people in my life. Covid mandates revealed the crazies from the sane.


When I saw people in their cars wearing masks with the windows rolled up, that's when I knew we were doomed as a society.


Its disturbing how easily the devision took root & how eager half the population was to treat their fellow man like 2nd class citizens. I always wondered how Nazi Germany was able to do what they I no longer wonder.


The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." ~ Ronald Reagan


I had somebody on a scooter pull out in front of me doing about 25 & I was coming off the highway, doing about 50. They were wearing a mask but not a helmet! This was a few weeks ago! Not 3 years ago! I don't understand the stupidity!


I went to the Dachau Concentration Camp in '87 when I was in the US Army stationed in West Germany. I now have tasted a tiny bit of what those people experienced during the Holocaust. People were looking at me like they wanted to put me in a camp. When the reality was, that they were the ones who were so mentally unfit, that they should have been in a mental institution. History does repeat itself. Bad history repeats itself when people refuse to pay attention to the important things in life. The lesson must be taught again, and again, and again...


What was done to the elderly is one atrocity. What they did to kids in schools is a whole other level of atrocity.


If you can make people afraid of the very air they breathe, you can make them afraid of anything.


Mike Rowe would be an incredible populist politician. I would vote for Mike Rowe in a heartbeat.


People are still wearing mask in their own cars with nobody riding with them.


I worked for a small business IT company years ago, and I attended quite a few business "meet-ups", where I met many who were also in the business in some capacity. During those meetings, I met many referred to as "social media consultants". So in those meetings, I had to ask them (individually), "What exactly does a social media consultant do?". It turns out that companies and organizations hire them to monitor their websites and social media accounts to counter any negative comments directed toward those organizations. In short, these were "professional trolls". Keep that in mind whenever you are attacked online for making any comment about anything...let alone a comment about vaccines or Covid-19.


I worked as a nurse during this farce and I wouldn’t get the vax. I was threatened with being fired. My manager asked me to fill out a religious exemption and I told her that I would, but that it would be a lie. It wasn’t accepted and I was given another month before I would be fired. Nearing the deadline, my manager asked me to write another exemption, so I did and it was accepted. I wrote the exact same thing that I had the first time. The hospital announced that 99% of the staff had been vaccinated, yet I knew numerous people just in my own department that had not. They were counting all the staff that had been vaxed and the ones that had medical and religious exemptions. All the numbers floating around concerning Covid for 2 years were exaggerated. So many of our elderly were shut away from human touch and died a lonely death. This was abuse.
