The Vivid Dream Problem Explained (Lucid Dreaming MISTAKE)

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Hey! I’m Kai, and I help you shift your identity to manifest abundance and your dream life.

If you're reading THIS version of the description, my channel has now changed slightly.

I used to focus a lot on lucid dreaming content but I've switched things up. I now mainly talk about manifestation and shifting your identity to manifest your dream life.

You can still find all my lucid dreaming content and training on this channel.

#LucidDreamingExperience #Dreams #LucidDreaming
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Oh man you guys are commenting before I've even put the pinned comment up haha! What are your thoughts on vivid dreams?


My dreams make it so hard to wake up...they’re so vivid or lucid that they set the mood for my whole day. I hate it.

Also, my dreams seem more real than reality, and sometimes it makes me feel really depressed when I wake up.

Автор dreams are next level, they are so vivid and real like i can smell taste, feel pain, emotion and then there are the occasional dream within the dream.
And I remember them


I’ve experienced a lucid and a vivid dream at the same time it’s literally the coolest thing ever


I just had a dream where I drove to work, disinfected my hands, and went to my line, but then I realized, “ ...wait a second... I got laid off.” Then I instantly woke up😅


whenever i have a super vivid dream, not necessarily lucid, but meaningful and hard to forget; that vibe it gives off can last months and the dreams i have are incredibly realistic and aren't dreamy at all. i just had one where i lived in LA and i went to a grocery outlet (my sister used to work there) and saw my sister stocking shelves. these dreams aren't exactly random either. they all tell the same story and continue until eventually the story changes and the vibe is different. like tonight, the story stopped because me and my sister were hiking in a local mountain range and found somebody's phone they lost. it was fully functional and i was able to find out the name of who it belonged to. there was a property right by where we were walking and i saw someone and waved my hands to get their attention to ask them about the phone. but since it was private property and the phone case resembled a holstered gun, the person pulled a gun and shot me a bunch of times. all i saw before the dream ended was my sister yelling and screaming at him and frantically trying to keep me alive until the dude shot her as well. there was way more leading up to the hike, but this was a good example of how this dream 'series' most likely ended.
all these dreams tell some sort of story, like each month is another lifetime when i sleep and each month of dreams will end with me dying in some way.
idk if it means anything or if thats just normal, but it makes normal life so much more bland.


I've had a lucid vivid dream this one time but it was more of a nightmare where I kept telling myself to wake up it's a dream but everything was so clear and scary and I never want to go back there 😶


After a break up I've been having vivid dreams and several of them for night, I can tell when I'm as sleep and sometimes I can wake up bc I realize it. When i wake up in the morning for the next 2 to 3 seconds I'm still living the dream and i gain conscious of the reality after those seconds


I've been trying to lucid dream by having a dream journal but i cant seem to remember my dreams, the most i can remember is small snippets


He actually called lucid dreaming a bragging right. I was genuinely unaware that lucid dreaming is something that people try to have. I just so happened to stumble upon this account after searching why I always have such vivid dreams and why I always have lucid dreams but the only thing that shows up are tutorials on how to have lucid dreams. Please feel free to reply if you have a theory or an answer though!


I had a lucid and vivid dream, it was just me flying and using the superpowers in the dream, i turned my dream into anime


I feel like my dreams are so lucid/vivid it’s almost as if I’m astral projecting myself to another plane. I can feel pain I even speak and I hear myself speaking sometimes I wake myself up yelling in anger.


Anybody ever had one of them dreams feel like your in a scary place it's so real your running as fast as you can but cant get away feels like something is pulling you back slowly


I never realized what I was doing before I watched this video. I have been dreaming like crazy and I remember almost every dream I have within a given week. I started recently to write them down and it’s been a couple weeks now. I feel like I’ve been working on remembering and realizing I’m in a dream just like u said and it’s working. These dreams that I have are stuff that I could never think about in actual reality which is the part that scares the shit outta me because I remember every detail start to finish. Including people I see, to emotions I felt


I find it incredibly weird that the human brain can produce a hyper vivid dream that feels realer than reality. Also have you noticed in dreams how we have to fight with the subconscious for you to do reality checks. As well as this everything feels normal, your conscience knows its normal to be on a 1, 000, 000m tall mountain looking up to space until you compare it to the waking world. The fact that hyper vivid dreams are realer than real as well. Could we be constantly imagining the real world as a stimuli for complete darkness? I mean sometimes when we focus we forget we exist we’re too in the moment. Waking up from a hyper vivid dream feels like your normally dreaming. Nothing feels the same everything feels fast and hazy compared to the experience you just had, which could make us think, which is real? Or is anything?


I've been lucid/vivid dreaming for years every single night multiple times a night.
it gets annoying that you can't actually rest while asleep,
I'm always busy in my dreams usually in crazy situations like the apocalypse or stuck in the sewers with guns and bad guys.
Don't try to lucid dream it can get out hand very quickly.
I'm now at a point where i can hear music smell, and taste in my dreams.


I've had a lucid dream I knew it was a dream and the details was more real than reality. I got told things. Now I dont know if I'm just crazy or if it had meaning


I had vivid dreams once. Was 2 years ago, and it went for 5 nights with different time periods of my life. Never dreamt of this stuff again. Still don't know what it means.
First night- I graduated my military training and was a deployable soldier
2nd night- was on my first tour, the first time I encountered death and the mental challenges And pain I endured from this tour
3rd night- was a quick dream felt like 1 min but was a full 10 hour deep sleep. I was on a night raid and it went wrong. We lost a handful of men, brothers on this mission. I watched them go lifeless, wondering why it wasn't me. Then at the end of the dream I got captured.
4th night- this dream I'll never forgot how ruthless it was. The pain felt real. I went through multiple stages of torque from drowning, all the way to metal rods with sharp points being heated up in a fire. There were metal whips etc. I remember looking into the fire, and they would pull the rod out and ask me a question, when I didn't answer they would brand me or stab me. The pain was so surreal I'd pass out and be woken up with water or adrenaline needles so I had to endure the pain. After the first stab and when I woke up from it, gassing for air I woke up in real life in a sweat.
5th night- I was a lot older... maybe 40/45. I was looking into the mirror and looked at my body, seen deep scars and wounds that will never heal. After having a good look I looked into my eyes and saw nothing. Just dark and empty. Then a women's arms wrapped around me and I woke up. Iv never dreamt about it again. This was 2 years ago.

And I'm about to re enlist to serve, and a lot of signs have been happening. My pop died who was extremely religious, I never believed it thought what a load of shit that stuff is. But since he died a lot of signs have happened. He believed in the universe talks to you if you listen, and that numbers have bigger meanings. His number was 644. And when I read my military I'd through out the 10 numbers his numbers were my last 3. Then few weird things happened and I googles the numbers Iv been seeing, and under the numbers there was a picture, "the devil" was the title, it said "the devil signifies a situation from which there will be no escape, or a road leading my to one". Think I got a lot of things installed for my life. However if I can bring one dad, brother, mother home. It's worth it right. Being reliable to the people beside you, when all hope is lost finding the will to endure to see your loved ones again. I'll look the devil in the eye 10 times over if I can bring a brother home


I vividly remember most of my dreams and am aware of being in most the dreams. I have noticed that staying too long in a lucid dream, I begin to lose control over the dream and disassociation begins to set in. This is where things can get ugly. Time may not be flowing or jumping from time and space to time and space without my control. This can lead to a feeling of being caught in the dream where u might wake up after 5 minutes and feel like you just spent 10 years in eutopia ( no place).


Woe man it's insane .... I just woke up and its nightmare vivid and ....its no good ... it's scary af
