Emma Watson' full speech at UN on Sept 20,2016

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British actress Emma Watson on Tuesday addressed the "Together for the 2030 Agenda: Partnering for Women, Children and Adolescents, to Thrive and Transform the World” event at UN headquarters in New York.
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Nice speech Emma! Ten points for Gryffindor!


She doesn't hate men and what she said is very true. Try to understand what she is saying. She says that sexual violence should be treated as violence and not treated as a light misdemeanor. Some people don't see sexual violence for what it is and therefore do not associate the term with the act; that is what she is saying. Also, she isn't trying to fix gender disparity by physically getting more men in the universities. She wants more men involved in the quest for gender equality. She says that women aren't the only ones who need to stand up for gender equality for women. In a nutshell, men should not only focus on their own social issues but also assist women in theirs. It goes the same for women. She NEVER said men are bad. As for leadership roles, some people only seem to view leadership roles in terms of political roles. That is not the main focus. The focus is also on the business sector, banking sector and other sectors. There are many studies being done on this subject which can help us all understand on the role and pay disparity that women face. In all, she doesn't have anything against men and she isn't the only one who has raised such issues. Maybe all those commenting here could take some time out and try to understand the issue and then place a comment. Gender equality has been an issue for all these years past and will probably still be an issue in years to come. However, if more people like Emma Watson exist, it will lessen the impact.


I don't think you guys understand. Your country isn't the only country in the world. She is not only talking about YOUR country she is talking about the world. Your country makes up a small percentage of the world. It doesn't matter if women give lectures at your university or generally have equality. There are countries out there where women can't go to school. Cant get an education. Yes there are countries out there that still believe that. These things are happening even if you can't see it. She isn't saying this stuff for herself. She is doing it for them. Men get let off on minuscule charges for rape. In some countries it just gets looked over. Just because these things don't exist where you are doesnt mean they aren't happening elsewhere. For those of you saying she is just some rich kid, who's gonna do this for her?


maybe she should give these speeches in the middle east


honestly all these people in the comment section hating on Emma is the reason we need feminism.


Emma is holding a meeting. She works very hard every day. Go sweetheart I'm proud


I'd like to know which university teaches these things....


All these comments saying she is man-hater because she dare to talk about rape, look at the way they write those comments, they're full of hate, sorry but you are the one hating on her. Is strange that you people say women voices are already heard but all you're doing here is hate her because she is talking. You can call her man hater but the true is that I've never seen most hatefull comments like yours. So sorry dear anti feminist, but feminism is not going to end until you stop calling women sluts, whores and bitches. It's not like you have laws against horrible crimes like rape or violence and that's it, but to treat every person with respect no matter their gender and that means to stop with the sexually derogatory names, stop harassing underage girls in public, and you're right, there are laws against it, but that means nothing if we don't change our minset.

And it's called feminism because it recognizes that women are the ones seen as inferior, or are you telling me that "manhood" has being represented as inferior? I've never heard anybody say "you're such a man" as an insult. And you are always using the "tie" to "win" an argument, if a feminist says women should be equal, you say "but all the men dying in war..." etc, etc, it's like you're saying she shoudn't talk about sexism because there are men dying, almost like "you should accept those insults, you deserve rape, don't complain because men are dying in wars" read these carefully, NOBODY is saying that men don't die in wars, that men don't suffer job accidents, all we say is women suffer from sexism much more than men and that's not ok, dying in wars is a consequence, when you go to war there's a 50/50 chance you're going to die, because wars are about that, the job accidents are companies responsibility, those happen to men and women everywhere, but killing women, taking advantage to rape them or harass them just because they are women is disguting. Also, you always talk about false rape accusations, and that's true, there are false accusations, but there are also false accusation of robbery, economic fraud, killing, etc, and they are a big damage to those people, that doesn't mean I'm not going to report a killer just because of the poor people suffering from false accusations. And sexism towards women has been in our societes for so long that it's obvious it's going to affect men at some point, why do you think men are called "pussies" if they show their emotions, if they cry, surely it's because being a man means to be inferior, right?, all those men commiting suicide because they didn't asked for help because they're supposed to be "men", it's just a sexist remark that acting otherwise is being feminine meaning you're weak, "don't act like a woman, you're a strong men", fathers loosing their kids because that's a woman's job. Also, it seems you only remember all those men suffering just when there is a feminist speaking up, which saddens me because it looks like you don't really care about veterans, men dying in wars, suicide, you just use them conveniently to silence every person who dares to speak about women's rights.

Keep calling every woman a slut, a bitch, a whore, but then don't complain about those silly feminists.


If anybody else had made this speech, there wouldn't be so much hate. Personally I don't care about her background, that she's an actress or that she has money (now). All I care about is that she is trying to make a positive influence on the world (not just America or the U.K) and improve lives with the position she has worked for. What's so bad about that? Well done Emma, you showed me feminism means equality! Great speech! (Plus she was giving the representatives her research in writing, this was just the conclusion.)


Wearing unbranded clothes doesn't mean you are poor you have a family to feed not a community to impress..


It is because YouTube users like you that people like Emma need to advocate for gender equality. She is fully aware of her privilege, and has never denied it, but she is also aware that she has more of a voice than the women most vulnerable to gender inequalities of our day. Let Emma advocate for the human rights of these women in peace. Keep up this important work Emma! You're amazing.


It's a nightmare to find myself in the future with a woman telling me what to do as if she's my mum. Lived in Norway for seven years and girls there are so fucking condescending.


Just looking at all the comments against feminism and against Emma Watson makes me think we need feminism.
And some of them are just against women. But there's people just below who say; ''what, women and men are equal!''.


The irony here is that the demographic group struggling academically in Britain today are white, working-class boys. Girls from affluent families, like Emma, are doing brilliantly.


"experiences show that women can't run seminars" what? but half of my lecturers are women and I do Engineering which is stereotypically male?

"in universties we are given the message that sexual violence isnt actually a form of violence" seriously what the fuck is she on about? that message isnt given anywhere in the UK, certainly not fucking universities, seriously what is she even talking about?

"the university experience must tell people that the safety of women, minorities and anybody who might be vulnerable, that it is a right" everyone except me then? okayyyy...

honestly, what is she talking about? I like her but I honestly don't get this speech, I feel like I'm missing a lottt of context or she isn't in reality right now.


So tired of hearing wealthy people complain about their oppression.


I don't bloody understand why majority of the comments is either looking down on feminism or the fact that Emma is a feminist USING her HARD EARNED fame and following for a good cause or talking about how she "needs a good fucking". How sick have your minds been poisoned to? When will you realize that the reason this agenda title speaks for women and children is because men ALREADY have had this privilege and are still receiving this privilege far more than women and children to change the world. Equality has NOT been achieved, and a heartbreaking example is the comments here on this video. Shame on all of you, shame on how you blame a woman for standing up for the rights of women. It was not once said that men should be belittled or that they are not of equal worth to women. Women for the longest time have been placed underneath men by society, we have always been looked down on. She is a feminist, fighting for equality. The definition is all parties( in this case both genders ) receiving equal respect and equal opportunity to change the world, to make it a better place. Please, before you make a comment lashing out at her because she calls herself a feminist, ask yourself, "Am I really speaking from a perspective of equal respect?"


I thought Hogwarts was your home Hermione


‘After all this time’ you are still brave, courageous and bold to get up the podium and speak your heart out❤️❤️

Emma: ✨‘Always’✨
