Dr Anna Silvas, FAHA - A Definition of Mysticism

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On Friday 24 October 2014, Dr Anna Silvas, FAHA (University of New England, Armidale NSW) offered two guest lectures at St Andrew's. The first lecture, 'Nexus of Greek, Syriac and Latin Christianity: St Basil the Great's Small Asketikon,' mainly outlined the process by which the speaker compiled the critical edition of the Syriac version of the aforementioned text. The second lecture, 'Was St Basil the Great a mystic? Was he a mystical theologian?' led the audience through the incompletely mapped territory of St Basil's theology, revealing a new portrait of the Church father as a genuine saint and mystic, in contradistinction with the dominant perception of the great Cappadocian as a politician, doctrinal polemicist and pastoral ethicist. The event, hosted by Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache, was met with much enthusiasm by the students, clergy, faculty and members of the public in attendance.
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