Badasses of History: Khalid Ibn Walid

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This was my personal favourite with Khalid Ibn Walid
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The guy was so good that omar ibn Al khattab (the leader of the Muslims at the time) had to retire him because people were starting to believe that victory comes from Khalid, while omar wanted them to know victory comes from Allah.


When he was in his death bed. He ask his friend why god didn't allow him to die in battle and become a Shahid. His friend said, "when the prophet gave you the nickname, 'god's blade' how could you. God's blade must not be broken"


Battle of Yarmuk is something Europeans dont wanna talk about. Yarmuk was basically Rome vs a few guys from the dessert.


One of his famous quotes "May the eye's of cowards never sleep"


You will be facing men who love death more than you love life - Khalid Ibn Walid R.A.


"I will be there with a group of Army whom love death, More then you love your life and wine" - Khalid Ibn Al Waleed R.A


“If I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or if I were given the good news of having a new born son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart than to be in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to fight in the Way of God" -khalid ibn al walid


"May the eyes of cowards never sleep", "I bring you men who love death more than you love life", "I am happier in a cold icy night awaiting to meet the enemy the next morning, than on the night of my wedding with the most beautiful wife"


The death of Khalid ibn Al-Waleed

A few days before his death, an old friend came to see Khalid at his bedside.

Khalid: “Do you see a space larger than the span of a hand on my leg which is not covered by some scar from a sword, arrow, or lance?”

The friend examined Khalid’s leg and confessed that he did not.

Khalid raised his right arm and then his left, for a similar examination and

with similar results. Next he exposed his great chest, and here again the friend was met with a similar sight.

Khalid: “Do you not see? I have sought martyrdom in a hundred battles. Why could I not have died in battle?”

Friend: “You must understand, O Khalid, that when the Messenger of Allah named you Sword of Allah, he predetermined that you will never fall in battle. For that would mean that Allah’s sword had been broken; and that could never be.”

Khalid: “I die even as a camel dies. I die in bed, in shame. May the eyes of cowards never rest even in sleep.”
-Ibn Qutaibah: pg. 267, Khalid ibn Al-Waleed: pg. 442


He was a military genius - study him to truly be mesmerised. It’s strategy and psychology played to its finest.


This guy was probably one of the most badass, tactical men in all of human history, the west doesn't get taught about him but we should all remember him, what a true warrior of a man


No spiderman, batman, or ironman
We have our real heroes


“I swear by Allah, cowardice does not extend my life and bravery does not reduce it”
My favorite quote of all time. Saw it on the side of a Chechen T-72. Happy I found the origin.


On his death bed covered in wounds and awaiting death Khalid (RA) said to one of his companions...

“There isn’t a spot on my body that isn’t covered with a scar. Oh how I wish my God had taken me as a shaheed in battle.”

To which his friend replied...

“Oh Khalid. The Prophet (pbuh) named you the ‘Sword’ of Allah. God would never allow his sword to fall”.

Arguably the bravest and most courageous warrior of them all. May Allah swt place him alongside his Prophet in paradise (Ameen).


Undefeated?!? Anyone who fought or fights multiple wars and battles and remains undefeated deserves to be constantly acknowledged, taught about, and remembered. That is no easy feat.


It was reported that he broke 9 swords fighting in the battle of Mutah. The Sword of Allah🔥


Almost every man who names his son Khalid today regardless of location is in tribute to Khalid Ibn Al Waleed. That is how important he was and how revered he is.


For the battle of Mut'ah, he divided his armies into smaller groups, wearing new clothes and placed in different positions, to come at different time while dragging palm leaves behind them.

What it did was the illusion of reinforcements (new clothes and coming from different positions) and a large one at that (the leaves caused the sand to blow up so the opposing army thought the groups were enormous in size).


he wasn't just a badass, he was known as the sword of Allah. im not religious, but that's a really great feat to have


he won 15 fights against persians an 9 against roman then both of them joined hands with an army of 200k against 15k and won that
