Kawasaki Z H2 Test Ride and Specs

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A friend let me test ride his 2020 Kawasaki Z H2 and I almost had to change my underwear afterwards! Such a beast!!! See me list the specs while I ride and hear my own opinions about it. What do you think of it? Let me know in the comment section please...
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Motorcycle in this video: 2020 Kawasaki Z H2

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Im 73 years old and i just went from a ZX6R to a Zh2. I only had it a few weeks but i am absolutely loving it. It's fast when you want it to be but is perfectly happy riding in stop and go traffic. It's the perfect bike and so comfortable to ride.


I bought this bike last Saturday, September 7th, 2024. I'm in love with it.


just finished a day testing the ZH2 SE, the electronic suspention make the bike 100% perfect without any of the doubt in corneers that the standard gives when you give it too much. But 5th and 6th for all day riding is so easy (even in 30mph zones/town0, drop it down a gear or 2 for the giggle factor and front end fun.... just waiting for the money (wife to agree)
Absolutly love this bike and prefer it over the S1000R Sport package i tested by a country mile.
Love the laughter you had doing some of the things i was doing during the test lol


The laughter in the vid tells me you really enjoyed the bike.


I love it how the inline-fours can rev seemingly infinitely.. Kinda miss my very first bike - the Honda Hornet - a bit. Even doing like 40-50 km/h it sounded like I was doing 100 at least :D

The H2 is a badass bike though! Nice vid!


Yea- that for sure is a sweet machine! I had some fast bikes back in the day but @ my age(72) I kind of out-grew them. I'm condensed down now to a Honda Monkey (lol). Thanks for the memories! Have a beautiful day! Illinois, USA


Forced induction and motorcycles are a crazy combination, got to love them. Nice video as always DV. I want to try a Supercharged Kawasaki sometime!


Damn that flyby sounds so lovely, i would listen to the exhaust everyday. Sadly i can't clearly hear the supercharger sound when you rev it like the H2 does but it's still great sounds though

Nice vid DV, ride safe!


Awesome video, the sound of your bike is amazing. I got the same full black version a few months ago and the engine is just phenomenal. Just subscribed, looking forward to more of your videos on this 😍


I have had a few heads up drags races against a H2 on my ZX14-r and won every time ( BoltBucket Witnessed this if there are any doubts ) I've not ridden the H2 yet however I would have to say that one of them would handle far better than the 14's and they are lighter as was laughing on this video as you ride that bike the same as I ride mine ...broken speed'o and all lol. Very cool bikes though man I do like them.


Did you put in a full exhaust or just the slip-on? If its only slip-on, I've got to say this is all it needs. Music to my ears!


Insane! Looks like it hits harder than the v8 bike you tested.


Stats on a piece of paper don't do it justice. They don't tell the story of this bike. It's one of the strongest accelerating bikes ever made. Only half throttle and you're on the back wheel!


Amazing power-machine!!, how do you deal with (no) wind protection???


Shame that the speedo is broken. lol. Those bikes are brutal.


How much it costs including Mods ??
And what do you do for a living ??


What tank bag holder do you have there, I got the ogio s2 and no screws on the filler cap so can’t fit it🙁


Я на следующий сезон планирую купить Кавасаки Z H2 SE. Сейчас коплю деньги, надеюсь всё получится.
Почему то из всей линейки Кавасаки привлекает именно Z модели. У меня была z300 потом купил z900. Теперь хочу Z Н2 прям Навящивая идея))


I love my Z H2, but to be honest, the only country, where you can have the entire potential of such a bike is here in Germany with our highways without any speed limit. I love Sweden and the people and I would spent a lot of money to live there, but in regards of the traffic and its would choose another bike, really....


Самый классный мотоцикл! Нафиг BMW не нужно.
Спасибо за виде.
