Selenium with Java 41 - How to create Custom Expected Conditions class methods explained with code

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How to create Custom Expected Conditions class methods explained with code.

Custom Expected Condition :
Expected Condition class methods :
Supplies a set of common conditions that can be waited
All methods in this class are static
Some of the methods are overloaded methods
We can write custom Expected conditions method

Why we need to create custom Expected Condition?
We need custom expected conditions when the built-in Selenium WebDriver expected conditions are not sufficient for creating complex conditions.

How To Write Custom Expected condition :
The Until method of WebDriverWait class uses ExpectedConditions to wait for a particular condition to be met.
The Until method waits till one of the following events occurs:
The condition definition returns neither null nor false.
The condition definition returns an exception that is not in the list of ignored exception types.
The timeout period defined during WebDriverWait object creation expires.

A custom ExpectedCondition can be written in 2 ways:

1. By creating the object of excepted condition and By using the method apply.
2. By creating a custom expected condition as a class that

Implements the ExpectedCondition interface
Has a constructor with the parameters of the expected condition
Overrides the apply method

By creating the object of excepted condition and By using the method apply.

public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
if (element != null)
return true;
return false;
return false;

class WaitFor
public static ExpectedCondition Boolean elementContainsText(String textMustContain) {
return new ElementContainsTextCondition(textMustContain);
class ElementContainsTextCondition implements ExpectedCondition Boolean {
private String textToFind;
public ElementContainsTextCondition(final String textToFind) {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) {

Possible Interview Questions on custom expected conditions in selenium webdriver :
Can we create the custom expected conditions?
How to create the custom expected condition
Which are the different ways to create custom expected conditions
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