I Can't Use Free Software. Proprietary Software Is BETTER!

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I often talk about the advantages of free and open source software (FOSS) versus proprietary software (aka "proprietary poo"). But many people have messaged me saying that they could never switch to FOSS because: (1) I have to use proprietary software, or (2) proprietary software is just inherently better than free/cheap software, or (3) there is no FOSS software for the stuff I do.



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Blender is backed by Apple, Intel and many more. So it is quite a killer app on all the platforms


Steam is the only proprietary software on my PC that is irreplaceable.

8:12 Mindustry and Veloren are two great FOSS games! Hey DT, will you make a video about them sometime?
8:57 Remember XSplit? That got completely dominated by OBS! OBS is really the king of what it does now.


As much as I hate Photoshop, it still has a few advantages over GIMP for production (I worked at a small studio for outsourced 2D game assets): Non-destructive editing, and vector shape tools. Having no vector shape tools means that one would have to constantly switch between GIMP and Inkscape to achieve the same results but would take almost twice as long to make.

Anyways, I'm freelancing digital painting/illustration now so I don't need Photoshop anymore. I'm now on Manjaro using Krita for work.


I remember a friend that hated, and I mean HATED FOSS and loved using GIMP (yeah, hahahaha). When I said that it was FOSS, he did not belive me and started to search about FOSS. Result, he uses Linux nowadays.


Gaming is one of the few areas that I'm okay with being proprietary. I don't really care about modding games personally; yes you can still do that with some proprietary games (although harder it's still possible). What I do have an issue with is anti-cheat measures that require kernel level access which I will absolutely never touch.

Still, Valve Proton is great because all of the games essentially run in their own Wine Sandbox/Bottle.


I am a firm believer of using whatever works best


It's not just users, it's also governments and large corporations. Why do they all prefer proprietary software? BECAUSE SOMEONE IS ACCOUNTABLE TO FIX BUGS. Open-source software makes it easier for people to identify the root cause of a bug, but if you _pay_ for software (whether it's open-source or not), then someone is actually _required_ to fix the bug if they want to keep earning a paycheck. Whereas with free software, bugs only get fixed if someone feels like it. That's why the most reliable Linux distros are the ones with corporate sponsors.


Ayyy I wrote a script that shows your new videos in my status bar :3


I'm using MS Office 99% of my worktime. And it's really a problem to switch to anything else, 'cause MS Office is a standard defacto. It has a lot of functionality which is purely realized in Libre Office or is abscent in it at all. And that's a pity.


Even if your school requires using MS Office, you can still use Libre Office or others. They pretty much all offer export as .docx or whatever. That's typically what I did when I was in University.
Edit: Work is tricky, because licensing and whatnot.


I use software in both camps, and I agree there are some good free alternatives to paid. Then I've had situations where I've given the free alternatives a fair go and still found the commercial versions (better for me.) Most of which are accessibility features. Linux desktop environments have come a long way and if a full screen magnifier was all I needed, I'd be covered. However, I also use text to speech, while there are screen readers in Linux, I find them quite aggravating to listen to after a while because they aren't natural human sounding solutions like the Mac, or windows come with, or have available. So these are some legitimate reasons I stick with the Mac as my primary platform, and use Linux as a secondary solution. With that said I'm always willing to learn and try alternatives, I just haven't found them in every area of use yet, that would make me comfortable completely switching.

The other point I would like to bring up that has been a somewhat annoyance to me when dealing with the Linux community is, I've rarely found someone to interact with that has the same needs as myself which would be more qualified to help me find solutions tailored to my needs over just someone promoting free and open source to the general public.
Not saying the videos aren't good or helpful, because they are. They're just not specific enough for me that I would find them particularly helpful with things I haven't been able resolve on my own. Basically, at this point, I would be someone who enjoys Linux and can use it, but would also want commercial options available if the free stuff doesn't completely meet my needs. I am currently at 50/50 I'd say with my percentage of each camp usage.


Love your info and Linux rants. I have learned a metric ton from you and you were my catylst to convert to Linux mint and Zorin. I truly have to say thank YOU. I must finally also say it, you look like a dead ringer for Anton Szandor LaVey, and that is actually, a compliment, as you have converted me to the Church of Linux 🤪


I switched to Linux about five or six years ago and have used FOSS almost exclusively since then, including apps such as GIMP, Kdenlive, Inkscape, various web browsers, and Libre Office.

However, I made the conscious decision to go back to Adobe. Yes, I can do everything I could on those apps by using the FOSS apps, but it often required workarounds whereas Adobe could achieve the same in a click or two.

As such, I dual boot my computer, using Linux almost exclusively, unless I want to use Adobe or game, in which case I switch to Windows.


Here is the truth: People that work on open source software are most likely programmers. Not designers. Open source software often looks worse BUT often has better functionality. Chose what you thunk is more important...


I use Linux exclusively myself, but I don't agree with your comments. I can expand your list of open source software with a list of annoying bugs in these same software products, some of which have not been fixed for years. And then the countless inconsistencies in the toolkits, the respected standards, etc ... I use Linux probably for completely different reasons than you. At least your argument would not convince me.


The reason why games are not/rarely open source is because it's not a "tool", it's an "entertainment".

It makes sense for a "tool" (i.e. software or library) to be open source because all people can be benefited from open source. This is more difficult when it comes to games/entertainment/creative stuff. Saying "open source game" is pretty much the same as saying "open source movie" or "open source art". The concept simply doesn't really mix well IMO. Though I would love to see a mainstream game to be open source but that simply is just difficult to happen I would imagine.


I agree that proprietary software can be better than open source IF AND ONLY IF there's no open source software and there's only proprietary.
(Although that's rare)
If a person made a program and a company made a similar program.
That doesn't mean that the company did a better job.
(This is my opinion and I'm open for any corrections from others, I like to keep an open mind)


Thank you for the video. I was having trouble explaining this to a coworker.


Adobe softwares and Microsoft Office are the main reasons why people didn't switch a lot to Linux yet.
Both software suits are still better (with more resources and integrations) than the open source alternatives


You forgot about one of the most popular pieces of software nowadays: OBS
