Frites without fat great

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Hi I am Iffie, IT professional, martial artist, interested in birds (especially parrots), gaming (Warframe), combat sports & meditation traveling and spending time with fam. Living a simple but effective lifestyle with the IMO right mindset. I believe that A.I. will destroy the world, like the internet and evil marketing (consumerism) has partially done just like the governments. With deepfake, voice cloning, character profiling, AI chatterbots, cybernetic mind hive teams, EEG neural technologies, VR, AR and everything coming I think people will become more addicted and loosen their grip on reality. Working on themselves from the basics (psychology, emotional intelligence, intelligence, keeping in shape by sports and outdoor activities, spending time with family and loved ones) will be less and people will be hooked up to their devices like they do with their smart phones right now. Dependent on AI and Robotics (robot servants) for receiving fake artificial love. It kill the hard and makes the brain hardwired to tech. This while we are sentient biological creatures and need to be more with nature, animals and loves ones, contributing to earth. Animals are our friends we do not needs AI Robots. Neither do we need nanochips or microchips to enhance our intelligence. We were build how we were build naturally for a reason, yet because of wanting more and better people will try to keep upgrading themselves continously until they destroy themselves and other around them. For this all we do not need an Alien invastion, we are doing it right now, by being stupid, lazy, addicted and greedy. The truth is harsh and yet it is the truth. In the future were mind control by neural technologies will be one of the tools "they" will (ab)use against us, trying to mass control & depopulate our lives, outcomes, playing thought police with tech like Remote Neural Monitoring, giving control dreams and playing our illegal shepherd guiding a stupid afraid & controllable herd of sheep (pathetic) as if they are god. This is all evil of course. Their project SATAN is clearly to infiltrate, manipulate, hypnotise, gaslighting, suggest, abuse dark NLP and control our mind in which theater shows and outcomes, all directed and scripted to convince us are a big part of it. But if you will educate yourself on different subjects like that and previous evil project like MKultra, Monarch, Cointelpro and the creating of crime in advanced of state to target a group of people tactically by installing a surveillance state and policing society, community policing groups & infragards to gain even more control, then you will be fine. Keep strong, keep training, keep meditation, keep motivating, keep yourself happy, keep just doing what you want, do not think of all the negative things in the world, life is short and just chill and hangout, fullfil you heart not your fake duties towards others and people please nobody, do not give a shit on what other say or think.

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