Pulitzer Prize Series 1918-2020: The Reread Project

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Hello and welcome to my Pulitzer Series for 1918-2020!

Before watching this video, please watch my Introduction to this series here:

You can also see why I decided to read all the books that have won the Pulitzer Prize here:

The Pulitzers I considered the worst:

Today, I'm going to talk about five Pulitzers I want to reread and re-evaluate. I plan on doing this before the Pulitzers are announced in 2022. If you are someone trying to read all the Pulitzers and would like to read one of these as a Buddy Read with me, let me know and I will consider it. I have a lot of Buddy Reads scheduled for the year, but I have been so impressed by how many people are trying to read ALL the Pulitzer novels. You can send me a message on Goodreads, Instagram or let me know in the Comments section.

Thank you to the many people who regularly watch and comment on this channel!
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Hi Kelly, I experienced a few sadistic teachers in my life. One was in first grade sadly, and she put kids under her desk and kicked them.
Most of the kids couldn’t speak English so their parents couldn’t stick up for them. She knew that.
When she started bullying me, I told my mother and my mother went to the school and yelled at her. This was in the 50s where Not many parents would do that. My mother could be tough.
When I went back to college in my 30s, Two male teachers harassed me. One very sadistically. No one protected me there. When the older man got so outrageous I told other teachers, but everyone was scared of him. So I dropped out of the class.
When I became an ESL teacher, I made sure to be sensitive and kind to my students. I knew what it felt like to see and experience abuse from a teacher.
I’m sorry you had that experience. Sadly, it’s still goes on. Bullies are cowards. Kindness is everything. You are right. Much Aloha.


Your back yard sound like an aviary. There are so many different bird sounds. It was so peaceful. I reread To Kill a Mockingbird and it wowed me for the second time. Enjoy.


I’ve read Beloved twice - about 10 years apart - it stands up and has solidly earned its spot in the U.S. literary canon. The first reading had a profound effect on me and the second reading confirmed it. I don’t think I could get through Gone with the Wind, in no small part because I’m sure Carol Burnett’s Tara skit would be running through my head the whole time. I’ll take Cold Mountain and Killer Angels as my preferred replacements for Gone with the Wind. Beloved still sits miles above both though. To Kill A Mockingbird is always a good re-read, there’s nothing wrong with that book. I too barely remember anything about the Chabon book, I read it when it came out and am pretty sure I bought it for the cover and it living on the entrance table at the Barnes & Noble store we used to go to back then


Small world, I requested "Now in November" from the Denver Library and they didn't have it, so I'm getting it on interlibrary loan from the University of Wyoming. I wonder if it's the same copy you read?
Beloved is a tough book (both in terms of emotionally and difficulty) but I think it's an amazing aesthetic achievement, definitely glad I didn't have to read it for class; I can't imagine having to discuss some of those things in a room full of people. I did have a similar experience as you though in high school with poetry so I sympathize. :/
That's interesting Cavalier and Clay wasn't memorable for you. For me it has several scenes I still vividly remember, I think it has the best kiss in all of literature.
Great job on the series by the way!


Your Pulitzer series has been really enjoyable. Alas, as with all good things it must come to an end. Today you (and the birds) have spurred my interest in re-reading “To Kill a Mockingbird”. I enjoyed reading it as unassigned reading when I was in 8th grade (the specific year will remain undisclosed 😳). It’s definitely time to read it from an adult perspective.
I was surprised when I realized I also read GWTW the same year. At that age and back in those days I didn’t connect the dots regarding social history. I loved GWTW as a big sprawling historical paging-turning romance. The movie was great, perfectly cast. However, in more recent years I’ve realized the story glossed over less than admirable events in our country’s history.
Beloved and The Optimist’s Daughter are two books on my book wish list that I hope to get to sooner than later.
Best wishes for your re-reading project. It would be nice to hear your thoughts about at the end of it.


That story with Beloved and the college professor literally sounds like my worst nightmare! I hope your relationship with the book gets better the next time you read it!


I'm going to read Gone with the Wind soon. It will be my first time. I'm interested in the theme of unrequited love. I was sad to hear about your experience with the dreadful teacher. I teach in a university and I am kind and gentle with my students. Many of them have had bad experiences in school and need to feel safe and respected before they can fully contribute. The behaviour of bullying teachers makes me angry and upset.


I really enjoyed this series Kelly. It’s amazing to me how you set yourself this project and didn’t DNF any of the books. What an accomplishment. I definitely want to read Beloved soon. I tend to shy away from books that are difficult, but am trying to push myself more.


Your Pulitzer videos are great! I’ve not read any of the books you’ve discussed in this video. I think I’ve mentioned that I really haven’t read a lot of American lit and this is one of the reasons why I’d like to make my way through the fiction prize winners. Btw Gilead was absolutely wonderful and the book club discussion was fantastic yesterday!


I truly think Beloved is a book that only gets better upon reread, especially because the structure of the book is so complex and fragmented with jumps back and forth through time and biblical references. So the first time you read it, you're just trying to piece together what exactly is happening and how the characters are connected. Once you know that, it's much easier to appreciate other aspects of what Morrison is doing. I will be interested to hear your thoughts on all of your Pulitzer rereads, but especially Beloved and GWTW.
I read Kavalier & Clay for my comprehensive exams in grad school. It's a book that is interesting to me thematically, but I think it's too long.


I loved the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay. I think it's his best. I also really love Wonderboys by him (and the film). To kill a mockingbird is one of my all time favourites, god knows how many times I've read it, I first read it when I was about 12.


So sorry about your college class experience with _Beloved_. I hope you will reread it. I've read two books by Chabon and not much has stuck with me from either.


Kelly, I’ve only read To Kill a Mockingbird on your list, but I really want to read Gone with the Wind because (though problematic) I’ve heard Mitchell is an excellent writer.


I’ve only read To Kill a Mockingbird and that was fairly recently but I own all but Gone With The Wind- I think Beloved would be my top pick to try although I’m intrigued to see why you gave The Optimists Daughter only one star Kelly!


I really appreciate this series! I have read some Pulitzers but not a lot, and I've had in the back of my mind trying a project like this. I also want to reread Gone with the Wind, which I haven't read in decades. If you'd like to buddy read any of these, I'd be interested!


I had a teacher humiliate me in front of the class like that in college and a different one in high school. Some people should not be teachers.


I totally enjoyed this series. Where did Lonesome Dove fall in your likes or dislikes?


Nice list - a real mix of titles. I should read Beloved at some point. The only Morrison I’ve read is The Bluest Eye.
However, I feel duty-bound to ask: No Middlesex reread? 🤣🤣🤣


i've never read to kill a mockingbird... i should get around to it... :-)


JMO but you blocked out The Optimist's Daughter for good reason. I read that after reading Meanwhile There Are Letters by Suzanne Marrs (which I really enjoyed). I rated it two stars and remember nothing about it except how I had to push myself to finish. Good luck with your re-reads. 😊
