Classic Game Room - WE BOUGHT A NEO-GEO MVS 4-slot arcade machine part 1

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Neo Geo Backup Ram Error. The enemy. Rams. Errors. Things preventing CGR from playing its new Neo-Geo MVS arcade machine!!! Help us fix it! I'm going to start by cleaning the #$@! out of this thing and then take out the Neo-Geo MVS inside and look at it. I hear changing the battery might help but won't know the condition until I get it out. NeoGeo MVS arcade machine came with a cool stack of games for a great price... now we need to make it work great!
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I miss this channel. I remember watching this series of MVS videos when they dropped. Where does the time go. Damn...


Thank you everyone for your help. I cleaned the machine and removed the MVS hardware (all of which really needed a thorough cleaning). I googled the problem and found some good info out there and appreciate the recommendations of people to contact. Together we will install arms, flamethrowers and conscious and let this evil machine loose to conquer the universe!!! - mark


The MVS was the best arcade system ever.


One can always appreciate SNK for allowing you to use both the Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinets AND Neo Geo AES consoles to play these game cartridges. So it's good that at least you only have to replace the 4 slot replacement board like someone else said, not any specific game. I find this to be a really underrated form of old styled cross-compatibility. Most arcade cabinets were not like this. Most were one game, one circuit board.


I've got a four slot mvs in my game room too but the one you have is awesome! Its pretty rare to have working credit indicators and marquee light! Just buy a new mother board off eBay they are cheap especially a one slot. Best of luck, love the show! Neo geo forums a great place too


Backup Ram Errors are often caused by a leaking battery, which can brake traces. Like others who commented here, it only affects things like the calendar and saving scores. If you use a Unibios, like CGR has in their Analogue Interactive CMVS, you have the option to bypass the backup ram.


This is a common problem with MVS boards by the way. It is most likely due to your battery backup sploding and acid on the board corroding the traces and chips. You may have to replace the memory chips and solder a few traces. Worse case, a used MVS 4 slot board is not too expensive. There are a ton of great resources on the web for this issue. the Neo Geo forums are one of my favourite. Long term fix is to replace the old style battery with a newer coin battery that won't leak acid.


4 slot! Nice choice Mark. I have a couple arcade machines myself, but unfortunately I know very little about the MVS.

I would suggest searching or asking a Neo-Geo repair question on the Arcade Museum (KLOV) forums, or the Neo-Geo forums.

I have a lot of memories with Neo-Geo systems. Let's hope you find an easy solution!


Not got a clue when it comes to repairing arcade games, but had a similar error in mame a few times. Hope you get it sorted mate, looks in pretty decent shape.


Your error is on the lower byte and I am not sure whether F9 is the upper byte and D9 is the lower byte or vice versa but I may be able to tell after I check on the 4 slot.
You can use some SONY CXK58256MM-12L chips.
To do this repair you will need to know how to de-solder the faulty RAM chip(s) and re-solder new ones - moderate skill with a soldering iron and a desoldering braid or heat gun is required.
Good luck!


Check for bad traces. Make sure the Battery didnt leak, replace the battery with a new sealed battey in any case to prevent a leaking battery.

Then replace all the Sound Caps as a preventative measure.

If your Mini Marquee panels do not light up, replace them with EL Panel A6's from Glowhut

In rare cases you also need to replace the Calendar Crystal. I just finished rebuilding my Neo Geo 4 slot. I also have about 4 extra boardsets just in case one is acting up.


That dude knows quite a bit on fixing this sort of stuff, so I agree.


Congrats! I finally bought my this year when I got my tax return, mine is also a 4 slot but version 3 which had the speakers above the marquee. I LOVE NEO GEO!!!


I love how everyone assumes its RAM (as in what is in your PC/Laptop) Whereas in actual fact its probably battery backup ram

At a guess i'd say the battery has leaked onto the board & eroded one of the tracks, thus not letting the ram read.write properly, Just a quick de-soldering & cleaning job with a vinegar, i'd recommend fly wiring the battery as opposed to re-soldering it, makes the board less likely to die in the future


Call upon all your dark skills, Lord Mark of CGR, to raise this beast from the dead!


Okay I got this information from neo-geo DOT com/forumsPerson had same error as you.
"There are actually 5 sets of RAMs used on a neo geo. The backups will be ONLY rams with the battery voltage on pin 28 after the power is removed"

" it is probably a single leg lifted up, specifically leg 12 on one of the two rams. Check that out. If there is board corrosion, that is also a cause and should be fixed up. "

Also, make sure the bios battery is replaced and test the voltages on your Power supply.


One day I'll own one of those just for Metal Slug 3. One day.


I never saw one of these. It looks really cool. It even has memory card slots and headphones! What is this MVS thing? An arcade for home? Best of luck fixing it. I look fordward to it


Good luck with the fixing, Mark! I'm almost done with my own MAME arcade cabinet here :)


Now I feel like having a video game thing with old games as well.
