Outlaws of Thunder Junction Precons: Worst to Best

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I can't wait for the desert precon. I always wanted to build hazezon, but I didn't think there was enough deserts to warrant it. It's gonna be my first thunder junction buy


The fact they named the spell in the vampire cowgirl’s deck “We Ride at Dawn” instead of “We Ride at Dusk” pisses me off.


I can't wait to tweak Most Wanted to use Vihaan for a treasure build. I feel it will really pop off that way.


Your review just makes me even happier than I was before.

I was so excited when I saw the Quick Draw deck reveal & now that I know the commander has ways of going 🤯 INFINITE! 🤯 I'm beyond hyped! (Might even be a first cEDH deck for me. )

I bought all four decks but for sure the only one I'm opening on release will be Stella Lee!


I pre-ordered the 4 Thunder Junction Pre-cons for $129.99 from our LGS. I like the Olivia Commander card but maybe it would fit better in a Vampire deck. Vihaan is a good Commander. Gonti is very good. Stella Lee is better than I thought. Thank you for the video Mia and Beezy.


Desert bloom is missing a big add from wilds of eldraine. Blossoming tortoise. That card feels like it was custom made for that deck.


Dang. That spellslinger looks sick. Also, can Beezy try to say the dragon shield ad a little faster? Gotta save time these days.

Great work as always, thank you both ❤


Void Attendant? Oh, that's from Battle for Zendikar! I bought a fat pack for it back in the day.


Some really cool cards and the artwork in this set is next level


The ideal inclusion for Yuma would be Altar of Dementia. For just two mana with him out, sacrifice a cactus to mill four, and every land that flips bits you another token for more mill. You’re going to exceed Hermit Druid levels of mill, and with token doublers you’ll have enough bodies to turn the Altar on other pkayers and just remove them too.


Need to target Stella, greaves is a huge non-bo


Quick Draw is by far the most balanced deck! Some good reprints and great new cards!! I’m going to be deconstructing it and putting singles into my other spellslinger decks (such as Lord of the Nazgûl) as I’m not a massive fan of the commander!


It's interesting when some people talk about Stella Lee and how easy it is for her to go infinite. Look up the old Kamigawa arcane spells. Look up Splice Onto Arcane. Then look up Psychic Puppetry. One additional blue mana when casting ANY arcane spell will go infinite. Land destruction, burn, draw, mill, life gain, creature buffs, they do it all. Stella can win commander games on turn 3.


Rassilon, the War President from the Dr Who decks is going in my version of Gonti. I was building him as a commander, but Gonti gives me another discount and access to green.


Ive been wanting to build hazezon since before the precon was announced. Desert bloom felt like the universe throwing me a bone


BFZ was the first time I ever played standard, of course I know the void attendant.


I actually don't have a landfall commander deck and have always wanted one so I might get the desert one. The spellslinger one looks cool but I bought a previous spell slinger deck and never ended up playing it sadly


I was kina happy when both Ixalan and Karlov Manor had really strong commander decks thinking maybe it's here to stay...But nope, we're strictly back to 'Meh' territory


I bought Most Wanted and Grand Larceny.

I have a kid named Olivia, so I'm obligated to grab this and try to make it work.

As for Grand Larceny, I already had a deck like this but in grixis. It's 12th doctor with Clara Oswald running on black. The idea is basically the same: Steal my opponents' stuff, use it against them, and get political gain while making copies. I'm taking the relevant cards from this precon out and putting them into the Grixis shell I already have. Then I'll be making a Felix combat damage deck out of the spare parts.

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27:44 How did you figure 20 to 30 cards? My guess is that you're considering things that are more than just a one card combo like Refocus because I could only find like 3 cards that are 1) Instant or Sorcery 2) Can uptap Stella 3) Can draw a card.

And btw this isn't a criticism but a legit question: I might change my Niv-Mizzet//Thassa's Oracle deck to Stella//Thassa's Oracle given how she is *much easier* to cast so on a deck that already it's dedicated to fast mana cedh this can be a turn 1 combo deck.
