This System Is WAY Better Than The CAGED System For Guitar

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I was a guitar teacher at Edwards Music near Tampa. Bill Edwards wrote the Fretboard Logic book. Everyone seems to love or hate it. Every system has merit. I learned all my Barre chords and then then learned how to simplify them by playing three string triads. Bill and I had an argument once because I was teaching three note per string scales and he wanted me to teach his 5 position system only. No "system" is the only way. I've learned something useful from every approach. I've always felt inadequate because I can't shred but I never wanted to sound like a typewriter. I can play any pop, rock, blues or country song that I need to know and that is more important to me. I read Pat Martino's system of building chords from diminished and augmented fingerings. I don't completely understand it but I did learn something from it. Thank you for your melodic and expressive approach to playing.


Tim- I love the fact that you smile when you play. Your love of playing and joy it brings you is inspiring. I’m 53 and have been playing since I was 16. It will forever be my favorite hobby - and I will never get to play as often as I like due to my job and other commitments. I try to squeeze in an hour per day - some days it’s more. My favorite thing is improvising over pop and R&B songs with little to no guitar. I do the same thing. I write the chords down and keep them in front of me. I also have scale & chord charts on the walls in my guitar room. It helps when I get brain freeze! 🤣 Ultimately, I am constantly working to add more colors to my crayon box. Music is a life long learning and creative journey. I wish it was my full time profession but I would worry that it would stop being fun if it paid the bills. Keep teaching and inspiring! You’re a joy to watch. - Eddie the cruise vlogger on YouTube


This is SUCH A GREAT lesson. Please please make more of these, showing your thought process and different alternatives over chord progressions, this is FANTASTIC stuff.


9:00 - Oh man that beautiful, I love it when i have touse my brain and ears! Flamenco guitar and jazz are full of seeing things like a keyboard player


As I watch this for the second time… and get ready to pickup my guitar…I realize that I feel privileged..!👍🏼… to get some thoughts from a seasonal pro..!
Thanks Tim..👍🏼❤️


This is great! I am 65 took some lessons and had a mentor, but had to learn a lot by ear and destroying records and needles!!! Kids have NO IDEA how much they have it made with a Pro Session Guy like Yourself just laying it out!
But one thing I am grateful for is the ear training I got doing it the way I did, plus it gives Me My Own Style! However You now help explain things and open new doors, You are such a great player and person. Someday I would love to meet and sit down with You, what a Dream that would be! You by far are one of My favorite Players!
Wishing You all My Best*


That was SO good Tim. You reinforced things I was doing for years that I thought were “wrong” because I’m self taught. Great to get validation and fresh perspectives from a pro such as yourself 🙌🏻


Early in Jimi Hendrix’s rise to fame he made a big impression on a 12 yr old boy who watched him perform at an outdoor gig. Hendrix was still approachable at this point in time and the boy asked him, “how can I learn to play like that” referring to his awesome single note lead patterns. “Just learn your chords and everything else will fall into place”. I attest I read this in a reputable guitar magazine a long time ago, and that this anecdote is accurately recollected.


Man, I wish I had a guitar teacher like Tim when I was a kid. I would have gotten so good so fast.


Been watching this for a few days off and on. There is so much practical theory in this clip you can sit in your studio for a month just working on the individual parts, learning to play them but also understanding the underling relationships between chord postilions.. Great work Tim and the Master Class is definitely worth it. 🤘👍


Cool thing about CAGED is that all of the triads are found within the system. Love your playing!


I absolutely LOVE this lesson. Tim you are amazing for doing these videos for all of us out here. I just never really connected the triads with such forthought and finess. I have seen the light ! lol Such a pleasure to watch you play. Thanks so much.


Tim, this is absolutely my favorite guitar video of the week. Adding it to my little newsletter. Thanks so much for your amazing lessons. We're lucky to have ya!


Triads will set us free! Fantastic lesson and playing as always, my friend :)


Tim's lessons are always a pleasure to watch. Chalked full of important approaches and techniques to help sculpt our own playing.
Thanks Tim.


Hello Tim! Long time beginner here. Just purchased the Masterclass and can't wait to keep learning from you. I found you through the youtube guitar community. THANK YOU SO MUCH for offering the class. Your examples and explanations on YT are all outstanding. I can see why you've had such an amazing career. Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to sound like a solid player too one day! Very exciting!! Thank you!!


Tim is such a great teacher. 💯His love for the instrument and for guitar community is contagious. He inspires me to keep at it. Thanks Tim for all you do for us and keep on smiling ❗You deserve your three thumbs up ❗👍👍👍


Excellent. Your fluidity is what I have always been after. My classical guitar teacher taught me the Segovia scales and I use them to navigate up and down. They are great for warming up in any key as well. Then years ago I discovered using the chords in the various positions for soloing. Somehow I have merged the two approaches and use your heads up display concept to jump around at will. My issue is structure which this lesson provides. Thank you!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guitar soloing video with so much information in such a short period of time. Great!


I never normally have a guitar in hand when im watching your videos, and theyre still so informative and helpful. I wish i had resources like this when i was beginning back in the early 2000s! Kids have it made nowadays lol
