THIS is ENGLAND || Exploring the Medieval Village of Dunster

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So, today we have strayed away from the Cotswolds in search of which may well be the most photographed & Instagrammable thatched cottage in England! For this we find ourselves out and about walking in the village and civil parish of Dunster which is located in the north-eastern boundary of the Exmoor National Park which just sits in the West of Somerset which is in the South West of England. Exmoor also is part of North Devon.

In 2011 the village had a population of 817. The village is 4 km (2.5 miles) southeast of Minehead and 32 km (20 miles) northwest of Taunton.

The Priory Church of St George is 15th century and is a Grade I listed building.

Dunster is said to be the largest and most intact medieval villages in England. It has over 200 listed buildings! It seems that no matter where you are in the village there is always something eye catching to see!

One of the major attractions in Dunster is Dunster Castle which is operated by the National Trust. The village in it's heyday was a centre for the wool and cloth trade. A present day reminder of this is the Yarn Market which was built by George Luttrell. The Luttrell family were synonymous with Dunster as they occupied the castle for some generations. The National Trust acquired the castle in 1976 from Colonel Walter Luttrell.

There is just one hidden OAAW logo in this video, can you spot it? It is in a wheely good place which I used sparingly :D

You may well notice that I picked up the pace a little during the last 10 minutes of the walk, this was because my camera was running dangerously low on battery and it was absolutely vital that I reached the planned finishing point as I thought it would make for quite a nice way to bring the walk to an end.

Thanks for walking with me.

00:00 Churchyard and bells
00:50 Walking away from church
39:25 Enter churchyard
43:00 Exit churchyard

#england #englishvillage #walkingtour #earlymorning #walking #somerset #exmoor #dunster #medieval #outandaboutwalking #itvnews
Рекомендации по теме

I love going on walks with you...I'm disabled, and have a hard time with mobility.
So mentally going on walks, makes me feel like I'm right there doing it with you, as you going along filming as you stroll.


I was born in Dunster many years ago. Live in America now. My grandfather was a groundskeeper at Dunster Castle. He fought in World War 1 and survived!


England is so much more than London, tnxs for showing us heart and soul of this beautiful country 😇


Спасибо за прекрасное видео Уютный маленький городок и очень чистый Удачи Вам, радуйте нас своими видео!


Not sure how I missed this!! No words to describe the bells & birds at the same time except...heavenly!!! What a gorgeous village, it has everything from flowers, birds, water glorious churches & perfect lanes. You are amazingly gracious to gift us these beautiful, peaceful & thanks to nature musical, perfect walks. Thank you seems insufficient....but thank you a thousand times!!! ❤❤


Hola ! Que lindos videos subes !! Desde Buenos Aires argentina!🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷siempre los veo ❤️❤️


Different at Cotswold but beauty and a typical English village at last i can see daffodils 🌼 thank you for sharing your walk 👍🌷🌷🌷🇪🇸👨‍🌾


I’m so fortunate to live down the street from a church that still rings 🔔 bells and across the river from another church that also rings bells I can here. Something magical for the soul. Great introduction here ☮️🇨🇦💜


Waouh!!❤❤ 👍👍 thanks for this beautiful walk. All is pleasant the covered market is beautiful the historical past is very présent. The gardens are very nices and peaceful I like the " pigeonnier"or "colombier"in french and I like the olds benches and the romain bridge .All is beautiful.Thanks you very much.My english is not so good.. kiss from France 🇨🇵🙏🏼


Que nostalgia me suscita el talán de las campanas, es un sonido que perdura a través del tiempo. Un pueblo realmente acogedor y con ese sabor a tranquilidad y naturaleza que nos atrapa. Cada detalle es insuperable y conecta con lo más profundo de mi ser. Gracias por este bello regalo, no tiene precio. Un fuerte abrazo desde otras lejanas tierras.❤❤❤❤❤


Oh my...i saw the sky and got all I lost where you were walking...I'm in love with the way the roads are made.. sidewalks when there are some and the looks like rocks or bricks ? I will need to look to find how that town was take us on such interesting walks...there's so much I want to ask but i know i can't...thank you so much !! Ok i found my way back...your crows are louder than ours here in New Brunswick Canada


Love your videos - but can I please request you post the day and time you are on your walk? Love to know what England looks like certain times of year and day too! Thank you!


Amazing village and beautiful atmosphere❤


What a wonderful and interesting walk, and what a fine spring day you had to make it! The birds certainly entered into the spirit of the walk, as they were in full voice! I lost count of the many types of chirps and bird calls that I heard as you walked along. I appreciated the closeup of the lovely lilies of the valley (or May bells, or whatever they are called in the UK), as they are amongst my favorite flowers- probably because they so eloquently bespeak of spring. I also thought I saw roses as you walked. Were they? If so, you are way ahead of us in NY state! (Our start blooming in May at the earliest, depending on the weather). This village was fascinating, and I am continually awed as I see these structures and contemplate just how old they are- especially coming from a country where 200- 300 years of age would be called “old”. When going through an old structure- or even just seeing the outside of it, as on your walks- I always feel a sense of quiet wonder….as if it is a great privilege to be there and see these things (and it really is). I like to think about the people who occupied these homes, ran these businesses, worshipped at these churches, etc., and think of what life was like for them. This was a great village to tour, and I am glad that you shared this with your viewers. You do your country honor with the wonderful videos that you present of England’s beauties!


Hola, soy de Chile y soy nueva en tu canal.. Me encanta pasear por esos lugares tan hermosos, gracias 🌺


Swarming with tourists especially in summer. But nice place, the Castle is well worth a visit, well it use to be. Thanks for posting video, enjoyed seeing after visiting over 30years ago.


Hey OAAW~ What an interesting departure from the Cotswolds! Thank you for taking us on this walk. I love all the benches! I found myself imagining what it would be like to bench-hop in high season with a nice coffee or tea and people-watch. One of my favorite things to do, especially on vacation / holiday. 👏🏻
I hope you are well and had a good weekend.


Fantastic locations, and brilliant technique. Finally, someone who pauses occasionally at the signage, or focuses on the flowers or an interesting store window. And I always enjoy when he pans up to the sky…something really interesting is being lined up when he pans back down! Well done you, OAAW!


A gorgeous, historic village and a delightful walk. The lighting was perfect in this video. Thanks for sharing your walk with us. All the best OAAW


Great opening!! Love the bird sounds too. Nice storefronts. Reminds me of being in Burford. Beautiful morning sky. Classic architecture. Caught the logo on the spare tire. 🙂 Good to see the daffodils!! Thanks!!
