Tamron 28-300mm f4-7.1 Di III VC VXD Hands-On Review (Sony E Mount)

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Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing with you my hands on experience with the new Tamron 28-300mm f4-7.1 Di III VC VXD which I am using on the Sony A7IV for both photo and video tests. I have a whoooole heap of photos from today's photoshoot to share with you throughout the video, first I share the unedited SOOC 100% crop so you can see all the details and afterwards my edited version. I have lens flares tests, chromatic aberration tests and of course human autofocus tests for you to look at today. This video is NOT sponsored, all thoughts and opinions are completely my own. Thank you to Tamron for loaning me this lens.

Other Tamron super zoom lens reviews I've made:



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For anyone wondering, I was able to find the f stop boundaries:
28-34mm: f4
35-46mm: f4.5
47-54mm: f5
55-74mm: f5.6
75-145mm: f6.3
146-300mm: f7.1


Finally a stabilized competitor for the other not so great OSS lenses on Sony FE.
I have long been looking for an extended zoom that is stabilized (making it a good video performer, too) and gives you a certain IQ (so not the 28-70, 24-70 Zeiss and 24-240) and no heavy CAs (the 24-105 G).
This lens basically takes a 28-75 and the 70-300 in one lens, even though you lose the constant f2.8, while gaining the stabilizer. From what I can say based on the images in this video, it looks more than decent.
I would say this may be the lens to reduce your kit to 2 lenses: one do-it-all (28-300) plus a faster aperture lens (maybe 35 or 50 1.4 or something). Having wide angle and 300mm telephoto in one lens is indredibly useful, especially on a 7R body where you can stretch this out to 450mm in APS-C mode.


I think the big question will be how does the 28-300 compare to the 28-200 in terms of IQ - which was surprisingly good for a superzoom; and how does it compare to the new 50-300. Both of these two outperformed their price range.


The Tamron 28-200 is the biggest regret of anything I've ever sold. I've been planning to buy it again. I'm buying this 100%!


I love these photos!! They feel very bougie and classy like they should be in a luxury editorial!


Ugh! I just ordered the 50-300 yesterday and now Tamron announces this! I may have to return the 50-300 and get this. Thanks for your review!


That's crazy compact for such a large focal range, especially for a full frame lens... And you got some incredible shots, regardless of the lens haha, but the image quality was great.


Oh, those focal range comparisons are so illustrative! Nice review, thank you.
Yeah, would love to see big Tamron superzoom comparison - maybe without ALL the details for every model, but with main pluses/minuses of each compared to others in lineup.


Since this is a zoom lens, hope there was a video showing how the lens behaves while zooming in and out of the subject. The Tamron apsc 17-70 F2.8 lens struggles in zooming in and out in video mode. Rest of the test were great! Kudos Julia! 😊


Gorgeous shots Julia wow your always make such a gorgeous photos with beautiful models and location.. <3


Travel Zoom, I can remember the name from the analogue days. Amazing, what's possible here! Oh, and nice little birdie, no Penguin, but still. And it seemed to be quite interested in your work, I take that as a good sign. Admittedly, if ever I make it around the globe to your location, I will stop and watch, too.



Tamron is killing it lately. I just bought the 50-300 and love it. Tamron has the best look for video and photos


Really interesting lens, especially for travel ..great video Julia 😊


Thx for the Tamron superzoom rundown, short as it is. Would love an expanded version.


Nice review as always, Julia! I liked all of the photos. Surprised to see that this lens performed so well! How does this lens compare to my Tamron 28-200, Olympus 14-150, Nikon AF-S DX 18-200, and Sony E 18-135? It's nice that this lens has vibration compensation and longer zoom range, but the Tamron 28-200 has a larger aperture


I really hoped for a 24-200 or something else starting at 24mm from Tamron. 28 is just not wide enough for a single lens solution in my opinion. But the lens seems to be really good. Thank you for your review


I used to have a Tammy 150-500. Somehow I liked how it rendered images much more than 100-400GM, but the weight and poor balance was breaking my spine :) Tamron has really pleasing picture features. I can see that this new one can produce really nice portraits. I wish that Tamron made 500mm f5.6 prime.


This video is really awesome! Thanks for sharing such a good opinion about this lens😊


In 6 month time the 28-200 G2 is out. They need to sell this one first, but I’m so happy with my 28-200 that I will wait


Excellent video. This seems like a pretty solid all-round lens. It does however appear to have the best sharpness at the long end. The photos you took close to 300mm are really nice and sharp, but below 100mm it seems to be a bit soft, or at least somewhat inconsistent. Again, seems like a solid all-round choice but if the main strength is at the long end, perhaps the new Tamron 50-300 is a better choice at a similar pricepoint? Or if you need the wide end more, the 28-200 seems better because it lets in a full F stop of more light at most focal lengths.
