Why Star Trek Voyager's Flaws Made it Endure

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Star Trek Voyager sits in an interesting fulcrum in the Star Trek franchise. Created to take on the mantel of flagship Star Trek show after the phenomenon that was Star Trek: The Next Generation ended it’s run of television, Voyager took the baton to boldly go where where no one had gone before. Yet, anytime Star Trek Voyager is praised, there is always turn… a moment where we have to acknowledge a lot it’s flaws, areas where it’s failed as a show. How can Voyager be this amazing show, a show that people turn to for reassurance and comfort, while simultaneously being deeply flawed. Well, I think that’s because Voyagers flaws are exactly what has helped it endure so long and, even more so, what makes the journeys of a lone starship in the delta quadrant still speak to us today right now, to all of us in quarantine right now, dealing with a hectic world that makes us feel in over our head.
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