TV Girl - Blue Hair (Lyrics)

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TV Girl - Blue Hair

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[Verse 1]
She asked me how to be funny
But that’s not something you can teach
What seemed so blue in the sunlight
By the night was a pale green

[Chorus 1]
And I tried to hold her
But it didn’t really last long
And she’s getting older
I guess she’s gotta cut her blue hair off

[Verse 2]
She asked me if she was pretty
Well it’s clear that the girl’s a fraud
There’s really no way of winning
If in their eyes you’ll always be a dumb blonde

[Chorus 2]
And she cried over nothing
So there was nothing I could do to stop
blue hair tv girl,blue hair,tv girl blue hair,
tv girl,blue hair tv girl lyrics,blue hair off,
blue hair by tv girl,blue hair lyrics,
Her from cutting
Her beautiful blue hair off

[Verse 3]
It looked like cotton candy
And just as quick to get licked away
Last I heard she was living
With a boy who acts his age

[Chorus 3]
And I guess I’ll just miss her
Even though she isn’t even really gone
But things are just different
Ever since she cut her blue hair off

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Fun fact it’s rumored that the bum bum is suppose to be a heartbeat and that the cutting her beautiful blue hair off is suppose to mean she’s cutting her wrist, and the bum bum pauses for a second because when the body is in shock the heart skips a beat. And since it was such a random pain it caused the body to go into shock 👍


This song is so relatable to people who have abandonment issues.

I personally grew so attached to a girl that I started calling her my platonic soulmate.
We slowly drifted apart due to her dropping out of school and me being busy with studies.

During Christmas Eve I sent her a message telling her that I still loved her (platonically) and that she’ll always be my sunshine.
However she answered with a big paragraph saying we weren’t going strong anymore, that I was an amazing friend and that we weren’t really friends anymore.

This is the most heartbreaking thing that ever happened to me.
I swore to my life I wouldn’t give up on her and in return she did.
I kept my promise though, I still love her lots and I look after her.

I just can’t bring myself to accept not being in someone’s life anymore.
Even if you’re my ex, I’ll keep in touch
Even if you hurt me, I’ll try to give you excuses
Even if heaven takes any of us, I’ll always be there and watch over you or your memories.


And yes, It's your favourite person who always says"I'm leaving this comment here so after years months or days, I'll get reminded"because this song is soothing and calm, so I love how it sounds ❤💕💖


I love that TV girl is finally getting the recognition they deserve. I’ve been a fan of theirs for such a long time


To whoever reads this,

i love you

i love your smile
i love your laugh
i love your personality
i love your hair (or lack thereof)
i love you even if you have insecurities
i love your accomplishments
i love you even if you have failures
i love your eyes
i love your beauty
i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
i love the way you dance
i love you on your happy days
i love you even on sad days
i love you on the days you feel lonely
i love you on the days you feel helpless
i love you on the days you feel like no one cares
i love you on the days you feel forgotten
i love you on the days you feel unmotivated
i love you on the days you feel loved
i love you on the days you feel sick
i love you on the days you feel motivated
i love you on the days you feel depressed
i love you on the days you feel stresses
i love you on the days you feel crazy
i love you on the days you feel hopeful
i love you on the days you feel cuddly
i love you on the days you feel clingy
i love you on the days you feel amazing
i love you on the days you feel beautiful
i love you on the days you feel like a failure
i love you on the days you feel angry
i love you on the days you feel aggressive
i love you on the days you feel horrible
i love you on the days you feel safe
i love you on the days you feel unsafe
i love you on the days you feel vulnerable
i love you on the days you feel weird
i love you on the days you feel ok
i love you when you're healthy
i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
i love your taste in music
i love your taste in movies
i love your taste in tv shows
i love the way you act
i love you even if you cry
i love you when you're kind
i love you even if you you're mean
i love you even if you're alone
i love you even if you can't feel
i love you even if you feel too much
i love you even if you can't take life anymore
i love you even if you feel like it's too much
i love you when you're asleep
i love you even if you have nightmares
i love you when you have dreams
i love how you believe
i love you when you believe in yourself
i love you even if you don't believe in yourself
i love you even if you hate yourself
i love you when you love yourself
i love the way you think
i love you even if you have problems
i love your solutions
i love how you support
i love you even if you're in pain
i love you even if you're hurt
i love your promises
i love your secrets
i love your attitude
i love you sass
i love your creativity
i love your voice (or lack thereof)
i love you hand gestures
i love your stories
i love you even if you have wounds
i love you even if you have scars
i love your face
i love your past
i love your future
i love your present
i love your outfits
i love your style
i love your art
i love your honesty
i love you even if you lie
i love you even if you're tired
i love you when you're energetic
i love how you look
i love how you cook
i love you when you're adventurous
i love you even if you're scared
i love your imperfections
i love your perfections
i love you even if you worry
i love you when you talk (or communicate)
i love your opinions
i love you even if you have headache
i love you even if you have a stomach ache
i love you when you help others
i love you when you're mature
i love you even if you're immature
i love you in the hard times
i love you in the easy times
i love you even if life isn't bright
i love you when you're responsible
i love you even if you're irresponsible
i love you even if you fight
i love you in your darkest moments
i love you in your brightest moments
i love your heart
i love you in the day
i love you in the night
i love you at midnight
i love you at 3 am
i love you at all times
i love you at your best
i love even if your worst
i love the little things you do

i love all of you
i love you when you're you

i love 𝙮𝙤𝙪.

From the stranger on the internet who loves you :)

(Not my idea but please spread it around, everyone deserves even just a little bit of love. edit- sorry for you with all the stuff going on!!


All my life I’ve been called a dumb blonde. I studied hard, had multiple interests, was good at sports, but no one ever recognised my hard work. I graduated with the highest score in my class, and everyone told me I didn’t really deserve it.
Now I’m in med school and I wonder what all of those people think of me.
I’ve wanted to dye my hair brown multiple times, but my dad keeps telling me not to, because he loves my natural blonde.
Never give in to others that just want to see you fall. You’ve got this <3


Seeing people relate and sharing their stories fills me with happiness and sadness, I'm glad your able to share your feelings . If you still aren't or haven't fully recovered then just know I love you, be proud of yourself for sharing and remember you won't always be able to stay your happiest just try too<3


“What seemed so blue in the sunlight, by night was a pale green”

Shii hits so hard🙇🏽‍♀️


0:04 “bum bum pineapple pineapple😞"


This song hits really close to home as all my life I was called the "dumb blonde" and I hated being called it so much that I ended up dying my hair multiple different colors until about a year ago when I actually had blue hair and and was seeing a online therapist that I finally feel comfortable enough to cut my hair after not for the longest time and I've been letting my nature blond grow out and I feel like I've matured a lot more from who I was a year ago and I've finally let go of my insecurities and grown up so this song just makes me happy 😊


I love that this song means so many different things to different people! to me it's growing up and then looking back at yourself and going, "Was I _really_ like that? Was I this naive innocent person once upon a time?"


*Please, TV Girl & Cavetown need to do a collaboration, they would be a perfect duo!*


This song sounds like a father talking about his little girl growing up trying her best to fit in with society being herself, but in the end had to change and become something she wasn’t and her father, the persone that loved her the most for who she was, reminiscing about her little girl and her beautiful blu hair :/


Somone commented "fun fact: with blue hair he means her veins" and it absolutely ruined my way of hearing this song


i'm happy that tv girl is getting more popular/recognized, they deserve it for their amazing music


This song is the exact meaning of being yourself


This song always reminds me of riding home from school in a bus and letting music take you away from reality


This song is just so calm and comforting 😀


Staring out a window in a car in the evening with this playing is a *different* feeling.


feeling of loving someone whom you'll know will never reciprocate your feelings, not because you're unattractive or something, but because you know that deep down you're fundamentally different; unlovable.
