TEACHING FROM HOME: A Day in the Life (My Routine, Virtual Lessons) VLOG

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Hi Teachers! Today I decided to share a DAY IN THE LIFE of teaching from home. Remote Teaching can be tricky, but I am happy to say that I have finally found a routine that works for me. I hope you enjoy finding out about my teaching from home routine, as well as how I organise my virtual lessons and classwork. Remote teaching can be difficult, but as primary school teachers we are used to adapting - I know we can adapt to make the most of this situation too, for our children/ students. Keep up the amazing work, Teachers!
- My name is Katie and I am from Manchester, UK. I have been teaching both in the UK and internationally for over 7 years. I hope to be able to help others through my video content.
- Be sure to check out SeeSaw by following this link:
I mention my DoDo Pad Diary and planner from Kikki K
(I highly recommend these products!)
- Want more tips for teachers? Check out my playlist!
- Social Media:
Instagram @For Teachers
Twitter: _ForTeachers
- Please subscribe to For Teachers and leave a comment if you have found this video useful or inspiring in any way. I love reading through your messages, and will always try to answer any questions that you have too.
#TeachFromHome #Teacher #RemoteTeaching
- My name is Katie and I am from Manchester, UK. I have been teaching both in the UK and internationally for over 7 years. I hope to be able to help others through my video content.
- Be sure to check out SeeSaw by following this link:
I mention my DoDo Pad Diary and planner from Kikki K
(I highly recommend these products!)
- Want more tips for teachers? Check out my playlist!
- Social Media:
Instagram @For Teachers
Twitter: _ForTeachers
- Please subscribe to For Teachers and leave a comment if you have found this video useful or inspiring in any way. I love reading through your messages, and will always try to answer any questions that you have too.
#TeachFromHome #Teacher #RemoteTeaching