Dr. Patrick Moore - Carbon and Climate Catastrophe

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Carbon and Climate Catastrophe
Dr. Patrick Moore-- Co-Founder and former President of Greenpeace, Director of the CO2 Coalition, Senior Fellow of The Heartland Institute, and author of "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and THreats of Doom"

The Dinner Keynote Address at The Steamboat Institute Energy and Climate Summit, The Nexus of U.S. Energy Policy, Climate Science, Freedom and Prosperity by Dr. Patrick Moore on March 12, 2022 at the Steamboat Grand in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.


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Green Peace is neither green, nor peaceful.


Grasslands upon which ruminant animals live also build the soil. As a regenerative farmer I witness this beautiful process every day.


The evidence is overwhelming, rising CO2 causes hysteria.


I could listen to patrick every day - common sense personified


Thank you
I worked as a nurse in Canada's beautiful North
Thank you!!!


Actually, you can put coal in a pipe. They did it for years to supply the now demolished Mojave Generating station. The coal was crushed and mixed with water to make a slurry and it was pumped hundreds of miles and dewatered with centrifuges before it was burned.


All he has to say about GMO is
"Where's the poison?"

Are you EFFING kidding me!!???

🐠y, VEEEERY 🐠y.


Phenomenal talk from Dr Patrick Moore as usual, my dearest wish would be for it to be shown in every classroom in the world with resource material to back it up, but not just for the students but more importantly the ( was going to use a bad word ) teacher's.


"There are huge non climate effects of carbon dioxide which are overwhelmingly favorable which are not taken into account. To me that's the main issue that the earth is actually growing greener. This has been actually measured from satellites the whole earth is growing greener as a result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So it's increasing agricultural yields, it's increasing the forests, it's increasing all kinds of growth in the biological world and that's more important and more certain than the effects on climate." ~Freeman Dyson, Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.


I agree that the use of chlorine has been a godsend in providing safe drinking water eradicating countless diseases and improving health in general but I don't think pharmaceutical drugs and their widespread overuse and contribution to our cronic disease epidemic is endearing to the benefits of chlorine.


You're a good man, Patrick Moore.


Truly critical thinking at its best, just join the dots, what a fantastic planet..


Well, all of this presentation feels so good, and is factually correct as far as it goes, but leaves out some very important facts. One, sea level follows the same curves. Sea level 3 million years ago was nearly 9 meters higher with our current CO2 levels. And it is now rising over 4 mm per year, in fact every decade you can expect another mm per year increase. Two, heat waves, forest fires and storms are gutting the insurance and global transport industries. California, Texas and Florida insurance markets are especially affected. Three, Ocean temperatures are increasing fast. Ocean currents circulate warmer Ocean water under ice sheets and glaciers, melting them from underneath. Four, aquifers worldwide are being over utilized, and eventually will fail to deliver water for crops. So, by all means, dazzle us with earths ancient history. Just don't ignore the inconvenient facts about what else was going on, while you attempt to exonerate human failures and ignorance. The sea level will not stop rising until there is ocean atmosphere equilibration. Heat waves and fires will not stop until the jet stream flows normally, without omega blocks. As for ice sheets and aquifers .. Well, no one wants to starve, right?


Every plant needs CO2. The islands in the Indian Ocean are still above water. 25 years ago we were told they would go under in 10 years.


"The constant downward trend of CO2". Wow. He totally ignored the recent stable period, shown on his own graph, encompassing the entire pleistocene period into the holocene, during which HUMAN civilization has been able to flourish. You might want to stop and think about that because modern human beings don't have the same climate needs as dinosaurs or giant insects.


Listen and learn from this important lecture, thank you Patrick!


1966: oil gone in 10yrs
1967: dire famine forecast by 1975
1968: overpopulation will spread worldwide
1969: everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989
1970: the world will use up all its natural resources by 2000, urban citizens will require gas masks by 1985, nitrogen build-up will make all land unusable, decaying pollution will kill all the fish, killer bees, ice age by 2000 and America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980
1971: new ice age coming by 2020 or 2030
1972: new ice age by 2070 and oil depleted in 20yrs
1974: space satellites show new ice age coming fast, ozone depletion and "Great peril to life"
1976: scientific consensus planet cooling and famines imminent
1977: department of energy says oil will peak in the 90s
1978: no end in sight to 30yr cooling trend
1980: acid rain kills life in lakes and peak oil in 2000
1988: regional droughts in the 90s, temperatures in DC will hit record highs and Maldives will be underwater by 2018
1989: rising sea levels will obliterate nations if nothing is done by 2000 and New York City's West Side Highway will be underwater by 2019
1996: peak oil in 2020
2000: children won't know what snow is
2002: famine in 10yrs if we don't give up eating meat, fish and dairy and peak oil in 2010
2004: Britain will be Siberia by 2024
2005: Manhattan will be underwater by 2015
2006: super hurricanes
2008: the Arctic will be ice free by 2018 and Climate Genius Al Gore predicts an ice free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown says we have 50 days to "save the planet from catastrophe" and Climate Genius Al Gore moves his 2013 prediction of an ice free Arctic to 2014
2013: the Arctic will be ice free by 2015
2014: only 500 days before "Climate chaos"
2018 A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels by 2023...Greta Doomberg.
2019: Hey Greta, we need you to convince them it's really going to happen this time
2020 Greta Thunderberg global warming will cause temperatues to rise to 80 degrees celsius and drown 80% of the population.
2024 Greta still alive.
2024 WEF


Love seeing these talks that show actual data, and Dr. Patrick Moore is one of the best at showing it and summarizing it for us. Great job!


Neither Hurricane Helene or Milton are invisible or far away. I admire Dr Moore's compassion for seals, whales and so on.


may yo be arrested for treason against humanity
