Conversations That Matter: Environmentalist Patrick Moore

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Dr. Moore is one of the best minds we have regarding climate and ecological matters. Thanks so much. Would love to see part 2!


What an amazing gentleman Patrick Moore is! Logic, logic, logic and yet they deny him!


Live long & prosper, Dr. Moore!!


Just love Patrick Moore, so much logic in one person.


More of conversations like this and faster the better. Well done and thanks.


One of the reasons I am very questioning of GMOs is, farmers in canada having to destroy their crops because GMO seeds have blown onto there fields and corporations claim a theft has been committed. If it is just about helping people then ok grow away, but it is not. This issue is about taking control of a staple of life, food. Address this issue and I will support it.


Hey climate guys-
Earth warms and ice caps melt-
1.Billionaires will find their beach front mansions under water-new beach is inland where poor people live- billionaires must pay poor people huge amounts for the beach property- hooray for wealth redistribution
2. Sea levels rise- whale habitat increases- and their population expands- Yay for whales
3. More ocean means more fish which means more seafood for the poor - Go poor people!!
4. Expansion of sea surface means more rainfall and more fresh water-Down with droughts!!
5. More rainfall means deserts across the globe become arable farmland and we have a huge surplus of low cost food- great for previously starving, but now overweight Africans.
6. melted glaciers mean Siberia, N. Canada, Antarctica, Greenland and Iceland are now open for people to move and live there- Yes to homesteading.
7. Huge reserves of oil and natural gas are discovered under Antarctica- oil becomes cheaper than water- Mid east oil is no longer important and conflicts cease- Save the Camels!!


How did I miss this? Why NOW? The first time I have met this wise man, albeit only vicariously on the interweb.
All the points he has raised, I was taught at primary school, in 1952 to 54. Has the world forgotten these truths?
Its not called "The carbon Cycle" because it sounds pretty.
By the time I got to High School as a 13 year old, and completed my first year, started learning to think, it was even MORE obvious, as we groped our way through the mists, learning the terms in use.
The end result? Why are people arguing about this? Can taxing us alter the climate? The only way to do THAT, is to pay off the ONE climate driver.



In Chernobyl an old couple who are now in their 90's never moved away. A utube blogger visited them.


Fear is always of the unknown and that tactic just goes to prove they're using psy-ops tactics against people and forcing them to buy into what they don't know.


Watch this before it gets deleted. You're not allowed to question the status quo.


It's great that the truth still manages to break through once in awhile.


"The climate issue has corrupted science more than anything since the enlightenment."


A true factual and accurate man with experience .
Well done show keep them coming


on the same climate change page as Patrick, but not on GMO's.. for human & soil (earth) health vs pesticides & herbicides reasons


I'll have a glass of glyphosate on the rocks please! Make that a double


Patrick Moore should be given the Order of Canada


GMOs can be owned and the food system can be a way to control that way. It's anti food sovereignty as they have their food copyrighted. If it was not after 5 years like a real patient then why not.


This is pretty good but one point... it's not intellectually honest to say temperatures have been flat for 20 years or whatever. When I take a look at the data, invariably and for some unknown reason, the chosen starting point is typically an outlier. The temperature anomaly sometime around 1998 is often used. Better approach is to use something like a 50 year moving average to smooth out variation. There's no real pause. 20 years is way too short a time frame anyway.


Ok I got my head around the climate thing a while ago
Still having trouble with the Monsanto one
But a real big one is vaccines, I don’t believe in the amount of vaccines they have now, I worked in a cheese factory and I’ve witnessed how things like listeria can out smart us, our chemicals would get stronger and every couple of yrs we would have to change the chemicals cause they didn’t work anymore, several occasions we had to shut the factory down and we would spend one to two weeks just cleaning and swabbing until we got x amount of days clear of listeria and all food product recalled. Viruses and bacteria mutate quickly and do this to survive, I’m worried that 50 to 100 yrs down the track vaccines become like antibiotics where the over use has cause a few problems. Are we weakening our natural immune systems by using lots of vaccines and will bugs( viruses) become stronger to survive.
I’m with him completely on the climate crap cause I have followed this for so long.
I’m an ex leftie who believed in everything told by msm but I question everything now.
So I’m still not sure about Monsanto and more so about vaccines.
So much misinformation out there.
I’m also a big believer in if one side is pushing something so strongly and label the other side questioning it all ( like msm telling everyone to just get your jabs) and we know how the msm pushes hatred of Trump and weapons of mass destruction to start the war against saddam, so when they name call anyone or push anything then I’m like I don’t believe that’s how distrusting I am of msm now, cause we all know how they push this human made climate change stuff.
So personally I wish dr Patrick Moore had just stuck to the climate subject.
Again I’m if msm says it’s good or just do it or pushes one thing while labelling the other side something nasty like deniers or anti or nazis or racists then I just can’t believe them. Sorry.
