Crazy Road Rage 😱 #shorts

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This video has the best dash cam footage of crazy road rage incidents, dangerous drivers, and near misses in 2023! Watch as people do all kinds of stupid things behind the wheel… speeding, crazy lane changes, cutting off other drivers and more! You won't believe your eyes as you watch these idiots in cars caught on camera!

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All Clips Are For Educational Purposes and Should Not Be Preformed Ever!

📸 Clips Credit:
A few of the clips are unknown or deleted Reddit accounts

(All Credit Goes To The Users Above)

Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause]. Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational and journalistic purposes.

#dash cam #crash #road rage #shorts bad drivers, hit and run, brake check, instant karma, car crash Dash cam footage, Car crash, Road rage, Dashboard camera, Accident, Traffic incident, Reckless driving, Close call, Dash cam video, Car accident, Aggressive driving, Dangerous driving, Dash cam moments, Dash cam compilation, Road safety ,Car crash compilation, Traffic accidents, Dash cam capture, Dash cam footage compilation, Reckless driving compilation
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Why is this so exciting? This happens all the time in Denver Colorado because some darned me first type can't deal with a lane closure and messes up the whole traffic flow!


Failed to keep 150ft apart in local road Most accidents relate to drive with other lack of room apart and cause roadway grid lock.


...Need explanation, as video is too narrow and practice is too unfamiliar....what?


Only 150 foot interval? Grandma nearly touched the brakes. Jerk
