First Ride 2024 KTM 300 XC-W TWO STROKE

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#dirtbike #offroad #twostroke #sports #nature
With the re-invention of its XC-W off-road line, KTM’s two-year top-to-bottom transformation is complete. Model for model, the company’s motorcycles look nothing like they did two years ago. For the 2024 KTM 300XC-W, that means it got a new motor, a new frame and new suspension, just like the motocross bikes did one year ago. But, this isn’t just a repackaging of the same parts. The 300XC-W is a different bike with a completely different purpose.
Traditionally the Ws are more about power quality than quantity, and in keeping with KTM tradition, they are built around PDS no-link rear suspension. Accordingly, the frame was redesigned from scratch with PDS in mind. It wasn’t like they could just take last year’s SX suspension and just remove the linkage. It doesn't work like that. This shock is similar to the one on the SX, but it has a different body and radically different internals. Now it has a straight-rate spring, whereas last year’s PDS bikes all had progressive springs. It also has clickers that can be adjusted by hand; even the rebound adjuster on the bottom.
There’s bigger news up front. The open-cartridge WP Xplor fork is gone. In its place is a coil-spring version of the Xact fork that comes on the competition bikes. It has a closed cartridge and now the two fork legs are more-or-less symmetrical--no more split design with the rebound damping on one side and the compression on the other. Those legs are clamped in place by a new forged and machine-finished triple clamp, unlike anything KTM has used before.As for the motor, it’s a whole new game. Transfer port injection is completely gone in the KTM line, replaced now by throttle-body injection. Most riders felt the greatest thing about TPI was that it forced the adaptation of oil injection on the XC-W models. KTM kept that, so you still have the little oil filler in front of the gas cap and you don't have to dig out your ratio rite. Transfer port Injection originally came in 2018 as a means to have street-homologated two-stroke in some parts of Europe. Now, KTM has attained similar results with throttle body injection, which, as it turns out, offers significant advantages for peak horsepower. TPI was smooth and great for trail riding, but the new system definitely has more bark. Along with the injection system comes an electronic power valve which opens up a whole new world for tuning. So far, we have just scratched the surface as far as mapping possibilities with different combinations of fuel delivery, spark advance and port timing. The 300XC-W doesn't come with a map switch, but there are two different maps pre programmed into the ECU. Trust us, you should buy a map switch when you get the bike.To help us out with the testing we brought along Carson Brown, who is one of the most well-known two-stroke fanatics in the sport and one of very few riders who has scored National Motocross points on a two-stroke. We turned and the him loose on the Russell ranch--it was fun to watch.KTM invited us to ride all the new XC-Ws the day after the John Penton GNCC at Sunday Creek Raceway. We brought Carson Brown along as our primary test rider because … well, he’s Carson Brown. After a day riding in the Ohio woods and on a grass track, Carson came back completely stoked on the 300XC-W. It’s clear that KTM now sees the bike as more competition oriented than ever before. First on the list; it’s powerful, but it doesn’t hit uncontrollably down low. It’s actually kind of mellow at low rpm, even in the more aggressive green map. In the middle it’s far, far stronger than the previous version and it revs out much further. Last year’s 300XC cross-country bike is a more valid comparison. That bike was so closely related to the motocross version that it was a difficult bike to use off road. In the green map it was so aggressive and so abrupt that very few riders could make it work properly in technical terrain. The white map was a big step down. It needed something in between. That’s where the XC-W power delivery fits. The green map is excellent for aggressive trail riding and racing, and you don’t have to be Carson Brown to hold on. As far as overall handling goes, this bike is much racier feeling than it has been in the past. The frame is more rigid,the suspension is stiffer and it feels more like a race bike. The actual frame geometry isn’t that different; it’s all about flex characteristics, suspension and ergonomics. Even the PDS rear end is stiffer and stays up in its travel a little higher. In the past, there was a big divide between PDS fans and linkage devotees. Those walls are going to crumble. Even at speed, there’s no real drawback to the PDS system, and you still get advantages in ground clearance and weight. Our encounter with the bike was brief, but we have a 300XC-W coming for long-term evaluation. Stay tuned.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for not putting obnoxious music in the background! The bike "speaks" for itself.


Holy shit. That guy flows through a woods trail like a freakin’ DEER! 😳


Would of been nice to hear some of Carsons thoughts...


Carson might want to consider doing some ISDE qualifiers, get on our ISDE team.🙂


Carson Brown, it’s a privilege to watch you ride anything and everything


I bought every dirtbike magazine in the 80s and 90s. It's a shame they can't seem to get the same feel on video.


The 1966 susuki 250 hustler had a oil injection also, no having to premix was so cool just another tank to fill….lol


I have an '18 300 XC, which has been a great bike. This new W is more XC like but of course it has PDS, which is great for clearance on gnarly rocky trails, the wider ratio transmission, and a headlight. It sure sounds crisp in the video too. This considerably spicier W would be my choice if buying today for the aggressive mountain and desert trail riding I like to do in Colorado where I live.

I bet the headlight still sucks though - come on KTM, put a nice bright LED bulb in there from the factory will ya?


What a great bike. Perfect upgrades. Most likely my next bike. One thing about this next generation of bikes is affordability. I can, but I have buddy's who just can't justify the price of these. With a wife and kids, its tough to fork out almost 13k on a new ride. Would be nice if they would build a "trail bike". Back in 2007 I bought one for less than 7k. I'd be curious as to what percentage of riders actually race. Unfortunately, it would most likely take away sales from the $$$ bikes.


Gonna be a run on 23' XCW and Husqy TE TPI's. KTM finally delivers a manageable 2T powerband with a plush suspension for real single track east coast trail riding and they have to go and overthink it. If we wanted an XC we would have bought an XC. KTM needs to make a distinction between wide open desert style trail type riding where these 24' features shine and tight single track east coast riding where the more mellow power delivery, low end lugging ability and softer suspension shines. The entire market doesn't want a race bike. Newsflash KTM! We don't all race!


I wish KTM would do a "Penton" commemorative. My first serious dirt bike was a 175 Penton (KTM engine) that I bought brand new. The 175 had just come on the market, and I fell in love with them. At the time, east coast bikes were sold as Pentons, and west coast were KTM. I've been a KTM fan ever since.


Ron Lawson's narration on these videos gives me a little bit of the feeling of print-only days. Thanks for that.


Can't wait to speak with @carson_brown about this bike. Just bought the wife a 150 xc-w and it will be my turn for a new bike very shortly, especially after watching this. So glad they ditched the air forks, was always funny to me watching racers in the PNW adjusting air in the pits due to major temp swings.


I have been looking at 4 strokes, this kind of changes my mind a little, I like the TBI injection much better than TPI.


Picked up a 23 tx300. Really like the tbi.


tell me if they use Kymco cylinders, thats all I want to know


Like the looks and the led light. TPI bone stock (or TPI with a get ecu) will be the superior way for trail riders looks like. Not a fan of no kickstarter option, electric power valve, stiffer suspension (the WP Xplore is my favorite), no stock map switch, mix material subframe, was worse tank design & smaller, etc. At least they kept oil injection, no offense to anyone that bought the XC but it was dumb. If i was gonna have to mix ill just buy a carb bike or Beta/Sherco.


@ 82 years old I just bought a new 2023 KTM 300 XC-W Erzbergrodeo and am now at Moab's Hells Revenge dialing it in.

Top Ten Old Dirt Bike Riders Logic

10. Flirt with death, beats living in procrastination.
9. What may kill you, makes you feel more alive.
8. The closer to death the more alive you'll feel.
7. Fun spank reality before it spanks you dead.
6. Die having fun before death beats you to it.
5. Pitch it sideways around the walls of fear.
4. Ride fast now, die later happier you did.
3. Live longer as a controlled crash rider.
2. Hold no ones beer, hand them yours.
1. One must die living, avoiding death.

~Gasser Classic~


God Bless one and all the 2 stroke lives


Disappointed to hear the description of how the power hits on the new bike…
I feel the only flaw with the TPI xcw is it doesn’t have the low end pull that the sherco 300 does for the hard technical stuff.
Maybe they’ve improved it though I’ll have to ride one myself before I can really be certain
