Is The Moral Law Abolished? Legalism? Obedience Required??

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Is the law abolished?
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The distinctively kingdom question is, How should we live? How can we individually and collectively serve those in our culture who are struggling with moral questions. Take for instance the question of abortion. How can we walk with women struggling with unwanted pregnancies? How can we who are worse sinners than any woman with an unwanted pregnancy sacrifice our time, energy, and resources to ascribe unsurpassable worth to them and their unborn children? How can we act in such a way that we communicate our agreement with Jesus that these women and their unborn children are worth dying for? How can we serve them so that it becomes feasible for the mother to go full term?

We don’t need to answer any of the world’s difficult political and metaphysical questions to do these things. The unique kingdom approach to abortion isn’t dependent upon convincing ourselves and others that we have “God’s knowledge” about these questions. The unique kingdom approach depends upon our hearing the call to love as Jesus loved.

The kingdom approach costs much. But it is precisely this costliness that makes it a unique kingdom approach. Because it manifests the beauty of Jesus, it glorifies God and has a power to change the world in a way that kingdom-of-the-world strategies never could.


Jesus abolished the law in that He abolished the requirements to follow it and gave the Holy Ghost as 5hr sign or THIS covenant
