Real Sound of Two Black Holes Colliding

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On September 14, 2015, Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) heard the sound of two black holes
colliding energy.

Where did this sound come from?
From a long time ago in the distant part of the universe two black holes, each about 30 times as
massive as our Sun were locked in orbit. After that it started spiraling in towards each other, the only visible traces of the spinning cataclysm would have been the way their gravitational fields warp the light of distant stars. Even as they collided emerged, there wasn’t a flicker of light to be seen.

But one thing happen the real and very violent action in the system was in the form of gravitational waves ripples in the very fabric of space and time. These waves were constantly draining energy from both the black holes, orbits leading to the ultimate collision and merger to form a single black hole.

At that instant which they were merged the power of the gravitational waves was 50 times greater than that of all the stars in the universe combined.

That pulse of gravitational waves lasting only a fraction of a second and expanded through the universe passing unimpeded through countless galaxies.

It took about 1.3 billion years to reach the earth gravitational waves alternately stretched and squeezed space itself and everything they pass through. Even thought the collision is massive the effect is minuscule. To detect them and directly measure their properties scientists build LIGO the most sensitive measuring device ever made.
LIGO uses a device known as an interferometer to measure the tiny displacements in space.
A laser beam is sent towards a partially reflecting mirror and split along two paths the beams travel along the four kilometer arms and reflect back towards the central mirror which we combines them directing their light to a detector. As the gravitational wave passes the distance between the central beam splitter at the end mirrors stretches along one arm and compresses along the other.
This changes the time it takes the light to travel along the arms. The recombine light wave shift with respect to one another and produce a signal at the detector incredibly tiny stretching and squeezing of space can actually be measured directly in this way.
How little this space to store to make this signal?
Let’s think about a hydrogen atom, until we reach the proton that its core.
LIGO is so sensitive it can measure changes in distance as tiny as a thousand to the diameter of a proton. And this tiny measurement made by ligo was
the final step in a journey that began 1.3 billion years ago in the distant universe when two black holes collided.
Рекомендации по теме

Black holes: most powerful things in the universe.

Also black holes: Whoop


How scary would it be if you went in to two black holes while they were colliding


(1:36) I did not expect it to see that appeared on my eyes. Lol.


This gives me goosebumps. It's gotta be the most powerful event minus The Big Bang


Black holes: *the most dangerous things in the universe*
Also black holes: :3


I like how it sounds like an enigmatic and creepy heartbeat, as if something is alive, and then just "whoop".


Me: this could be the most powerful event

Big bang : am I a joke to you


Is it just me or is someone thinking of like a rest place at night and if you look up you would see stars


This is very old but also it would take very very long for the two black holes to collide at least 1 million years and the speed of which this is played at is near the speed of light


It’s like breathing and heartbeats...

With an unusual sound...


high pitched sound: water drips

low pitched sound: heart beat


Dang, you could make a sick beat to that sound.


Its insane, I feel like my whole body is spread apart combing to 200 meters (im American so im just quirky like that)


Black holes: probably the only portals to another dimension to ever exist, the strongest, deadliest and scariest things in the entire universe
Also Black holes: *whœp*


To think God Almighty Created Such a Universe
And where are we in it X(


The most powerfull shit in the entire universe
Their sound:bloop


When you here woop woop, you already lost your life


I love black holes I love this video ♥️👍🙏


As soon as I heard the sound I immediately searched up black hole colliding sounds it was so cool😱


The fact making the galaxy like a game just gives me chills like the big bang is like the winner resetting the round and the black holes have to be the ones to fight or mix to win the game and the humens got there own game to win with aliens and other life out there
