Why The Universe Sends You Unavailable Men | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and the surprising reason the universe is sending you unavailable men.



3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a ?Vanisher? Comes Back


7 (FALSE!) Reasons You?re Still Single

Funny First Date Story! Gotta hear this?

What NOT to do on a First Date (Strange But True)


Why he acts interested, then disappears?(The inside answer most don?t know)

Scared of getting hurt again? Use this mindset?

When Should You Sleep With Him?

The Kind of Confidence Men Find Sexy

5 Unusual Signs Your Man is into You!

How to tell if he is emotionally available


3 Affirmations to Attract Love

3 Ways to Create More Self-Love

Uncool is the New Cool (5 ?Uncool? Things I Do)



Mat Boggs Bio:

As a sought-after dating and relationship coach for women and international speaker, Mat Boggs has helped thousands of women understand men, improve their relationships, and attract the relationship they want.

As the best-selling author of Project Everlasting, and creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs? dating and relationship advice has been featured on national media including The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and many more.

Mat?s Mission: To increase love in the world, one heart at a time.

As a dating coach for women, Mat believes that your history does not determine your destiny, and that you are more powerful than any circumstance you are facing. The relationship dream in your heart really can become the life you love living!

Mat Boggs highly acclaimed relationship programs have served women around the world in all age groups from 20yrs old to over 70yrs old.

Directed and Editing By: Alexis Garcia
Written By: Mathew Boggs

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Dating, Relationships, understanding men, Dating Advice, Love Advice Relationship Advice, How Men Think, What Men Want, What attracts men, How to attract a man, how to create lasting love, how to know if he likes you, signs your man likes you.
#DatingAdvice #MatBoggs #RelationshipAdvice
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At the beginning of the year i decided I wanted to be in a loving committed relationship and I didn’t want to waste my time with anyone who didn’t want that. All my past flings started coming back and I turned them all down not interested, I wanted something new.. someone new .. something real. I knew the universe was testing me. I stuck to my guns and met someone and he was exactly what I thought I wanted ...


Wow. Came across this at the perfect time. Met a man at the gym. Whenever we see eachother it’s like the world disappears and it’s just us. He feels it. We can’t stop looking at each other, smiling, etc. We talked and exchanged numbers. Same line of work and hobby. Had great chemistry, great convo but…. he’s married. I thought I had found the one. Even thought about what if he left her. But I am not a home wrecker. I pray for him and his wife and I bow out. I will wait for the one that is for me. That will put me first, not second to another woman. Had to remind myself of my worth.


I realized one day during an intensive meditation retreat that the reason why I was attracting or attracted to emotionally unavailable men is because I was emotionally unavailable. It was an unconscious way of ensuring that I will not risk being in a real relationship that requires vulnerability and commitment. When someone is emotionally unavailable they don’t reciprocate or give back, it means that I don’t have to be in the position of receiving, which is a vulnerable place for me. Relationship of every kind requires a mutual 2-way street. To have it any less than balanced is basically to be emotionally unavailable.


Thank you, that really helped... I keep falling head over heels for men that are unavailable, and my heart just keeps getting broken repeatedly.. I grew up being severely abandoned and neglected throughout childhood so the same abandonment trauma keeps repeating.. I'm really on my edge with this


This is 100% me. I know exactly what I want but I also feel like I’m being tested and that God is preparing me for something amazing. This isn’t just men but my overall purpose in life. Great video! Thank you.


The universe tested me this summer by trying to bring a toxic person back into my life, but I dodged that person and situation. Very blessed and happy about walking away from him. Thank you, this really resonated 💖


I'm so tired of attracting unavailable and married men. I just want my own husband & life partner that i can continue to grow with. Help!! 😔😢


Omg! Yes! As we speak I am being tested. I have said what I want in my relationship and I am getting the exact opposite. I look at them and say " if I date you what do I gain?" Nothing but heartache and in the end loneliness. So I am trying to stay strong and continue to push for what I truly want.


I've been attracting unavailable men my whole life! I have 2 ex-husbands to prove it, and for
some ungodly reason, a number of married men who have been attracted to me, but I don't play that game. Finally about 2 years ago I realized what my passion and true path was and, as I
pursue that, the unavailable men just disappeared from my life! I haven't found the right guy
yet, but I'm also not stressing over it. My life is really good right now, just the way it is! I'm
confident the right guy will come along when the time is right.


This happens to learn your worth and stand your ground. I have been going through this and I know my worth now the more I see my worth the more I know that I am deserving of a loving respectful relationship. Thank you God


The universe tested me and I really thought I had slipped back into an old habit. But I realized it's easy to get casual sex but I'm after true love with my soulmate. One little slip up doesn't have to undo all the working you have done on healing.


Thanks for this, I haven't heard this perspective before but it did happen to me. After years of feeling hopelessly in love with an unavailable (married) man, I set the intention to move on because I finally learned and decided that I deserved more. I met a wonderful man and about a year later, Mr Married came back, wanting to meet up again. This really cemented my inner knowing that I did NOT want to get caught up in that again so I was able to say thanks but no thanks with a clear heart and boy did that feel good! Btw, my new man and I just celebrated our fifth anniversary together so all is well! Thanks again and all the best to you.


Thank you, Matt. This was exactly what I needed.

Over the past year, I have attracted / dated three specific men whom I've had to say 'no' too.
The first was someone who I had a great connection with, but he was constantly lying to me.
The second was my dream guy, but wanted to be 'just friends'. He wanted me to put my feelings aside so we could continue to hang out. I said no to that, and cut ties with him.
The third was someone who ghosted me, came back, and has been putting very little effort into rekindling anything with me.

And you're right, I have been looking at these guys and previous guys and thinking, "What the hell?! I'm clear on what I want. I believe I deserve what I want...so why am I getting liars, users and friend zoners?!"

Thank you for this reminder that on our way to receiving what we want, we must first walk through a forest of trees that we don't want. Not only does it give us contrast, but all of these people and the lessons that come with us help to mold us into the people we need to be to have a healthy, happy, fulfilling relationship with the people we want to be with.

Thank you!


Iam tired of attracting married men.. Matt. you are right, this is my situation


Yes this is 💯 true. I personally experienced this recently when an ex popped up out of nowhere after 2 years. The Universe does test us and shake things up before the real deal is delivered


So well explained! I think as women, we tend to be so self-critical and internalize everything. Relationships in general are a mirror to our perception of Self. I see this in other areas of my life. The Universe is synchronistic and romantic relationships reflects our shadow and most deepest and most vulnerable wounds. It requires self-awareness and a mindset shift. Thank you! 🙏🏼😊💗


Simply amazed by the wonderful synchronicity...I received the message right on time...


This is exactly where I’m at in life! Thank you for this video. I have been a magnet for unavailable men since my divorce last year. I finally made the commitment to avoid men who have girlfriends, who just want friends with benefits, etc. In the past week, it’s like all these unavailable men have been pouring into my life like a flood! I am sticking to my guns and what I really want. Thank you for this video-it’s inspiring and validating.


This makes total sense to me. We often distract ourselves with things that are not of our interest. A quick reminder is what we need to make sure that we are doing the work we should be doing in order to advance to where we need to be. I have to remind myself that I put out energy, and if I’m still attuned with something else, and not giving something else a chance then I’m blocking my own blessings. Trust the universe and all it’s signs, signals and energies.


It's strange you mentioned unavailable people showing up in my life just as I am lining up what I really want. This gave me so much more confidence in myself. It's teaching me to reject the wrong people in a professional way. I now know that it's revealing to me who I am. And my true value because Satan doesn't attack unless God has His hands on you. I must fight for my future. Thank you Jesus for this revelation. What You have for me is for me. Thank you Matthew for you have been a great inspiration.
