12 Types of Annoying Coworkers You May Encounter

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12 Types of Annoying Coworkers You May Encounter - If you've worked before, you've had an annoying coworker. It's just part of the normal work place. But make sure you're not the one being annoying. Here's a poke at 12 annoying types of people you may encounter at work.

1. The overdressed
2. The loud talker
3. The messy coworker
4. The food hoarder
5. The Inconsiderate eater
6. The gossip
7. The tattle tail
8. The slacker
9. The suck up
10. The unavailable coworker
11. The constant complainer
12. The corporate mooch

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Heres one that i always encounter in every job ive ever had: the guy thats always "joking" but in reality hes actually attacking you ie: saying things about your family or children that would get your teeth knocked out if you were anywhere else but when you decide to treat him/her the same way its unacceptable. The "they have the right but you dont mentality".


The co worker who tells you all the anoying things other co workers do 😅


In defense of us Over-Dressers: most of us actually dress for ourselves, not to show up our coworkers. Why is it impossible that we’d prefer to wear a jacket and tie? And in a workplace that has one of those “dress how you want” dress codes, why are we trying to police people for dressing how they want, just because it’s not how we’d dress ourselves?


The ones that annoy me the most are the ones that carp on everyone else's work and the ones that think that they're the boss when they aren't in fact the boss.


You guys ever had a coworker who always needs help with whatever they are doing? It gets to the point it slows others down and the worst part is even when you do help them ....they usually forget and ask you again and again. Almost as if they rely on others to think for them.


I'll be honest.. this stuff is why I never want to go into the office again.


Spot on. I also had a guy who was suffering from some hyperactivity syndrome, and had to constantly produce some noises (as if proving to himself he was still alive). So all sorts of whistling, foot stomping, playing music, loud laugh outbursts, etc. were on his menu. Btw, I learned quite a few useful English words from this video, thanks for that!


Can we talk about all the cringey things employers say like we’re a family etc 🙄 it annoys the hell out of me because it’s so manipulative, in the end it’s a business and they don’t care about anyone but themselves; also, coworkers are not your friends, no matter how much you talk or share with each other. I had a coworker tell me how much they enjoy working with me and was trying to convince me not to leave the job for a remote opportunity, and literally at the end of that day we were the last two to leave and I forgot my purse (which had my keys, phone, and wallet) inside without a key to go back in. This coworker who had just finished talking about how much he cared about all of us literally just drove away and left me outside without a care as to my well being in that situation. Luckily, I was given a key from a few offices down that had been working late and was able to go back inside to grab my purse, but it really pissed me off that this coworker of two years who seemed like a good, caring person didn’t actually give a crap about me as a person and would have left me outside in the cold to rot. We worked in an industrial area with no sidewalks so if no one in the nearby offices were still there I would have had to walk along the dangerous main road till I could find another business or store to use their phone.


Loud talker at a previous job would march around with his headset on, up and down all the aisles, as if he wanted to make sure everyone in the area could hear what he was talking about. Then there are the ones who take conference calls on speaker phone in their cube, and crank the volume and loud as possible. My favorite pet peeve is the ones who come in to the office after bathing in perfume or cologne, and you can smell them from 100' away.


Would you mind making a video on what to do when everyone seems to be qutting around you. How you should process that, how maybe to ask for more money for increased work load or how to push back if asked to pick up the slack of vaccant employees that have left from this Great Resignation. Would love to hear your point of view from this perspective.


When it comes to the unavailable coworker, be careful because you don't know what's going on with their life outside of working hours. When my wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to go to radiation daily and chemotherapy weekly, I became the unavailable coworker. I couldn't take extended time off with FMLA because that is unpaid. I still had to ensure rent, etc, was covered, but outside of work, I was driving her to appointments and eventually visiting her in hospice before she died at only 41 years old. Her struggling with cancer and having deteriorating health was not something I shared with my coworkers because it's not their business.

So yeah, the unavailable coworker or the one who leaves early a lot or comes in late isn't always lazy or unprofessional. They could very well be dealing with something like a terminally ill family member and work just does not take priority over that. If FMLA were a paid benefit, it would be a lot easier, but since it's not, a lot of us still had to somehow work to bring home that paycheck that kept the lights on all while watching their spouse die before their eyes.


Uuuugh I used to be the gossip. So awful!! I didn’t realize it was wrong! I didn’t realize I was doing it because it made me feel like I had power/control. I moved to a different state and met ladies who introduced me to the idea of prudence 😆


I am the annoying coworker because I do not play well with other children, I do my job and do not want to be bothered or get involved with other employees crap. If I need assistance I will get it but other wise let me alone to do my job. I am not working for my coworkers. I work for the company that pays me. Leave me the hell alone to do my job!


I was the Unavailable Coworker at my old job, because it was the only way to make sure your days off were kept. The job was a security gig that has and will continue to have chronic and high turnover rates. For a time I helped alot by filling shifts, and to the end I worked 6 days a week for months, with one day working a regular 14 hour shift. In my opinion, I worked my fair share at a awful pay of 9 dollars an hour. Overtime paid 3 dollars more, but taxes digested a chunk of it so it wasn't worth it to work 112 hours in two weeks.

The pay was awful, the benefits nonexistent, and it was a toxic work place where even the supervisors were toxic; with the lead supervisor even disrespecting me several times despite me helping him way back when he needed my help. One coworker dealt with retaliation from a supervisor for reporting another coworker for unsafe conduct. Another was forced to resign after standing up to a bully of a supervisor. Another worked two weeks straight only for a time request to be denied.

For a time management even lied about the pay being higher to bait on fresh bodies, of which they promptly quit on principle. Being the Unavailable Coworker was the only way I was able to retain my sanity in a terrible workplace.

Even now, the shortstaffing and high turnover is just as terrible as it was when I worked there.

Management only cared about the millions they made off our backs and would burn us alive to appease the client if they complained. I have no guilt about making use of my limited personal time and never will.


Agreed with all of that, except the comment about the suck up. I feel like those, at least in my experience, always moved up faster than the rest.


What about work snitches aka the favorites


Good video, but I take exception to the " over dressed" one. I personally take pride in dressing professionally for work. I often get compliments about my professional attire and attitude toward work: polished, positive, professional who comes to work to get desired business results.


The worst for me are the whistlers, it's very intrusive in an otherwise quiet office. For some reason, if they know they're annoying you, they do it louder or more often. ANd you can't ask them to stop either because they do it more, at least the ones I've encountered. The worst is when you're trying to interview someone over the phone and that person is next to you whistling loudly.


I spent a fortune eating out at work because I was self conscious about the smell of my leftovers. I hated when people would comment on the smell, good or bad. I also hated when they asked what I am eating or when they would comment on the appearance, again whether it was good or bad.


Love your channel! Could you talk about "dangerous" coworkers, like one that I unfortunately still have, the saboteur, who will try to destroy you completely if you stand out a little bit
