If You're Single While All Your Friends Are Dating (Watch This Video)

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Are you lonely because all of your friends are dating and you have no one to call your girlfriend or boyfriend? If you're the only single person in your friends, it can be difficult to manage but you can STILL be happy despite it all.

If you feel like you're going to be single forever or even all throughout middle school, high school or college, try following my tips and you'll find a path that works for you. Here are my #Motivational Tips for when you feel #UnderPressure and learning how to #BeYourBestSelf!

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seeing a "friend" in a relationship feels like a hacksaw straight to the heart


Pressure to date? No, more like no one has free time for me because they're all coupled up. None of them can ever do anything as a single person anymore. I'm so tired of it.


I know a friend of mine who is in a relationship, and everytime I see them holding hands and what not, the intensity of my emotions just builds up, which kinda gives me the urge to just talk to different types of girls and moving TOO fast!


Yes I feel the pressure. My friends are all in relationships and tell me to just wait, but no one has helped me with this area of my life. I’m turned down whenever I do ask a girl out and I’ve only asked out maybe a dozen girls I was interested in throughout college. I don’t know.


My problem is I'm not putting myself out there. Trust me I try my best to do so but I'm just really shy and I can't get over it. Can anyone give me any advice?


The worst is not being alone its that youre friends turninh into brainless love zombies.

They cant go into vacation with u because the girlfriend foesnt allow it etc, they only talk about couple stuff etc.


I’m not even a ugly guy I’m just always at home 24/7 and never go outside to meet new people. But I need to change this


Perfect timing, At times I do feel lonely by not being in a relationship but I have restricted myself from having one to focus on my career, my friends and family tell me that's not a way to live but it is at times hard to even talk to one when your a senior in high school that's an introvert


I've had people make fun of me for being single in the past, and I would ask them: "How full is your wallet, how much time do you have to yourself, and how many girls do you talk to now?" They still laughed at me (bragging about getting laid - of course), but I was able to afford to support my hobbies and go out of town to attend conventions, and got to hangout with a bunch of girls (who all shared their contact info with me and talk to from time to time). They quickly shut their mouths and became sad :D Being single is awesome, although having someone to love and receive love in return is always nice. Especially when you both have similar interests and go out of town to attend conventions together. Unlike the guys who made fun of me, since their girlfriends didn't share the same interests, thus forcing the guys to do what their girlfriends wanted all the time, which ultimately lead to their relationships crumbling soon after. I got the last laugh in the end :D


So I’m on my sophomore year of high school and it’s going out really bad, I don’t have many friends, classes are really rough in many ways, and I’m not in any relationship, I really want to get my life back together and I do try to have a positive attitude but it feels like it gets worse and worse 😞


I’m 31 and all of my friends are now in relationships or married. It’s to the point where they’re getting extremely annoying and preachy about it. Honestly there’s a lot of girls that wanna date me but I’m not into them so my friends think I’m too picky. I’d rather be single and happy than in a relationship with someone I’m not very attracted to just for the sake of saying I’m in a relationship. Just gotta put myself out there more I guess


What a coincidence, I was just thinking about this yesterday


I'm currently going through with this right now, it's like being a man thirsty for water watching all of your friends swimming in a pool. I feel like I need to improve myself before I date, before I step into someone else's life I need to get mine in order first, good advice though. Thanks for making this video!


WOW! I’m glad I stumbled across this video it’s something I really needed to watch. It’s great advice that was given to me that I really need to hold onto as a individual that I am. I’ll admit 90% of my friends are in relationships and I’m single I basically live my life supporting my friend’s love because all I can really do is wait for my man to come my way. I’m only 23 with my whole life ahead of me maybe I’ll find love one day. 💕


Honestly I do feel lonely when surrounded by couples however I then smile and be like “I’m really for them and my time will come” this current moment is all about independent growth and striving for your dreams


My mom passed away 5 months ago and I want to find someone to be in a successful relationship. I've dated before in the past and learned the sort of women that I need in my life. It's really eye opening when your dying parent asks when will you find love.


I am definitely in this spot right now. Just got out of a 3 yr relationship and I told myself I’m gonna stay single for a year and all of a sudden everyone of my friends is suddenly hooked up and It’s starting to get to me. Thank you for putting this video up it just feels good to know that it’s not just me feeling this


100% of my friends is in a relationships.
All 1 of them.


The girl I like is now dating one of my friends, we were hanging out us three and another friend and all the two of them did was cuddle. It was uncomfortable. And annoying. And I respect both of them, so don't know how I feel!


Yes. Most of them have kids, a partner, I'm alone. It cuts deep into your soul. I go home to a empty house. I sometimes wish I could turn this feeling off, but I can't.
