Kitten & Cat Care : How to Raise Just-Born Kittens

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Raising just-born kittens involves building a warm nest for them and feeding them an appropriate milk replacement throughout the day. Make sure the kittens are free of any diseases with information from a practicing veterinarian in this free video on pet care.

Expert: Marcia Martin
Bio: Dr. Marcia Martin is a 1990 graduate of Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin
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Did anyone here just found an abandoned newborn kitten and doesn't know what to do


I rescued a two week old kitty a month ago. I did everything I could but she went. Its my little baby's 40th day in heaven. I miss Ollie so much!


1. Determine how old the kitten:
10 days eyes, 2 weeks teeth
2. Nest to keep them warm
3. Milk replacer (not with cow’s milk):
<1 week: 8x for 4 ounces
2 weeks: 4x for 12 ounces
3 weeks: 3x for 27 ounces
4 weeks: kitten food
4. Stimulate defecate + urinate with warm cloth
5. Take to vet (intestinal parasite, fleas, infectious disease)


I really want to know the people who gave this video thumbs down. This doctor is pleasantly decent, skilled and concise.


My cat died, she was missing for two days and I finally found her. She just had her babies 4 days ago. I'm so sad but I'm going to take good care of them.


🥺😭 We found 3 baby kittens, newborns. I'm reading the comments and it seems a lot of people kittens died this young without their mommy. I am terrified these precious little things will die. They're so adorable and I'm so poor, but I'll do everything in my power to love and care them. Even if I have to lose a month of sleep, I don't want to lose a single one.


Someone just threw a kitten, less than three days old, in my yard. And not only that it was thrown in front of my dog! Thankfully, Max didn't hurt the kitten but I'm disgusted that a person can do such a thing! I'm really worried, I've never cared for newborn animals.


So my cat just gave birth today. Just 1 kitten. She at 1st seemed to abandon it. I had to remove the placenta- watched a video, and it worked perfectly. Was debating how I’m gonna handle feeding, when my cat came out of hiding. I petted her gently, and placed her in the box with blankets where I put the kitten. She was unsure what to do at 1st, and calmly jumped out. But then kept going back in the box to see. Finally her maternal instincts kicked in. Currently licking her baby clean. It’s almost like she didn’t know if I’d approve of her kitten, and needed me to tell her it’s ok, so she could go forward with her instincts. Just glad Mother Nature is doing its thing


My adult male dog brought a newborn kitten for us to care for. I was not prepared for this at all. Learning and it’s been an amazing experience so far!


just got a baby kitten and she's approx' 4 days or so. the feeding bottle is hard to find though.


Sad fact
Most people watching this have a kitten who's still not feed for a couple of hours😭😭😭


If you don't have a heating pad, fill a jelly jar with hot water, wrap it in a towel and lay it in the nest. Kittens will climb up on it like mama's belly and go to sleep. Refresh every 3-4 hours.


Thank you!!! my poor kittens been abandoned by her mom and I didn’t know how to do ....


I'm getting my first baby kitten tomorrow 😍! I'm so excited


Thank you so much, this helped an orphan kitten I found


Thank you this helps a lot just found a kitten outside in the rain currently nursing it.


I hope these sweet little babies featured in this video are having happy lives


When I was a boy in the early 50s I remember a farmer who milked his cow every day. On the porch at the kitchen door there was a 3 ft diameter galvanized lid . The farmer would pour a draugh of milk and instantly about 15 or so white angora barn cats surrounded the lid and made it all dissappear. They seem to come out of nowhere. Great memories,



Well of course it isn't easy, remember you are dealing with a newborn kitten, just like newborn babies they depend on you 100% because they are not able to do basic things on their own.

You have to be patient and above all caring with kittens or any newborn animal. It's not the kitten's fault if he doesn't pee or poop, it is possible that the kitten has a serious problem that is not allowing it to poop or pee, like an infection, deformity etc. So be caring and patient.


I just got one and no matter what I do, she just screams, bites and scratches for the slightest thing. God forbid if the bottle falls out of her mouth. She would start scratching her face scream and bite anything around her. I have seen vicious cats before and it seems she is one of them. I have even seen people like her. Its amazing that they are born with it.
