What if Obi Wan Never Went into Exile Trilogy What if Star Wars

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Welcome to the trilogy of What if Obi-Wan Never Went into Exile! The death of General Grievous at the hands of Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi, seemed to signal the end of the clone war, and make the Republic victorious, but as soon as the Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker returned from his meeting with Chancellor Palpatine, the report from fellow Council member Mace Windu, was irrelevant. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had turned out to be the Sith Lord they had been looking for, and the Master of the Order organises an arrest for Palpatine with three other Council members, but not Anakin. But the Jedi knight had other ideas, fearing for the life of his secret wife Senator Amidala of Naboo, and deciding to join Palpatine, in the faint hope of gaining the knowledge to save her from imminent death, the galaxy quickly turned against the Jedi. Obi-Wan was one of the few Jedi who were able to escape, and reuniting with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and Jedi Grandmaster Yoda, they try to apprehend the Sith. Failing to stop the rise of the Empire, the Jedi were forced to go into hiding, with Obi-Wan residing on his old padawan’s home planet of Tatooine, tasked with looking over Luke Skywalker, and keeping him safe from the Emperor. But what if Obi-Wan never went into exile? What else would he have done to help the galaxy? As you are about to find out, the existence of a more active Obi-Wan, could have altered the fate of those in the Empire and the Rebellion…

I always think about the past and events that could have changed. On my channel you will find What Ifs on any question of your choice. So come and join my channel by subscribing if you want to and lets think 'What If' together!

Music Used:
Song: Escape from the Temple
Artist: Per Kiilstofte

Escape from the Temple by Per Kiilstofte
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

#StarWars #whatif
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Imagine kenobi would be a known Inquisitorious killer. That would be epic


LETS GO!!!! Obi Wan fanfictions are always an instant watch.


So Obi wan helps save the Galaxy? Makes sense he has the high ground.


Day 205
What if Revan was the Chosen One?
What if Dooku was the Jedi Grandmaster?
What if Revan trained Anakin, Ahsoka & Galen Marek?

What if Tarkin was behind the temple bombing?

What if Palpatine was framed for the temple bombing?
What if Hondo was Force sensitive?
What if Hondo teamed up with Jack Sparrow?

What if Quinlan Vos & Shaak Ti went to Zygerria with Obi-Wan, instead of Anakin & Ahsoka?
What if Aayla Secura went to Zygerria instead of Ahsoka?

What if the Clone Wars was against the Eternal Empire?
What if the clone wars was against Vitiate's Sith Empire?

What if Darth Malgus returned during the clone wars?

What if Kanan travelled back in time instead of dying?
What if Fives ran into Ahsoka while he was on the run?

What if the Jedi were allowed to love and have families?
What if Aayla Secura & Kit Fisto were married?
What if Ahsoka & Barriss fell in love?

What if Obi-Wan & Luminara fell in love?
What if Ahsoka & Senator Chuchi fell in love
What if Obi-Wan & Ventress fell in love?
What if Dooku & Jocasta Nu fell in love?

What if a number of Jedi were parents?
What if Depa Billaba was Caleb Dume's mother?
What if Shaak Ti was Ahsoka's mother?
What if Luminara was Barriss's mother?
What if Adi Galia or Stass Allie was Katooni's mother?
What if Korkie Kryze was Obi-Wan's son?
What if Padme adopted Ahsoka after she left the Order?
What if Plo Koon left the Jedi Order to raise his little 'Soka?

What if Shaak Ti trained Anakin?
What if Kreia trained Anakin & Starkiller?

What if Anakin's father was Valkorion?
What if Ahsoka was a Sith Lord?

What if Anakin hated Palpatine after Ahsoka's trial?
What if Ahsoka & Ventress teamed up as bounty hunters?

What if the Son failed to corrupt Ahsoka?
What if Ahsoka was secretly a Sith Lord?
What if Ahsoka killed the Son?
What if Ahsoka sued Tarkin & Palpatine after her trial?
What if Quinlan Vos joined the Bad Batch?
What if all of Ahsoka’s friends within the Jedi Order left with her?
What if Depa Billaba survived Order 66?
What if Dooku took over Mandalore instead of Maul?
What if Bo-Katan was one of the Cuy'val Dar?
What if Dooku never betrayed Ventress?


What if palpatine failed to kill his master?


I have seen Star Wars Theory do this before, however I really want to see what his interpretation of this what if would be:

What if Obi Wan managed to save Anakin on Mustafar

^ in the scene where he says "I have failed you Anakin"


Yes, i am an Obiwan fan. He does piss me off sometimes though. He still often comes off as arrogant, and i know that's just presentation, that is not really where his heart is -his heart is in the right place 99% of the time. He seems to often emotionally disconnect from people and events, and i am not blaming him for that either, i see it as his coping mechanism. He does sometimes make morally questionable, perhaps even bankrupt decisions, but again, don't we all in the moments we would rather not talk about? Sometimes it seems like he tries so hard to be Jedi that i really want to punch him in the jaw & collect a tooth or two from him because he goes into unrelatable mode! Do i make any sense here? :)


I want to know what happened to Vader after he killed Palpatine.


What if Luke found me when creating a new jedi Order


you sould do a what obi wan defeated both Anakin and sidius


Day something I don’t remember how many days what does Asoka’s clone didn’t betray her during order 66
What if The gunship wasn’t out of ammo to shoot Dooku in attack of the clones


What if palpatine brought r2 with him after vaders defeat on maustifar


I like this what if a'lot if Obiwan didn't go in to exhile and just go rally up allies and take down palpatine woulld make a huge difference and vader redeeming himself in the battl by fulling his destiny is perfect and with him recovering from the electricity by from his fromer new master Obiwan have come into terms with Anakin and would bring him the medicial facillity at once and while herecovers he and organa would bring him to his children and tell them the truth about how padme and he would bring Anakin to mustfar and watch over him along with his side of the family if a new evil would rise he would be there .


I want more sith leia i your storys ok? Would be awesome because it just looks badass as fuck


Why was Obi-wan travelling around fighting and what not with a new born? If he was worried about Owen then he should've left Luke with Bail and took Leia to Owen regardless of whether Bail would prefer a girl. Honestly both should've always been trained. Luke lost in ROJ, Sidious was gonna kill him if not for Anakin's return of the Jedi. Both twins should've been trained and the first thing they should've learned is hiding their force signature, Leia obviously already had a natural ability, although it's never said outright.


What if Windo didn't believe Anikin


What if Obi-Wan stayed Maul's prisoner on Mandalore?


What if Ahsoka Tano was in the Legacy Era?


What if Ahsoka(Me) trained Anakin
What if Ahsoka(Me) was older than Anakin


what if obi wan took leia instead of luke
