Finding & Using Good Reference Images | Not Just Copying

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In this episode I discuss whether it's OK to copy reference images, where to find references and how to use them in your projects.

Make sure you post in the description about places where you find good references and if you have any thoughts on the subject.

to buy your own anatomy figure:
code ABBITT20

It's from GearBest
I use a graphics tablet to paint with and I can recommend this one for the price and responsiveness it's probably the cheapest of that quality as well.

Learn the basics with this playlist:

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Posemaniacs is a nice sight. Not only do they have a lot of 2D images of male and female anatomy from many different poses, but they also allow you to turn some of the images in 360 degrees. The site is all free too.


When of the coolest things I've ever heard was "Steal like an artist!"

"STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST!" was some of the best advice I've ever heard. Taking inspiration from different people and combining it into your own artwork is such a useful tool!


When I need a muscle anatomy reference, I just look in the mirror. Nahh.... That'll make all my character gone 'dad bod'.


I find sketchfab is also really good for anatomy, since you can rotate around just like with the 3D total model. You just gotta make sure you find a good quality one.


What about VR ? Like, you mentionned museum and I know there are VR reproduction of museum, would these be good ? Maybe also there exist other app for VR that could be useful for references.


It'd be nice if Discord recognized how often you mentioned them in your video, maybe get some free stuff from them, am I right? :)


I bought the figure with your discount.! Really great 👍


If you want to learn architecture and anatomy, I think tracing can help give you practice to learn shape and form better however there is a downfall to only knowing how to trace and copy. If you don't know how to create on demand without the guide of someone else or a reference image, then you are not being original and putting your style or personality into the piece. Copying other people's artwork will never make you feel proud or stand out as a unique artist. Sometimes you don't even need reference images, just imagine something, take a ball of clay and pull it into the shape you are trying to achieve and just have fun.


I love your channel. I don't know why or how, but you seem to have the answer for all my doubts right when I need them. THANK YOU. I love your channel and joined today your Discord channel too. :)


If I'm modelling something I always ask myself if I have a point of reference somewhere around me in real life. I've seen others model things like a lightbulb by collecting a whole bunch of images to look at, but forgetting to simply go get a light bulb that they almost surely had in their house somewhere.

I don't think it's that hard to add some deviation in your own work from any references you might have, so I'm not in the 'copy directly' camp, yet one thing I do like if I can get it is actual dimensions. If I can get a similar item in real life I might be measuring it with a tape measure, if not I might look for dimensions online, and then I use a real world measurement system in Blender to use that information. It gives a lot of confidence that you're getting it right. I was working on a character sculpt recently and was trying to guess the length of the foot, but then I simply looked up a shoe size chart and could pick a size that suited the height of my character; turns out my guess was quite a bit too long. Referencing gets more important the more realism you're trying to achieve I think.


If you've seen Angel Ganev's work, not sure if it's just the inner-weeb speaking or if it has some technical aspects to it, but personally I find the painting to look better than the reference images.

P.S love the sweet pre-processed 360p goodness :P


This is a video all new comers should see


@1:22 I think you must have got the one based on the shop keeper from Mr. Benn.


What i do, when i dont have reference fotos i took myself: Look up any kinds of images of random people. I make a collage out of various pictures in PS and alter the face of the reference so that it is not recognizable anymore (like putting a skull in place where the head is) and adding other assets to the body, like new clothes a hat etc. Then i print it out and use it as a reference for my drawing. I usually ending up adding more things to personalize it even more. Would you consider this as copying? Thanks in advance.


I want precise alignment to wire frame my model but to be able to still see my image.. you understand? If so how would this work?


I work from my head about 90% of the time. More recently I only use references for things I never drawn before, for my comic or when I need inspiration. I have not done any photobashing for concept art bur many artist do. I never feel any remorse because everything you see I have drawn mostly comes from my head unless it is of a famous person or difficult pose.


I used a reference yesterday to make a legioniare. I used a charcter for shape. I can show you in discord


stealing from one source is called plagiarism

stealing from multiple sources is called Innovation, well kind off, it is about the inspiration and not the copying.


where do you get reference images for both
front view and side view


Hello Grant:

I started watching your videos a few days ago and I find them very interesting. In this one, you speak about an artist who copied a photo paying attention to every single detail. Well, when I was a teenager, I used to do oil painting and, one day, when I was trying to do that, my teacher (well, not a teacher, but the owner of the atelier) told me: "If you want to paint exactly what you see, go get a camera and take a picture, because that's not art, that's photography".

Thanks & greets from Argentina (Hope it is from England someday)
IDsign4U (Marcelo Miguel Bazan)
