Women's Suffrage

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This clip from HumIn Focus episode 3 explores the history of Women's Suffrage in America.
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The historic women’s suffrage march on Washington - Michelle Mehrtens
Women's Suffrage: Crash Course US History #31
100 Years of Women's Voting Rights | Citizen: Full-Length Documentary
The 19th Amendment | History
Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage
Defining Moments: Women’s suffrage
Women's Suffrage
By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South | The Citizenship Project | NPT
The Surprising Road to Women's Suffrage
Sound Smart: Women's Suffrage | History
Untold Stories of Black Women in the Suffrage Movement
When voting rights didn't protect all women
Women's Suffrage | Visual Propaganda
Votes for women: How the suffragists won
Women's Suffrage & The 19th Amendment Explained
The long road to women's suffrage
The Past and Future of the Women’s Rights Movement | Women's History Month | PEOPLE
Women’s Suffrage and Prohibition with Rachel Myers | MPB
Role of Men in the Women's Suffrage Movement
Women opposed to Women’s Suffrage | Who opposed votes for women?
Women in the 19th Century: Crash Course US History #16
The Roots of Women's Suffrage: Women's Suffrage Movement, Part 7
100 years later: Tennessee's role in women's suffrage
A Fractured Suffrage Movement: Women's Suffrage Movement, Part 10