Where should we look for ET? Avi Loeb, Seth Shostak

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Finding intelligence in the cosmos might be done simply by paying attention. While SETI scientists look for radio or optical signals, the astronomy community is perennially on the lookout for all types of cosmic phenomena. One example of the latter is the discovery, three years ago, of what was thought to be a previously unknown asteroid. While asteroids are enormously commonplace in our solar system, this object, christened Oumuamua, is clearly from someone else’s solar system. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb has suggested that Oumuamua might not be an asteroid at all, but a type of interstellar craft, sent our way by extraterrestrials. Why does he think this, and what is the larger lesson we should heed in our search for alien intelligence?

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Seth and Avi. Can it become more brilliant? Thank you gentlemen.


I love this guy. I bought his book and I feel that we should take this seriously. We are not the only ones in the universe, I believe that are many advanced civilizations in our galaxy and others. Most of them are advanced, some of them are like us and some of them are just starting. I also believe SETI needs to be funded by government.


I don't know whether life in the universe is common or rare, but Avi Loeb is everywhere. And I like it.


I was ready to dismiss this dude, but he makes some good points. I think we should be looking for a hand with a light saber attached, but that's just me.


I don't mean to dismiss Professor Loeb's expertise, but he comes across in this interview as a bit of a crank, with his long defensive rants about closed-minded scientists and Giordano Bruno and dark matter and his daughters, barely letting Seth finish what he was saying. Felt less SETI Institute and more Coast to Coast AM at points. Such rants are particularly out of place here, since fans of the SETI Institute don't need to be persuaded to entertain the idea of alien life.


I always enjoy listening to Avi Loeb (and Seth, of course) .


“I want to believe, ” as they say. That is the reason for my reluctance to jump too heavily onboard. Let me explain. I read the book and he makes some strong arguments. Logical, step by step. Credit there. However, Back in my teenager years (the 70s! Groovy) I read a book on the Devils Triangle. Totally convinced me. I also read about Bigfoot, ghosts, the Rosewell crash, etc... I’m a sucker for speculation with an amazing theory of extreme answers. But answer to the promise never arrives. Entertaining yes. Hard evidence, no. They have no image. The inference comes from point of light intensity that changes over time, the color, and the speed. Big leap. So now I try to be extra critical of these things. On the other hand, here I am again, reading an other book on these things. Maybe I’ll never learn.


great interview. please bring this channel to lbry.


Can this object still be tracked or is it out of range ?


If the aliens watch this broadcast, they decide to ignore us. Not because we are still not "warp capable", but because it is obviously still necessary to compresse audio signals.


Just an Idea Seth, perhaps you should put Avi Loebs name in the title of the video? His name is gaining allot of traction and it would help your interview reach more people if it shows up in their search results. Great interview!


Geez. Every YouTube channel I'm subscribed to is interviewing Avi. I'm not mad though he's a great speaker this is very interesting stuff and very interesting times lucky to be around as we discover these first Interstellar objects next we find intergalactic Etc


Rock or Solar Sail; there should be more of them.


love Avi, dude is so passionate about this


I have a box. You cannot determine what is in the box unless you look inside. If you don't look inside, it's speculating to offer opion about my box's contents. Why would you choose speculation over investigation? Thanks, Avi. Thanks Seth.


Not so many years ago it was considered non-scientific to think about and search for exoplanets. Now it is considered non-scientific to think about and search for life elsewhere.

I can see a similarity in the way, science works.


Also what if there's stuff we don't understand about dark "energy" maybe if more local than thought of? Js


Seth can't believe that...they wouldn't come before they give us a call...at least without using a Fourier Analysis...🤔


At around 15:50 Professor Loeb proceeds to verbally bitch slap those colleagues referring to them as MEDIOCRE at best!


Strange how a professional researcher does not know what a cylinder is, but rather chooses to use the word "cigar"
