Jesus Our New High Priest: Hebrews 7 (Part 10) #biblestudy

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This chapter contains what is really the dominant theme of the entire book of Hebrews. The author reveals the superiority of Jesus over the old covenant Levitical priesthood and draws out the the significant implications that follow. There are many deep connections and comparisons in this chapter between Jesus and the old covenant law and priesthood. This chapter also contains the Bible's most exhaustive explanation of the mysterious OT character Melchizedek. There are only two brief references to him in the entire Hebrew Bible (Genesis 14 and Psalm 110) and the author of Hebrews offers a NT commentary on both of them.

In some ways, everything the author has said so far in chapters 1-6 has been anticipating his discussion of Jesus as our high priest, which he begins in Chapter 7, and continues on until at least Chapter 10. This is a challenging chapter for Torahism (Hebrew Roots, Torah-keepers) which is that fringe group of Christians who, for some reason, think we’re still under the old covenant law. One way they try to get around what this chapter teaches is by saying that Jesus is a high priest in heaven but that doesn’t mean that the laws requiring an earthly Levitical priesthood have come to an end. But the author of Hebrews doesn’t allow that conclusion. He isn’t talking about an addition to the priesthood, he’s talking about a change in the priesthood. A change that’s so significant it necessitates a change in the law as well.



00:00 Introduction
02:02 The Old Covenant Temple System
14:31 Hebrews 7:1-10 (The Priestly Order of Melchizedek)
35:55 Hebrews 7:11-19 (Jesus Compared to Melchizedek)
48:05 Hebrews 7:20-28 (Jesus Our Great High Priest)
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I’ve been obsessing over these Hebrews studies! So amazing! Thank you Rob!


YHVH bless the reading and teaching of the Word
(and hearing and believing)

Автор priesthood in the order of Melchizedek with King and Priest together through the line of Judah and not through the Levites produces a new law. I need your teaching for the finer points but this I say. When you understand these concepts you become in total awe of how great God, Messiah and Spirit are. Hallelujah!!!! Christ is All and In All. How great is His love.!!!


Absolutely brilliant. A critical piece in the the whole picture! Thank you!!


Great stuff as always. That change in priesthood and offering gets repeated so clearly over the next few chapters that many Torah observance folks will agree that the sacrifices are done now that Christ has offered Himself. They just need to think through what that means.




Chiming in early in the message.. I've always seen the parallel of Melchizedek's one time offering "for the people" to Christ's "Once, for all"..


I'm new to your channel, but so far I think you're a really good Bible teacher! I've been studying about the Kingdom and outer darkness. Do you have any teaching on these subjects?


I am so saddened you broke your foot. Nothing worse than having to depend on a wheelchair or crutches. It really humbles us and makes us realize how vulnerable is our health from one day to the next. This teaching especially Hebrews 7:12 is never taught. I tell everyone now that I know but I am missing some of the finer points. I saw your short and can’t wait to dig into it. Thank you.


Hebrews 7:12 ‘for the priesthood being changed ( transferred ), there is made of necessity a change ( transfer ) also of the law.’
This is how Torah keepers read it: there was a transfer, not an ending.


Thanks Rob. Excellent meaty study I will have to listen to a few times to absorb everything!


I gotta beckon you to the rabbit hole for a sec prof: do you think they believed Melchizedek was immortal or still living according to "In the one case tithes are received by mortal men [Levites], but in the other case, by one of whom it is testified that he lives [Melchizedek]"? Or further symbolism to ultimately point to Christ interceding forever?

Also I gotta throw out the counter argument (which you may be able to make a YT short on?): the HRM will say

'"Change in law as well" merely means 'transfer of content of the law' not 'differing content'. The old covenant's laws are transferred to the new covenant because the priesthood has been transferred to Christ except for [insert atonement/sacrificial caveats]." Some go so far as to say that "the disciples still offered sacrifices in the temple after Christ's death, while the temple stood", citing Acts 21:26, implying once/if the temple comes back we ought to observe. What's your take Prof.? Thoroughly enjoying the series boss man :)


I keep the Sabbath, I keep the Dietary, I keep Passover outside Jerusalem, I keep Feast of Unleavened Bread, I keep Feast of Pentecost, I keep Feast of Trumpets, I keep Day of Atonement, I keep Feast of Tabernacles, I keep The Eighth Day (sometimes called the Last Great Day) I keep the Sabbath I keep the law.


In Galatians 3:24-25 the guardian is a schoolmaster, teaching and correcting to the letter of the law, the letter of the law has been nailed to the Cross, but it is by faith we are no longer under the law of sin and death, not because that law has gone, but all not of faith is sin which would return us under the law of sin and death.

This is why Paul talks of the obedience of faith, and the law of faith, not works of the law which are sin which justifies no one.


The best Bible teaching channel on Youtube.


I thought that was a very cool point that you made. That this was his plan.

That the whole idea of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins is something that was planned out.

What a wonderful blessing. I did not want Jesus Christ to die. But I am thankful for him.


Not sure if you're aware but your guy David Wilbert just put out another video attacking you. Yet he doesn't have time to discuss it like Paul suggests...?


Have you ever heard of Tom Bradford and Torah Class? I’m not a believer in Torahism but my in-laws are and this is who they watch and I would say(and I’ve watched many trying to find if this theology is correct) as far as Torah teachers go he is the most convincing.


Believers went from the old one schoolmaster to a new schoolmaster: from the Old Testament to the New Testament Galatians 3:24-25; Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:8-13 > Luke 22:20, Hebrews 10:19-20, 22.
Matthew 11:13 ‘For all the Law and the prophets prophesied until ( were until Luke 16:16 ) John’: the old schoolmaster had finished our schooling - YeHoVah finished our schooling.
Since that time - our schoolmaster: the Ten Commandments under God The Father were - the kingdom of God ( the kingdom of heaven Matthew 4:17 ) is preached …’
John the Baptist began preaching the kingdom of God ( Heaven ) with Jesus continuing the preaching.
Jesus became the messenger ( angel Malachi 3:1 ) ( carrying within himself ‘ this cup is the blood of the New Testament in my blood’ Luke 22:20 > Hebrews 9:19-20 ) of the kingdom of heaven. Luke 16:16.
There was a change ( Hebrews 7:12 transfer) of the law since there was a change ( Hebrews 7:12 transfer) of the priesthood.
Only not the Aaronic ( Levitical ) priesthood laws but only those Jesus [ speaking God’s words John 14:10 ] continued from the old Torah, tenahk.
Matthew 15:10
The standard of clean vs unclean changed from unclean or clean to the things voiced out of the mouth from an evil heart, these only Defile A Man, and not the old schoolmaster’s standards.
The old Law and the prophets were, but the kingdom of heaven ( of God )’s Law uses Only a part of the Old schooling ( the rest of the Old schooling no longer ) obligates believers.
The kingdom of God’s Law:
- The Which Commandments to Obey to have eternal life -
Don’t murder
Don’t commit adultery
Don’t steal
Don’t bear false witness : to others or : to yourself Don’t covet anything that is your neighbor’s :
Honor your father and your mother:
Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 19:16-19. Labeled in Leviticus 19:18, the second summit of the Old Law Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31: Exodus 20:12-17.

The Old Testament Ten Commandments included the first - Exodus 20:3-11
Have no other gods before Israel’s God
Make no graven images
Don’t bow down and serve them
Don’t take God’s name unworthily
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -
And the second
- Don’t murder
Don’t commit adultery
Don’t bear false witness - a) to others or b) to yourself Don’t covet anything that is your neighbor’s -
Honor your father and your mother:
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Since the second summary of the Old Testament’s Law is God’s Law of the kingdom of heaven ( God ) Matthew 19:16-19,
the first summary of the Old schoolmaster, the Ten Commandments Law no longer obligates any believer during the time of the Gentiles Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25.
I hope that helps.


The power of an indestructible life Hebrews 7:16:
Hebrews 6:20 ‘… Jesus, made for ever after the order of Melchizedek’
Hebrews 10:19-20 ‘Having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood - Moses … sprinkled both the book and the people, saying, This is the blood of the testament which God has enjoined upon you’ Hebrews 9:19-20 - of Jesus’ ‘this cup is the blood of the New Testament in my blood’ Luke 22:20.
After the blood of Abel cried to God from the ground Genesis 4:10, much less, the blood of Jesus who was given eternal life while he was living by his human blood ‘boldness to enter into the Holiest ( in heaven ) by the blood of Jesus’ which blood of Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us to God, not Jesus physically.
